The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the deep-seated problems of how and why we all work. It has shown how many of us perform jobs that are not essential.
- By Steve Rubin
Know for sure that you've got to have a dream if you're going to make a dream come true. Put a date on it, and it's not a dream anymore. It's now called a goal.
Are there two worlds? Now, I know you think I've lost my mind. I'm too far out there -- He's talking about the existence of two worlds! The two worlds I'm talking about are the outer and inner world. There is a physical plane, which we live in everyday. And there is the inner world, which is a different one altogether.
An adventure can be something you actively prepare for and intentionally seek out, but it can also be an experience that hits you broadside with no prior warning and leaves you scrambling for what to do next. The current COVID-19 crisis falls squarely into the latter category and navigating through it is an adventure in every sense of the word.
Unlike dreams, which tend to gloss over important details, or omit them altogether, goals leave no room for confusion about that which is desired. Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors.
If you have been asked to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic to help slow the spread of the virus, you might be quite happy about it at first.
True prosperity is not something we create overnight. It is not a fixed goal, a place where we will finally arrive, or a certain state that we will someday achieve. It is an ongoing process of finding fulfillment that continues to unfold and deepen throughout our lives.
- By Robin Crow
In one way or another we're all seeking ways to find happiness and fulfillment. And we all know that success alone doesn't bring happiness. Mother Teresa said that the greatest poverty was spiritual, not physical.
Why should you give all your time and effort to this particular goal? If you don’t know why you’re doing something, if you don’t have a crystal-clear image of the success you’re chasing and the reason you’re chasing it, then...
I was asked to write a short article in which I both explain how I came to be a publisher of spiritual, self-help, and natural health books and disclose my publishing mission. The story itself is quite fascinating. Behind the chronological storyline is the unseen thread of spiritual intent which was the invisible weaver...
Over the last 20 years, the number of female CEOs leading S&P 500 firms has increased fivefold. But it’s a deceiving figure: among large publicly traded firms, women still only make up six per cent of all CEOs.
A different phenomenon is employees using annual leave or other work entitlements, such as banked flexi-hours, to go off sick or to look after a relative or dependent.
- By Chengwei Liu
No rule exists for achieving exceptional performance because it usually requires doing something different or novel and there can be no recipe for such innovation.
For many of us, our default state isn't love; it's fear. Picture, for a moment, 7 billion human beings walking around the planet, heads down, eyes averting the gaze of others, hiding behind insecurities and past pain points, hovering under the radar, and just trying to blend in.
Co-working spaces have been growing in all the world’s major cities for 15 years. But what makes them so popular? Why and when did they appear? Who are their members?
Knowing your income is just the first step to understanding how much you will be taxed. This guide will help you understand how the US tax system works, and where you fit into it.
You have an identity. Everyone does. You likely don’t recognize it or would struggle to describe it. But it is there, buried deep within your program. Your identity is the aggregation of dozens (if not hundreds) of beliefs about yourself that you have accumulated over the course of your life.
In the coming decade we might see radically larger numbers of jobs lost to automation, thanks to advances in machine learning and other technologies.
- By Anthony Veal
The pressure to fit family and personal commitments into the few hours between getting home and bedtime is arguably the main source of stress today.
More Americans are using flexible workplace practices – including telecommuting, co-working and off-peak start times – to add flexibility to their lives and eliminate or improve their commute.
Working people often try to figure out that elusive ingredient that will help them reach their full potential in an organization.
- By Judy Gins
Many of us who walk on this earth have obsessed about money and materialism in such a way that too much negativity and unpleasantness have been the result. We have forgotten that the earth is our temple, our home and our gift, and when we abuse it in this way, we miss the magical and transformational powers of it. Often we want to donate and give back to the earth but...
Like many greats, Lombardi considered coaching a form of teaching and his approach offers vital insights for today’s teachers and students.