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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
We all have a vision of what success means for us... for some it has to do with a fulfilling career, for others money and prestige, for others a loving relationship and family, or attaining certain goals they have. However, no matter what our definition of success is, the first step is identifying what we are aiming for, because if you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you've gotten there? And then we have to remove the blockages to our attaining our goals and making our dreams come true, whether those blocks are internal or external.
There are personal goals, and then there are the goals that are more universal and may be in keeping with our purpose on Earth. Wayne Dosick asks "What Do We Really Want... and What Do We Really Need?" In the article he states "...ultimately, success is not measured by what we have, but by who we are—solid in our sense of Self and filled with soul-satisfaction."
What Do We Really Want... and What Do We Really Need?
Wayne Dosick, author of the book Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People
Most human beings want the same thing. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Good health. A sense of purpose. Education. Productive work. Prosperity. Friendship. Love. Happiness. For some, children and grandchildren. Inner peace. A meaningful existence. A life of decency and dignity. A worthy legacy.
There are things in our personality and in our subconscious that may sabotage our way to success. Bridgit Dengel Gaspard introduces us to our Inner Selves... the various personas and personalities we have... whether that is the Responsible Adult, Super Woman/Man, Perfectionist, Artist,Timid Person, The Boss, The Inner Critic, The People Pleaser, etc.
We all have a variety of inner selves and being aware of them and knowing when to use the talents of each one is a great help in making our dreams come true. Our inner selves can be a hindrance if we are not aware of them, but they can be a great help when we identify them and use their particular talents in the proper timing and circumstances.
Practicing Safe Success: Working with Your Inner Selves
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, author of the book "The Final 8th"
Crossing your finish line can be a time of joyful celebration. But that can be followed by a myriad of emotions that might include melancholy as well as pride and joy. As you arrive at your finish line...
To attain our goals, we also have to be willing to step out of the shadows and claim our right to be here and our right to success. We have to be ourselves fully... Everyone has strong points and weaknesses. Hiding either of those hinders our growth and success. We are a whole being... and all of it is part of who we are and who we are meant to be.
How To Remove Your Invisible Mask
Radha Ruparell, author of the book "Brave Now"
What would you reveal to the world if you weren’t afraid? Chances are that there’s a piece of you that you aren’t sharing with others. We all have things we hide. Sometimes they’re our deep dark secrets. But other times, they’re the best parts of ourselves—our dreams, our hopes, or even our affection for others.
And as with any project that you're putting together, your road to success has various steps to take and things to do. Jane Finkle shares some of these in "Make Your Dreams Come True—One Step at a Time".
While her article (and the book it is excerpted from) is geared to introverts, its advice really applies to all.
Make Your Dreams Come True—One Step at a Time
Jane Finkle, author of the book "The Introvert's Complete Career Guide"
As with all aspects of life, it’s impossible to predict with certainty how your career will evolve. But having some clear ideas of what you want to do and where you want to end up will increase the likelihood of getting to your destination.
And of course, success is also dependent on our physical and emotional wellbeing. If we are feeling sick and tired, it is hard to keep moving towards our goal. Thus keeping our health at a "best" level is integral to attaining success. Kristin Grayce McGary gives us some insight about the importance of some basic health needs.
The Importance of Hydration, Sleep, and Exercise
Kristin Grayce McGary, author of the book "Holistic Keto for Gut Health"
The Old English word haelp meant "wholeness, being whole, sound, or well." The Proto-German word hailitho also means "whole." Old Norse offers helge, meaning "holy, sacred." This wholeness refers to all your vital parts and processes as present, properly arranged, and in harmonious...
The planetary energies always are at play. Like the tides, there is an ebb and flow to life in general. So it goes with success... Sometimes it seems as it is taking "forever" to reach our goals, and at times, the result shows up unexpectedly. In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam Younghans states the following:
"The emphasis here then, in these first two weeks of July, appears to be the sudden release of powerful forces after a buildup of tension. This impulse of energy has the capacity to change our course, as our individual perceptions and perspectives (the "magnetic north pole" that guides our lives) are altered in some way." Read her column for more insights.
Horoscope Week: July 5 - 11, 2021
Pam Younghans, Astrologer
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Life, with its ups and downs, can at times be stressful. But things can change quickly. We must keep our eyes focused on our goal(s), and do everything in our power to make those visions come true... for our own highest good and for the greater good of the planet as a whole. Each of our individual goals and successes affect the all...
Please scroll down for the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Many of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
Human behaviour: what scientists have learned about it from the pandemic
Stephen Reicher, Bishop Wardlaw Professor in the School of Psychology & Neuroscience
During the pandemic, a lot of assumptions were made about how people behave. Many of those assumptions were wrong, and they led to disastrous policies.
How urban gardens can boost biodiversity and make cities more sustainable
Karen Kirstine Christensen-Dalsgaard, Assistant Professor in Plant Biology & Urban Ecology
In building cities, we have created some of the harshest habitats on Earth — and then chosen to live in them.
What is daydreaming? Parts of the brain show sleep-like activity when your mind wanders
Thomas Andrillon, Neuroscience researcher
Our attention is a powerful lens, allowing our brains to pick out the relevant details out of the overwhelming flow of information reaching us every second.
Daily Inspiration: July 4, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Some people think that in order to pray you have to be in a church, or that to meditate you must be sitting in the lotus position, or that to receive spiritual teachings you must be in the presence of a teacher or guru.
What Do We Really Want... and What Do We Really Need? (Video)
Wayne Dosick, author of the book Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People
Most human beings want the same thing. Food. Shelter. Clothing. Good health. A sense of purpose. Education. Productive work. Prosperity. Friendship. Love. Happiness. For some, children and grandchildren. Inner peace. A meaningful existence. A life of decency and dignity. A worthy legacy.
Pseudo-hallucinations: why some people see more vivid mental images than others – test yourself here
Reshanne Reeder, Edge Hill University
Like a computer screen, the part of your brain that processes visual information (the visual cortex) has a refresh “button” which helps it sample the environment – taking snapshots of the world in quick succession. In other words, your brain collects sensory information with...
Getting Out of Poverty Shouldn’t Be About Luck
Adriana Cadena, human rights advocate
I grew up in a poor, undocumented family. I was lucky — we got our legal residency, I got an education, and now I have a good job. But no one should have to count on luck.
AI offers a better way to diagnose sleep disorders
Michael Skov Jensen-Copenhagen
An artificial intelligence algorithm can improve diagnoses, treatments, and our overall understanding of sleep disorders, researchers report.
Daily Inspiration: July 3, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
We all have needs. And those needs are constantly changing. Sometimes we need solitude, other times companionship. Sometimes we need activity and entertaining events, other times our soul yearns for peace and quiet. Sometimes we...
Why Human Fingerprints On Our Climate Are Not An Isolated Phenomenon
Alex Smith, host of syndicated weekly Radio Ecoshock Show
The fact that humans contribute to the warming of our planet is nothing new. Scientists have been telling us about the human-climate change connection for years, but now they can say for certain that we are responsible for “drought”.
Universities Need To Train Lecturers In Online Delivery, Or They Risk Students Dropping Out
Pauline Taylor-Guy, and Anne-Marie Chase, Australian Council for Educational Research
Most universities have moved courses online to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. This includes lectures and tutorials. When done right, online learning can actually be as effective as face-to-face education.
Who Is At Risk For Long Covid?
Frances Williams, Professor of Genomic Epidemiology and Hon Consultant Rheumatologist
For most people, infection with SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – leads to mild, short-term symptoms, acute respiratory illness, or possibly no symptoms at all. But some people have long-lasting symptoms after their infection – this has been dubbed “long COVID”.
Daily Inspiration: July 2, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
It is said there are only two energies... love and fear. At first we may think that is simplistic, but when we break down any other emotion (energy in motion), we find that it all fits either under the umbrella of fear or of love.
How To Remove Your Invisible Mask (Video)
Radha Ruparell, author of the book "Brave Now"
What would you reveal to the world if you weren’t afraid? Chances are that there’s a piece of you that you aren’t sharing with others. We all have things we hide. Sometimes they’re our deep dark secrets. But other times, they’re the best parts of ourselves—our dreams, our hopes, or even our affection for others.
Are people having more sex during the coronavirus pandemic?
Yuliya Rackal, University of Toronto
Are we sheltering the storm by slipping under the sheets with a significant other? Surprisingly, no. The naked truth is that Canadians are having less sex, not more, according to a national survey by researchers at the University of British Columbia. Reasons for this decrease could include...
Why are some mushrooms poisonous?
Karen Hughes, Professor of Mycology
You may have noticed that mushrooms pop up in your yard or in parks right after a rain but don’t last for long.
How You Cook Bacon Could Partially Lower Cancer Risk
Richard Hoffman, University of Hertfordshire
Bacon is a much-loved, comforting breakfast item – during the global pandemic, sales have surged in the US and the UK.
Daily Inspiration: July 1, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
At times we fear our emotions... probably because we've repressed them and we're afraid the pressure may burst and create havoc.
Make Your Dreams Come True—One Step at a Time (Video)
Jane Finkle, author of the book "The Introvert's Complete Career Guide"
As with all aspects of life, it’s impossible to predict with certainty how your career will evolve. But having some clear ideas of what you want to do and where you want to end up will increase the likelihood of getting to your destination.
Myths and stigma about ADHD contribute to poorer mental health for those affected
David Coghill, University of Melbourne
Around one in 30 Australians (or 3.4% of the population) have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Yet it remains a poorly understood and highly stigmatised disorder.
7 'read-aloud' tips for parents to help prevent children's 'stay-at-home' learning loss
Hetty Roessingh, University of Calgary
Read alouds are about creating a shared reading activity where adults help children build their vocabularies through discussion, hands-on activities and imaginative ways to extend new word knowledge.
Blaming stress on COVID made couples happier
Esther Robards-Forbes - UT Austin
Researchers have discovered that when couples blamed the pandemic for their stress during lockdown, they were happier in their relationships.
Daily Inspiration: June 30, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
When people talk about tough love, they usually are thinking of parent to child. However, tough love can be applied to ourselves. balance.
Rural Small Towns May Be Green But Unhealthy
Chelsea Davis, Iowa State University
Vulnerable populations in small towns face significantly more public health risks than statewide averages, finds new research in Iowa.
Report: Positive trends in aging, but not for everyone
Morgan Sherburne, University of Michigan
More older Americans are able to meet their daily care needs without assistance, a report shows, but concerning gaps remained for older Black and Hispanic people.
People don’t realize they’re data breach victims
Laurel Thomas, University of Michigan
Most participants in a recent study had no idea that their email addresses and other personal information had been compromised in an average of five data breaches each.
Daily Inspiration: June 29. 2021
Marie T. Russell,
We cannot hold two contrary thoughts at the same time and we cannot hold two contrary emotions at the same time.
Can spirituality benefit breast cancer survivor health?
Brian Consiglio, University of Missouri
New research looks at the connection between breast cancer and spirituality
Screens at bedtime rob young teens of sleep
Jim Murez. University of Oregon
Middle schoolers who spend time on smartphones, laptops, and tablets in the hour before bed are likely to sleep poorly and be more tired the next day, a new study shows.
How to stay cool in a heat wave
Kyle Mittan, University of Arizona
It’s not just you—it really has been absurdly hot in some areas of the US lately.
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