Image by Leroy Skalstad
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week, InnerSelf reflects on repairing the world, but since all change must start within, we look at repairing or balancing our own self, and then that carries out into the world with our thoughts, intentions, and actions. Not only must we repair, but we also must focus on prevention... on how to stop things from breaking and deteriorating any further.
As practiced in holistic medicine, the focus is - first and foremost - on prevention. It is best to keep something healthy and balanced and thus avoid having to fix it. Thus. we start our reflection with "What Self-Care Looks Like: It Is Not A To-Do List" excerpted from the book, Be You, Only Better, written by Kristi Hugstad. The article focuses on five types of self-care ranging from the physical to the financial.
We then continue with Jude Bijou, author of Attitude Reconstruction, who presents us with "Five Steps to Get Out of Your Funky Attitude". We've all experienced how difficult it is to move forward and to feel joy when down in the dumps, so the first step in repairing our world is to repair our attitude. These 5 steps can be used for other situations in life, not just our mood or attitude.
Wendy Tamis Robbins, author of The Box (book to be published on May 25th) brings us along on her journey to free herself from obsessive compulsive disorder and panic attacks in "What Michelangelo Taught Me: Freedom from Fear & Anxiety". She introduces four steps that helped her "repair" and release her fear and anxiety.
Unfortunately, many of us may have been "broken" early in life. Maureen St. Germain, author of Beyond the Flower of Life, assists us in "Clearing the Residue of an Abusive, Unloving Parent". She shares a simple and powerful process to rewrite and repair the memories and insecurities that were imbedded in us at a young age.
And just as we attend to healing our own self from pain, trauma, old beliefs, etc., so must we repair the outside world. A very basic place to start is with our personal belongings... fixing them rather than throwing them out. (and of course this concept applies to relationships and life situations as well). Martine Postma, founder and director of Repair Café International Foundation, recounts the birth and growth of "Repair Cafés: A Worldwide Movement of Passionate Volunteers".
There are numerous things, places, situations, attitudes, etc. that need healing and can be repaired. The first step is to start with ourselves with love, not with judgment and blame, and then spread that same healing energy of love, forgiveness, acceptance to the world on the outside of us as well. The "repair tactics" offered in the aforementioned featured articles can can be modified and applied to life as a whole. As with anything, we start with the will and the intention, and then let our love and intuition guide us to what needs to be done next.
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
What Self-Care Looks Like: It Is Not A To-Do List
Kristi Hugstad, author of Be You, Only Better
It’s not the latest trend. It’s not a hashtag on social media. And it’s certainly not selfish. Self-care is an incredibly important part of your physical and mental health.
Five Steps to Get Out of Your Funky Attitude
Jude Bijou, author of Attitude Reconstruction
Do you get in a negative mood and have a hard time getting out? Do your lingering feelings seem to descend on you for no particular reason? Do you find yourself often brooding for extended periods of time? Anxious? Frustrated? Depressed? Hurt? Brooding? Serious?
What Michelangelo Taught Me: Freedom from Fear & Anxiety
Wendy Tamis Robbins, author of The Box
Two weeks after separating from my first husband, I booked a bus tour through Italy, my first trip alone. Just two years prior, my anxiety, obsessive compulsive and panic attack disorders had become so intense and all-consuming they rendered me agoraphobic.
Clearing the Residue of an Abusive, Unloving Parent
Maureen J. St. Germain, author of Beyond the Flower of Life
You are about to learn a very specific technique for clearing your subconscious of all the old programming of anything less than unconditional love. This is a technique that will slip by your internal gatekeeper and allow the new statement to be seeded into your subconscious.
Repair Cafés: A Worldwide Movement of Passionate Volunteers
Martine Postma, Founder and Director of Repair Café International Foundation
Apparently people worldwide are ready for change, ready to say goodbye to our throwaway society and move toward a more sustainable way of living, with less waste and more care — for products, for the environment, and for each other.
High-Tech Contact Lenses Are Straight Out Of Science Fiction — And May Replace Smart Phones
Bishakh Rout, McGill University
Over the years, new scientific discoveries have led to softer and more comfortable contact lenses. And now, research bringing together chemistry, biology and microelectronics is resulting in contact lenses that are straight out of science fiction.
Urban Soil Is Often Overlooked As A Resource
Roisin O'Riordan, Lancaster University
When you think about soil, you probably think of rolling fields of countryside. But what about urban soil? With city dwellers expected to account for 68% of the world’s population by 2050, this oft forgotten resource is increasingly important.
Why Do People Believe In Conspiracies?
Mathew Marques, La Trobe University et al
Conspiracies are found to be true on occasion, which renders them no longer “theories”. For example, in the 1960s and 70s, the CIA really did engage in secretive experiments to identify drugs to force confessions. But what is surprising is the degree to which people seem to believe in unfounded conspiracies, especially given the lack of evidence.
Daily Inspiration: May 2, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Very few of us ever fully express our love for another. Afraid of being hurt, we find ourselves unwilling to be as vulnerable and open as that admission requires.
Three Cities That Are Switching To A Life-Affirming Economy
Chris Winters. senior editor at YES! Magazine
The city of Portland, Oregon, prides itself on being ahead of the curve. In 1993, it became the first U.S. city to adopt a climate action plan, which now calls for cutting carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, and to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
15 Minutes Of Intense Activity Can Improve Heart Health
Matthew Haines, University of Huddersfield
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts have become popular in recent years for a number of reasons. They don’t require as much time as a regular workout (some can take as little as 10 minutes)...
Why QAnon Hasn't Gone Away
Sophie Bjork-James, Vanderbilt University
By this point, almost everyone has heard of QAnon, the conspiracy spawned by an anonymous online poster of enigmatic prophecies. Starting with an initial promise in 2017 that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be imminently arrested, a broad group of interpreters divined a conspiracy that...
Daily Inspiration: May 1, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Many of us go through life "looking for something". Whether it is seeking "the love of our life" or the perfect job, perfect house, perfect something or other. Whatever it is, it is the "perfect "something that we feel we need and don't have.
What Michelangelo Taught Me: Finding Freedom from Fear & Anxiety (Video)
Wendy Tamis Robbins, author of The Box
Two weeks after separating from my first husband, I booked a bus tour through Italy, my first trip alone. Just two years prior, my anxiety, obsessive compulsive and panic attack disorders had become so intense and all-consuming they rendered me agoraphobic.
Why Not Make Paper Out Of Something Other Than Trees?
Beverly Law, Oregon State University
Paper is an important part of modern life. People use it in school, at work, to make artwork and books, to wrap presents and much more. Trees are the most common ingredient for paper these days, but people have been taking notes and creating artworks for a very long time using lots of other kinds of surfaces and materials.
Mammals Face An Uncertain Future As Global Temperatures Rise
Maria Paniw, EBD-CSIC, and Rob Salguero-Gómez, University of Oxford
Even with fires, droughts and floods regularly in the news, it’s difficult to comprehend the human toll of the climate crisis. It’s harder still to understand what a warming world will mean for all the other species we share it with.
How To Keep Numbers From Tripping You Up During The Pandemic
Ellen Peters, University of Oregon
An endless swirl of numbers – case counts, infection rates, vaccine efficacy – can leave you feeling stressed, anxious and powerless if you’re not confident you know what they really mean.
Daily Inspiration: April 30, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
You can change the world by loving people, doing good, succeeding, being honest and frank, thinking big, fighting for underdogs, building, helping people, and giving the world your best.
Clearing the Residue of an Abusive, Unloving Parent (Video)
Maureen J. St. Germain, author of Beyond the Flower of Life
You are about to learn a very specific technique for clearing your subconscious of all the old programming of anything less than unconditional love. This is a technique that will slip by your internal gatekeeper and allow the new statement to be seeded into your subconscious.
Young People Learn About Relationships From Media
Elizabeth Little, Deakin University
Adequate, formal sexual education is important for young people, but discussions about consent can take place in many situations outside the sex education classroom and outside of school.
Farming Without Disturbing Soil Could Cut Agriculture's Climate Impact By 30%
Sacha Mooney, University of Nottingham et al
Perhaps because there are no chimney stacks belching smoke, the contribution of the world’s farms to climate change seems somehow remote.
DNA Based Cancer Vaccine Triggers Immune Attack On Tumors
Jim Goodwin, Washington University in St. Louis
We think this is the first report of the use of a neoantigen DNA vaccine in a human, and our monitoring confirms the vaccine was successful in prompting an immune response that targeted specific neoantigens in the patient's tumor...
Inner Child Speaks: "Listen To Me! I Can Help You!" (Video)
Marie T. Russell,
The inner child waits patiently for the adult to notice it, to talk to it. It asks itself: "How can I get her attention? How can I get her to talk to me, to listen to me?" It thinks back of its past experience with parents and teachers and remembers that...
Daily Inspiration: April 29, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
I don't believe that we are here to be miserable. I think some miserable people made that up so that everyone would be miserable like them.
Five Steps to Get Out of Your Funky Attitude (Video)
Jude Bijou, author of Attitude Reconstruction
Do you get in a negative mood and have a hard time getting out? Do your lingering feelings seem to descend on you for no particular reason? Do you find yourself often brooding for extended periods of time? Anxious? Frustrated? Depressed? Hurt? Brooding? Serious?
To Lower Cancer Risk, Eat More Mushrooms?
Sara LaJeunesse, Penn State
Replenishing antioxidants in the body may help protect against oxidative stress and lower the risk of cancer
Plant Flower Billboards In Your Garden To Help Bugs In Trouble
Samantha Murray, University of Florida
Insects are attracted to landscapes where flowering plants of the same species are grouped together and create big blocks of color, according to new research.
The Long Term Benefit of Lifting Children Out of Poverty Today
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Northwestern University, et al
Many studies conducted in recent years show that lifting children from the burdens of poverty has the potential to improve their health and ability to get a good education.
Daily Inspiration: April 28, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Only when we appreciate the unique gifts that each of us has to offer and the shining web of connection that holds us all can we open ourselves to the full potential of what we can achieve together.
Why The Humble Legume Could Be The Answer To Fertiliser Addiction
Michael Williams, Trinity College Dublin et al
Peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans and peanuts: if it comes in a pod then chances are it’s a legume. These unassuming food crops have a special ability that makes them fairly unique in the plant kingdom.
Why Some People Don't Experience Vaccine Side-Effects, and Why It's Not A Problem
Veenu Manoharan, Cardiff Metropolitan University
If that’s the immune system doing what it’s supposed to do, does a lack of side-effects mean my immune system hasn’t been primed to protect me?
Supermoon: How An Illusion Makes The Full Moon Appear Bigger Than It Really Is
Osnat Katz, UCL
No matter where you are in the world, and no matter how light the skies are, the Moon is always there. Our only natural satellite has inspired literature, art and science for thousands of years.
Daily Inspiration: April 27, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
We are continuously comparing life to how we believe life should be. What we call our experience of life is just our reaction to the on-going comparison.
How Sex and Intimacy Coaching Can Help Strengthen Connections Between People
Treena Orchard, Western University
Despite living in a sex-obsessed society, we rarely talk about our erotic lives in ways that foster meaningful intimacy with ourselves and others. Indeed, millions of people are craving physical and emotional connection, which has surfaced in heart-breaking ways during COVID-19.
This Supermoon Has A Twist – Expect Flooding, But A Lunar Cycle Is Masking Effects Of Sea Level Rise
Brian McNoldy, University of Miami
A “super full moon” is coming, and coastal cities like Miami know that means one thing: a heightened risk of tidal flooding.
The New Malaria Vaccine Proves Highly Effective -- All We Lack Is Will To Quickly Deploy It
Adrian Hill, University of Oxford
Coronavirus vaccines have been developed and deployed in record time, but as global rollout has progressed, too few doses have been made available in low-income countries. It’s a stark reminder that when it comes to infectious diseases, the world’s poorest often get left behind.
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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