If one thing is clear about remote work, it’s this: Many people prefer it and don’t want their bosses to take it away.
It is a simple procedure to calculate the number of seeds in an apple. But who among us can ever say how many apples are in a seed? No one — and the reason is that the answer is infinite. Endless! That is what the abundance principle is all about...
- By Jason Redman
Guess what? Life is unfair, and combat is unequivocally unfair. Crazy things happen in combat that you don’t expect and can’t plan for. A bomb could blow up, killing everyone around you, while you escape without a scratch. The best soldier in a platoon could be wounded in action, while the worst goes unscathed. There’s no rhyme or reason.
- By Jason Redman
Guess what? Life is unfair, and combat is unequivocally unfair. Crazy things happen in combat that you don’t expect and can’t plan for. A bomb could blow up, killing everyone around you, while you escape without a scratch. The best soldier in a platoon could be wounded in action, while the worst goes unscathed. There’s no rhyme or reason.
A recent study into the impact of systemic toxic behaviours exhibited by managers found that even one or two toxic behaviours, such as manipulating and intimidating, was enough to cause significant harm to employees’ mental and physical health.
While the effects of a culture of toxic masculinity are most detrimental for the victims, other employees in workplaces and the wider community can also be negatively impacted.
- By Alan Cohen
Perhaps early in life you adopted a thought about yourself that defined you as small, ugly, incapable, or unlovable. Most of us did. And perhaps you went on to live as if that identity was true. And perhaps, like many, you...
Due to unanticipated productivity gains, many organizations have publicly declared their intention to make working from home a permanent part of their future business models. But it has not all been positive news, not least in terms of the overwork, inequalities, and anxieties that are emerging around both working from home, and what happens next.
What is prosperity? Many of you automatically think of prosperity as something primarily financial. However, this is simply not so. It is success by your standards: it could mean lying in the sun for an hour a day without having to feel you should be...
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic caused many U.S. colleges to shift to remote learning in the spring of 2020, student cheating has been a concern for instructors and students alike.
Recruiting new astronauts is the first step into the new era of human space exploration. Many people may have dreamed of becoming an astronaut since childhood, but do you have what it takes?
- By Grace Terry
Several years ago when I decided to attract my ideal spiritual partner, I created a long list of qualities and characteristics I would like to have in that partner. I then released my desire to the Universe and asked for "this or something better." Well, I got everything...
Wealth is something we create. It is not merely there, waiting for us to find it and lay claim to it. Thus we see that it isn't only that we attract money to us: We attract energy, which then manifests itself in the form of money.
For most women—but not for all women—looking at themselves during virtual meetings has not been accompanied by any changes in how satisfied they are with their appearance, according to new research.
- By Jane Finkle
Looking ahead to the future, it’s impossible to say what tomorrow’s workplace will bring—what transformations will occur from new trends, technology, or other forms of corporate culture. How you navigate your career moving forward will primarily depend on your willingness to adapt.
Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well, and to do it wrong would jeopardize our very existence. On a deeper level we know that money is not the source of life, but our egos don't, and they drive us to act as if it were. They imprison us in self-doubts and prevent us from...
The industrial revolution transformed cities, resulting in places of residence and work becoming more distant than ever before. This spatial segregation is still largely embedded in the design of our cities today.
- By Wayne Titus
Whether it's COVID-19 or a car accident, we all run the risk of having to rely on someone else to manage our households or access our important estate documents. This year, resolve to be prepared — by creating a financial "scrapbook" for your loved ones.
- By Rodney Gabel
The new president stutters, and his speech, made with the whole world watching, was a powerful example to those millions of Americans who, like me, stutter.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been lots of talk about how people have reacted to being forced to work from home.
It is good to have a fresh start on January 1st... this gives us the needed motivation to release our previous beliefs and behaviors. Although the difference between Dec. 31st and January 1st is only one day, our psyche can measure it as a major milestone in our existence...
Finally, the holidays are here — the break you’ve been waiting for. You want to leave work behind, kick back and enjoy time with family and friends.
James Bregman, 1964 Olympian, said, "The real courage is what you do on a daily basis, how you conduct yourself to the standards you have set. That will lead to doing the right thing. The more times you do the next right thing, the more ingrained proper conduct becomes. It starts with little things..."