Image by Gerd Altmann
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
One of the basic questions that we need to ask ourselves is Who am I? or maybe who am I, really. In many cases, we may not be who we show to the world. We may think we are what we've been trained or indoctrinated to be, or what we think is expected of us. However, for us to be authentically ourselves and live a fulfilled life, we must discover who we truly are and let that person come out to the forefront and shine.
This week, our featured authors assist us in that endeavor. They encourage us to acknowledge our wholeness, and reclaim our sacredness. Once we have done so, we may wonder how we ever were able to live without that authenticity. This week is the autumn equinox, so we also bring you a few ideas on honoring this time of year.
We will be introducing two new features to InnerSelf this week. They will be available on the home page at starting this Monday. The first is a column by co-publisher Robert Jennings, entitled "Today's Uptake". It will feature various "uptakes" on life, along with his commentary.
The other 'new' feature is a "reincarnation" of the Daily Inspiration by myself (Marie T. Russell). It is being renamed "Today's Inspiration" as it will not necessarily be a daily sharing, but more "in the flow". If you were subscribed to the Daily Inspiration, you will receive this new incarnation of "The Daily Inspiration", with the first one being sent out on Monday Sept. 19, 2022. If you'd like to subscribe to it, use this link. You can also subscribe to Robert's "Uptake" using that same link.
Scroll down for the new articles that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
Don't Turn Away from Truth: Acknowledge Your Wholeness
Amy Eliza Wong
There was a period in time before the less-than state settled into our psyche. Whether the unworthiness took up residence in preschool or kindergarten or at another pivotal moment, the truth is that there was a point in time before we decided we weren’t good enough.
Renaming and Reclaiming the Sacred
Phyllida Anam-Áire
Walking in nature, eating delicious food, poetry, playing with our children, dancing and singing, making love, are all graces we can name as sacred encounters with life itself. These experiences open us up to different states of being and have a positive effect on our psyches.
How Could I Have Missed This?
Mona Sobhani
I began this journey not expecting to find scientific evidence for my experiences, because the mainstream scientific materialist narrative suggests that evidence doesn’t exist for unexplained phenomena...
Developing An Ethical Consciousness in Our Collective Human Organism
Bernard Beitman, M.D.
Each human being may be part of something greater. Common phrases suggesting this reality include ’re all in this together” or “everything is connected.”
Making An Equinox Altar and Other Fall Equinox Projects
Ellen Evert Hopman
Fall Equinox is the time when the seas become rough as the winter gales set in. It is also the middle of the harvest, when day and night are of equal length...
Ocean Forests Are Larger Than The Amazon and More Productive Than We Thought
Albert Pessarrodona Silvestre, et al
Off the coastline of southern Africa lies the Great African Seaforest, and Australia boasts the Great Southern Reef around its southern reaches. There are many more vast but unnamed underwater forests all over the world.
How Digital Money Has Changed How We Live
Daromir Rudnyckyj
In simple terms, digital money can be defined as a form of currency that uses computer networks to make payments.
5 Ways To Keep Kids Curious
Perry Zurn
Kids are naturally curious. But various forces in the environment can dampen their curiosity over time.
M*A*S*H at 50 Years and Its Themes Are Timeless
Daryl Sparkes
Setting the series 20 years earlier allowed the creators to mask their criticisms behind a historical perspective – but most viewers realised the true context.
Like Genes, Your Gut Microbes Pass from One Generation to the Next
Taichi A. Suzuki and Ruth Ley
When the first humans moved out of Africa, they carried their gut microbes with them. Turns out, these microbes also evolved along with them.
When It’s Smart To Be Slow: Lessons from a Koala Bear
Danielle Clode
The koala was clinging to an old tree stag while stranded in the Murray River, on the border between New South Wales and Victoria. A team of students from La Trobe University noticed its predicament as they were paddling by in canoes.
Why You Should Talk To Your Boss Before 'Quiet Quitting'
Cary Cooper
Quiet quitting is a catchy name, popularised on social media, for something we’ve all probably done. Its popularity is probably down to the inevitable and much-needed pushback against “hustle culture”
Go Ahead, Ask For Help. It Makes People Happy
Melissa De Witte
People regularly underestimate others’ willingness to help, new research suggests.
Why It’s Not Anti-Environmental To Be In Favour Of Economic Growth
Eoin McLaughlin etal
In the midst of today’s cost of living crisis, many people who are critical of the idea of economic growth see an opportunity.
Thinking Covid Is ‘Like The Flu’ Is Killing People
Michael Toole and Brendan Crabb
It is difficult to understand the ease with which we have accepted a major proportion of the Australian population getting infected with COVID in just a matter of months.
3 Ways Companies Change Their Products To Hide Inflation
Adrian Palmer
There are certain product changes that businesses can and do make to try to quietly fold increased costs into prices. Here are three to look out for...
Why The Body Positivity Movement Risks Turning Toxic
Viren Swami
You define beauty yourself. You are more than a number on a scale. Love yourself the way you are. Body positive messages like these seem to be everywhere from social media to TV ads.
How Parents’ Internet Addiction Can Fuel Their Children’s
Raian Ali
Teenagers are often accused of being addicted to their mobile devices, but new research shows they’re often just modelling their parents’ behaviour.
Is Your Gas Stove Bad For Your Health?
Jonathan Levy
Academic researchers and agencies such as the California Air Resources Board have reported that gas stoves can release hazardous air pollutants while they’re operating, and even when they’re turned off.
It’s Not Just That Ultra-Processed Foods Have Low Nutritional Value That’s A Concern
Richard Hoffman
In countries such as the UK, US and Canada, ultra-processed foods now account for 50% or more of calories consumed
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: Sept. 19 - 25, 2022
Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: September 19 - 25, 2022 (Video)
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