How having conversations with children builds their language — and strengthens family connections
Many parents worry about how much time their children spend watching screens. While some time on devices is fine for entertainment and education, we also know it is important children do things away from TVs and devices.
My child’s pain is always calling me into a new relationship with my highest intentions. The difficulties I encounter smooth the rough edges of my heart and mind, giving me more wisdom, balance, and capacity as long as I have the courage to be near the pain.
Active or overscheduled kids? How parents can consider benefits and risks of extracurricular activities
I had longed to be a mother and felt so fortunate that I was afforded the luxury of being home with her. So against all my feminist leanings, we settled into very traditional family roles, with me spending a lot more time with Sammi than he did.
All parents I know have gone through hard times with their children. And the holidays with either unexpressed or expressed expectations add more pressure to the family system.
1 in 4 adults think smacking is necessary to ‘properly raise’ kids. But attitudes are changing
The thing about divorce that is hard to remember is that as much as it is happening to you, your partner, and your children, it’s also happening to everyone else in your little world. Your friends, your extended family, everyone is affected.
3 ways to encourage kids to be more charitable and kind this holiday season
Is sleeping with your baby a good idea? Here’s what the science says
When to give your child their first mobile phone – and how to keep them safe
Secure attachment to both parents ? not just mothers ? boosts children’s healthy development
States sue Meta for knowingly hurting teens with Facebook and Instagram ? here are the harms researchers have documented
Halloween is the spookiest time of the year. However, as you prepare to send shivers down the spines of your friends and family, you may not have given much thought to the environmental footprint that this holiday conceals.
Parents make mistakes. So what does ‘good enough parenting’ look like?
Teeth decay occurs when frequent and excessive amounts of sugar disturb bacteria in the mouth. This can lead to holes or “cavities”, which may need fillings.
Shouting at children linked to depression – but defining what counts as verbal abuse is what will help prevent harmful parenting
Instead of setting an allowance, many parents decide to give money on demand to their children.
Going back to school after the summer holidays can be a big deal. For some children, it means moving into a new classroom with a new teacher.
As a mama trying to raise a daughter free from the gendered stereotypes of my own childhood, I steered her clear of Barbie dolls.
Children’s fears can focus on areas such as being alone, talking to strangers or going to sleep. In small amounts these fears can be helpful for survival; in large amounts they can become overwhelming and impairing.
Sleep is important for psychological and physiological health, but many children have trouble getting to sleep, or getting back to sleep when they wake in the night.