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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

February 8, 2024

The focus for today is:

I send my love energy out into the world.

Today's inspiration was written by Rabbi Wayne Dosick:

There is only one antidote to fear: Love. Love wipes away the fear and brings the light of understanding, tolerance, acceptance, and embrace.

It will take love to overcome the fundamental hatreds and self-righteous sense of superiority that reside in some hearts.

We can send our love energy out into the world so that it can enter still-misguided hearts. We can make a world not of terror and fear, but of serenity and hope, love and peace.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     But... Why Are We Afraid?
     Written by Rabbi Wayne Dosick.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of sending love out into the world around you (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
The vibe we hold is the vibe we emit. So holding Love in our heart, and consciously choosing to send it out, to the people around us and far across the world, can make a difference. We may not see the results immediately, but persistence is the key. 

Our focus for today: I send my love energy out into the world.

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RELATED BOOK: Radical Loving

Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People
by Wayne Dosick.

book cover: Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People by Wayne Dosick.For many of us, it feels as if our world is breaking apart. Long-held, comfortable beliefs are being shattered, and we face unprecedented questions and challenges. How do we heal the harsh divisions of class, race, religion, and cultures that plague us? How do we vanquish sexism, rigid fundamentalism, unabashed nationalism, senseless hatred, and violent terrorism? How do we save our precious planet from the threats to its very existence?

In this book is a bold, visionary, Spirit-filled blueprint for the redemption, transformation, and evolution of our emerging new world through radical loving and a day-to-day sense of the sacred. With age-old wisdom wrapped in contemporary garb, sweet, inspiring stories, keen insights, and gentle guidance, Radical Loving is a call to renewal and to Oneness?a promise that Earth can be Eden once again.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here

About the Author

photo of RABBI WAYNE DOSICK, Ph.D., D.D.RABBI WAYNE DOSICK, Ph.D., D.D., is an educator, writer, and spiritual guide who teaches and counsels about faith, ethical values, life transformations, and evolving human consciousness. Well-known for his quality scholarship and sacred spirit, he is the rabbi of The Elijah Minyan, a retired visiting professor at the University of San Diego, and the host of the monthly Internet radio program, SpiritTalk Live! heard on He is the award-winning author of nine critically acclaimed books, including the now-classic Living JudaismGolden RulesThe Business BibleWhen Life Hurts20 Minute KabbalahSoul JudaismThe Best is Yet To BeEmpowering Your Indigo Child, and, most recently, The Real Name of God: Embracing the Full Essence of the Divine.

For more info, visit