What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
What Happens When a President Ignores the Courts and the Law?
What Can the Stock Market Teach Us About Our Waistlines?
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
Emotions vs Feelings: Why It Matters
While Franklin D. Roosevelt said "the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts...", most of us have plenty of fears to go around. So, perhaps we need to brew ourselves a calming cup of chamomile tea (as seen above) and read some of the articles offered this week to help us gain some perspective...
This week our authors assist us in making a connection with our inner needs and dreams. Now of course, when the need is as basic as oxygen it's easy to recognize. But for the other choices in our life, sometimes it takes a bit of inner searching and reflection.
Stress is a four-letter word! (Even though it has a total of 6 letters, the last two are repeats... thus making it a four-letter word!) While we may think of stress as an adult problem, it affects humans of all ages (and animals too). This week we take a look at stress....
As we start another week, we may wish we could take a breather from the intense weeks that have preceded this one. Sarah Varcas gives us an overview of the energies at play...
Each week we bring you articles for your reading pleasure and to help you create a life of joy, inner peace, and purpose. Read this week's selections...
This week's articles offer different perspectives, suggestions, and ideas as to how to have healthy relationships with children and with the use of time (theirs and ours). Open the newsletter for links to these and numerous more articles.
This past week was a challenging one for many people. It was even referred to as "the week from hell" by someone. I'm sure you have your own "horror" stories you could relate. So, in this new issue of InnerSelf, we bring you articles that offer alternatives to the way we may have handled situations that came up recently.
This week's articles are best summarized by a quote from Pam Younghans column: "As we expand our hearts, we discover and recover our knowing that love is greater than fear -- that even the darkest room gives way to the light when a candle is lit."
This week we look at reconnecting with our inner wisdom and inner healer. Of course, this requires some introspection and sometimes asking ourselves some hard questions. We may need to discover...
As I get ready to complete the new issue of InnerSelf, my heart aches with the tragedy of lost life in Orlando. I chose a poppy as the image for this week's newsletter as a tribute to those who died in the mass-shooting. Wikipedia explains the symbology of the poppy...
Walls... Sometimes we sit on them, sometimes behind them. At other times we build them, or tear them down. This week we look at self-imposed barriers, and how to heal them, transcend them, and move on. And of course we have a myriad of additional articles on a wide range of topics...
Ask anyone about stress and chances are they'll tell you, "Been there, done that!" Of course we've all experienced stress. It's part of living, in one form or another. This week we take a look at stress and offer ways to transform it and even use it to our benefit.
This week we take a look at the blessings in our life. And we acknowledge that sometimes they come easily, and at other times have to be worked for. Having spent a good part of the morning in the garden, I can attest to the truth of...
This week we look at your personal dream, vision, or plan for happiness. You are probably familiar with the Martin Luther King Jr's famous I Have A Dream speech...
Our life is oft-times based on assumptions which sometimes become widely accepted myths. This week we examine some of them. One assumption which affect us in our expectations of happiness is...
Having been raised up North, May was the month of Spring and flowers. Gone was the snow, and the warm weather was greeted with enthusiasm. This week we greet May with joy...
Because the articles for InnerSelf are selected and scheduled intuitively, the Universe has a master hand in the divine timing and synchronicity. Every week I see the connection between the energies "forecasted" for the coming week, and the articles that were selected to be shared with you.
Life is a mixture of challenges and blessings, and sometimes we may confuse the two, or not realize that an experience is a combination of both. This week we journey with you and our authors through some of these challenges.
We invite you to absorb the inspiration in this week's articles and allow yourself to be guided with inner clarity as to who you are and what you need to do in order to live the life that you are inspired to live... and be the person you are inspired to be.
"What you do on a daily basis has a cumulative effect on your life and has carried you to this very moment." This week we reflect on our actions and we examine our behavior and its consequences.... Our authors offer tools to assist us in creating the life we desire.
This week we reflect on various types of transitions. Some of them are physical, while others are more emotional and mental, and some have to do with lifestyle. The whole world (or so it seems) is transitioning... People are waking up to what is and realizing what could be... and making choices....
Some experiences in life seem like a dark tunnel and we wonder when (or if, or how) we'll ever get through the "yucky" part and reach the bright future awaiting us. If this has been that kind of week...
The energies of the planet (including all its residents) have just experienced The Solar Eclipse: The Beginning of a Several Month Process. As we work through this time with its accompanying stresses, challenges, and rewards, it is good to connect with...