What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 27 to February 2, 2025
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
I am fighting a hacker on the site that handles my email. That reminds of this ridiculous Russian Hack allegation.
A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
While we may all wish to focus on sharing love, gratitude and giving unconditionally at this time of year, we may get entangled in stress, not-enough-time, and family dramas. This week, we bring you various tools and perspectives to make your journey a more peaceful and harmonious one.
This week we look at holiday stress in particular. You may be going to visit family and feel like the single green leaf amidst all the red leaves as seen in the picture above. You may feel overwhelmed by the energies around you and have difficulty coping.
This week we look at courage... the courage to do things differently, to follow our heart, to do the "right" thing, to just be true to ourselves. While these don't seem as courageous as saving someone from a burning building, or jumping into a turbulent ocean to save a child, they nevertheless require courage...
The recent attention given to the Russian government propaganda as being a driving force behind the Clinton loss or circumventing American democracy is laughable at best and propaganda itself.
As we've all heard, doubtless numerous times, when life hands you lemons make lemonade. The many articles this week can help shed light on our next steps, on how to attain our dreams, and create the life we have dreamed of (or perhaps have not dared dream of)...
There has been much written since the election about what went wrong. The wrong was not so much electing Trump but, as Michael Moore put it, more like thrusting a giant middle finger into the face of the establishment.
This week our focus is on authenticity... on being real, on being yourself and the courage that it takes to follow that path. Sometimes being true to yourself and to your ideals and values is painful, other times frightening...
For those of us living in the USA, it's been a tumultuous week. And for those outside the US, one where maybe you asked yourself, what on Earth is going on??? Reading this week's articles and astrological columns may help shed some light on the energies that are percolating...
Once again this week the image accompanying the newsletter is of a boat. Last week the sailboat was apparently in a precarious situation, while this week the boat is securely tied to shore. Let's hope that our ship remains securely anchored as the waves of life may be turbulent this week. In the USA...
Life does at times present us with challenges. This week we look at some of these challenges and at ways to get through them. Lately...
Forest Gump is known for having said "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." However, I see life as being the outcome of a box of crayons. Depending on which crayons we pick, we will get very different end results. This week...
Sometimes we may feel as if we are walking through a dark tunnel not knowing what is ahead. And we wonder when we will finally reach a place, both physically, emotionally, and mentally, where we will feel good about our life. This week we start off by...
At times in our life we may have the tendency to be like the snail and hide in our shell and move forward very very slowly. However, while we may feel safe doing so, we also are stopping ourselves from stepping forth and experiencing all the beauty and love that life has to offer. This week we share with you articles dealing with...
This week we take a look at the world's duality/unity dichotomy and how we deal with it. And then there's how we deal with the world inside of us. Much of our behavior stems from old childhood wounds and it affects all aspects of our personal as well as our business life...
This week we take a look at communication, from within and from without, and we reflect on our true nature... which is peace. The Editor's Choice articles this week are very powerful and tie in together beautifully (in a mini-workshop fashion). And scroll down for a myriad of additional articles on a wide range of topics.
The articles this week look at perfectionism both in our own selves and in our children. We ask ourselves some hard questions: "Are You Struggling for a "Perfect Life"?" and "Do You Suffer from Unrealistic Expectations of Perfectionism and Compulsive Comparison? ...
This new issue of InnerSelf can best be resumed by a quote from Pam's weekly journal: "Trusting in the process is one of the tests of this time... focused on helping us heal a lack of faith. This week, the path to this healing leads us through the contentious realms of right vs. wrong... and meanders its way through thickets of worry and mental stress...
The times they are... intense (and changing too!). On the East coast (in the USA), we've just gone through a hurricane, lots of rain, and flooding. On the West coast, droughts and fires. And everywhere in between the frenzy of upcoming elections... So how do we navigate through all this mess and confusion? The articles this week...
This week we look at starting anew... making changes in our life... making it better... One of our articles, "7 Ways to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Get On With Your Life Already", presents seven practical ways to move forward. Interestingly enough, we also have 7 Editor's Choice articles this week, and all of them present ways to stop feeling blocked and start over...
This week we take a look at our stories. This includes the stories of our society, the stories we tell ourselves about our past, our ego's stories, the rationales that interpret our current experience, and the ones about the future...
While Franklin D. Roosevelt said "the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts...", most of us have plenty of fears to go around. So, perhaps we need to brew ourselves a calming cup of chamomile tea (as seen above) and read some of the articles offered this week to help us gain some perspective...