- By David Peetz
The flexibility is really in employers’ ability to hire and fire, thereby increasing their power. For many casual employees there’s no real flexibility, only permanent insecurity.
Whatever you see in other individuals, you have inside yourself. I call this "the reflection principle": If you can recognize it in someone else, it's inside of you. If you think Einstein was a genius, know that you have genius in you, too. You may not have the same form of genius as he did, but your genius is there...
2020 was the Chinese Year of the Rat – associated with the “rat-like qualities” of quick thinking and adaptability leading to success and wealth. After a year of challenges, with many people selecting or being forced into self-employment and starting a business, how can people mimic these qualities?
In the process of living, people may feel frustrated, angry, depressed, or other emotions that we might consider difficult. This behavior can thwart or complicate our best intentions at work. How can you keep a positive perspective when less-than-professional behavior bogs down business? Here are 12 ideas...
People on Medicare who later receive a diagnosis of dementia are more likely have unpaid bills as early as six years before a clinical diagnosis, research finds.
We have so confused money with fulfillment that the very meaning of the word has been lost. Fulfillment can only be truly experienced internally. It is not something you can acquire or buy. It is not a place you can fill full enough with stuff to take you there. Fulfillment is about completion and self-realization.
Don't Say Goodbye To Zoom Yet: Most People Want To Get Back To The Office, But Not For The Full Week
As more and more good news about vaccines has come pouring in, Zoom has watched its shares tumble. Contrary to nervous markets, however, we believe video conferencing and remote working are here to stay - whether we like it or not.
What if you never had to return to work? Never had to return to work at the office, that is. You’d be able to juggle kids on school holidays. You wouldn’t need to navigate traffic jams. Your employer might gain increased productivity, lower turnover and lower lease costs. But there are less obvious downsides.
Through choice or by necessity, some of us are becoming self-employed for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence from multiple countries suggests that self-employed workers are one of the groups hardest hit by the pandemic.
At the office, we can demonstrate our personal relationship with, to quote Ernest Holmes, the "Unity behind all things," by having integrity, ethics, compassion for others, and respect for the planet. By doing so, we re-enact our divine nature in the workplace.
No one likes to fail. Every one of us, at some level, is afraid of making mistakes. Failure is embarrassing, it can leave us feeling exposed, and it never feels good.
Most are at least as well off in retirement as they were while working, and most are more financially satisfied and less financially-stressed than adults of working age.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March, millions of Canadians switched from working in a central office location to working from home. Days turned into weeks, and weeks have turned into months. Now it’s almost 2021, and millions of employees in Canada still work from home full time with no end in sight.
Working from home is already so common it has its own acronym, and it’s about to get even more common still. Companies like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft are now advising employees to “WFH” to avoid exposure to the novel coronavirus.
- By J.R. Parrish
I can tell you that learning effective human-relations skills completely changed and dramatically improved my life. Since getting along with people is crucial, it's important to learn how to get along early in your life. Human-relations skills should be taught from kindergarten through college...
An understanding of values is essential in business operation: not as a semantic discussion about the difference between a value and a principle or a quality, but rather as discussion about what we value. What do we value and how are those values operating in our families, our work, or our communities?
- By Marc Allen
The ultimate purpose of visionary business if to transform the world, by doing what we love to do, into an ecologically sustainable environment, with peace and plenty for all God's creatures.
- By Sara Savat
In communities with mask mandates, consumer spending increased by 5% on average, research finds.
- By Sean Conley
We can not be successful if we always focus on what went wrong. Whatever we focus on, whatever we put most of our attention on, grows and thrives. Harping on our mistakes and misfortunes will only produce more of them.
People have an innate capacity for happiness. When we are happy, we are more competent, productive, and creative. Without the internal distractions of anger, depression, frustration, and especially worry, our relationships flourish, stress diminished, new doors opened, and...
Remote work is about more than just working from home — it means working differently. Because working from home may become much more prevalent even after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, it’s time to adapt employee evaluation and compensation schemes to address the new reality.
- By Terry Levine
'Lighten up' is a popular phrase and for good reason. Most of us have a tendency to take ourselves much too seriously. We fret over everything we do as if we're supposed to be perfect in whatever we attempt. So many of us put ourselves down at the slightest imperfection
Our belief systems are very real and solid to us and filled with myriad preconceptions about what is "right" and what is "wrong". When something occurs that contradicts our preconceptions, we immediately react defensively. This defensiveness is the seed of conflict...