- By Amy Brown
Parents today spend more time with their children than ever before. Yet, at the same time, they worry more than previous generations about doing enough – believing a lack of engagement may harm their child’s future success and wellbeing.
I’ve decided to write a letter to my daughters in 2050. But when I pick up my pen, I can’t do it. My brain is too crowded with images of a mid-century that I may not live to see.
Things have moved very quickly from keyboards and predictive text. The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) means bots can now write human-quality text without having hands at all.
Becoming a proficient reader holds endless possibilities for a child. These opportunties include long-term academic achievement and educational opportunities, daily life
The origins of obesity are deep and wide, beginning at conception and even earlier. To consider an individual with obesity, we need to view that person as a biological, emotional, and spiritual being in a historical and social context.
There are many reasons why a caesarean may be performed, though typically it happens for medical reasons...
Discover science-backed tips for selecting the perfect baby toy. Learn how to prioritize development, choose open-ended toys, and avoid misleading marketing claims.
Are you uncertain about when to enroll your summer-born child in school? Discover what research says about the advantages and disadvantages of delaying or deferring school entry. Explore the academic, social, and emotional considerations for summer-born children and make an informed decision based on your child's unique circumstances.
- By John Spencer
Explore the groundbreaking study on how talking to babies and toddlers impacts brain development. Learn about the influence of language input, myelin growth, and the benefits of contingent conversations.
Important conversations with teenagers are among the biggest challenges of parenting. They can feel like walking a tightrope.
Overtly hostile behavior tends to diminish with age except for a minority of children who are at risk of later criminality. This makes childhood a critical time for steering those most in-need away from difficult life paths.
A key finding of our Australian Child Maltreatment Study, published in early 2023, is that emotional abuse is widespread and associated with similar harms as sexual abuse.
In the past two decades, children have become more obese and have developed obesity at a younger age. A 2020 report found that 14.7 million children and adolescents in the U.S. live with obesity.
In her book, Parenting on Earth, philosopher and mother Elizabeth Cripps argues that to do right by their kids, parents must also attempt to do something about the problems caused by climate change.
Being tired is a feeling we often experience. When we do certain activities – physical or mental – over a period of time, or even after experiencing intense emotional states, we feel tired, perhaps even exhausted.
Occasional feelings of anxiety are normal, even in childhood – for example, a child may feel anxious about an approaching test at school. But if the anxiety is severe, long-lasting and interferes with a child’s daily life, it is called an anxiety disorder.
How our families express feelings, talk about feelings and react to feelings can have ripple effects into the next generation.
- By Sarah Leupen
Everyone has one, but you might not know much about it. Biologist Sarah Leupen explains the ins and outs of belly buttons.
Nearly 80% of U.S. children grow up with a sibling. For many, brothers and sisters are life companions, close confidants and sharers of memories. But siblings also are natural competitors for parents’ attention.
It’s a well-established fact that children’s and teens’ mental health took a hit during the pandemic. But new research suggests that teen girls in particular are suffering in unprecedented ways.
That’s the mantra many parents may have in mind when they, like me, spend what feels like years ferrying children to a seemingly endless variety of sports and activities.
- By Emily Farran
Do you struggle to visualise how to rotate your shoes so that they nest together in a shoe box? How are you with flat-packed furniture? Are you good at giving directions?These everyday activities require spatial thinking.
We are the ones who make the choices and convey the lessons—by word and deed, wittingly and unwittingly—that shape a young person’s ethics and values, point of view, and priorities.