Image by Christine Sponchia
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we take steps towards changing our perception... How we see things (and people) affects how we feel, and how we act, and even our health. Thus changing our perception, of ourselves, others, and things in general, is essential to creating a healthier and happier life for ourselves.
Whether it has to do with food and diets, goals and relationships, changing our attitude is a prerequisite to lasting change.
Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
Having the Courage to Be True to Ourselves
Marie T. Russell,
Each one of us is a unique individual, and thus it seems to follow that each one of us has a specific role to play.
Having the Courage to Be True to Ourselves (Video)
The Art of Constant Wonder: Thank you, Life, for this day
Pierre Pradervand
One of the greatest secrets of life is to know how to constantly marvel at existence and at the world. And one of the greatest avatars of history told us 2000 years ago that if we did not become like little children, we would not be able to enter the realm of inner fulfillment or know happiness.
The Art of Constant Wonder: Thank you, Life, for this day (Video)
How The Pandemic Has Changed Dating, Sex, And Love
Barbara Brosher, Indiana University
The pandemic has caused a dramatic shift in people’s priorities when it comes to dating, sex, and love, according to an annual study on single adults.
Why Reusable Containers Aren’t Always Better For The Environment
Alejandro Gallego Schmid, University of Manchester et al
While it might seem like reusing the same container is better than buying a new single-use one each time, our research shows that reusable containers could actually be worse for the environment than their disposable counterparts.
The Power of Five: Five Weeks, Five Months, Five Years
Shelly Tygielski
At times, we have to let go of what is to make room for what will be. Of course, the very idea of change — small or major — usually produces at least some discomfort and...
Does The Internet Really Make You Smarter?
Deborah Lynn Blumberg for UT Austin
"There are times when people completely disregard the fact that they went online. They think they came up with the answer themselves," says Adrian Ward.
It's Not About the Food: Overeating, Addictions, and Emotions
Jude Bijou
What if I told you a new diet called the "It's Not About the Food" is gaining popularity and causing significant numbers of women to shed pounds along with old habits and excess baggage? I bet you’d at least give it a second glance, and perhaps even investigate further.
It's Not About the Food: Overeating, Addictions, and Emotions (Video)
How We Decide Who and What To Believe
Daniel Read, University of Warwick
Researchers have identified a chronic illusion of explanatory depth, in that we overestimate our understanding of the world.
Why Even 7,000 Steps A Day Is A Good Number
Lindsay Bottoms, University of Hertfordshire
Many of us have smartwatches or apps on our phones that count the number of steps we do. Usually, we aim to reach at least 10,000 steps a day, which we are often reminded is the target to help improve our health.
How Your Dog Really Responds to TV
Jacqueline Boyd, Nottingham Trent University
Sadly, other dogs find being left alone rather more worrying, which can lead to some problematic separation-related behaviours...
Misremembering Things Might Actually Be A Good Thing
Robert Jacobs, University of Rochester
I recently ate mouth-watering chocolate chip cookies. My wife corrected me, noting that the cookies I ate were actually oatmeal raisin.
So You Think Nobody Is Interested In You?
Molly Dannenmaier, UT Austin
We wrongly assume that other people are somewhat indifferent towards us, so we avoid more intimate conversation, thinking it would be awkward...
Why You Should Thank Your Past Self
Alisson Clark, University of Florida
Unlike gratitude toward others, being appreciative of ourselves carries an added benefit of truly understanding who we are and feeling connected to ourselves...
Should You Stop Washing Your Turkey and Other Poultry?
NC State
Some kitchen traditions are best avoided if we want to avoid foodborne illness.
Horoscope: Week of November 29 - December 5, 2021
Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Horoscope: Week of November 29 - December 5, 2021 (Video)
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