Whenever we feel out of sync with our life, we can find the clue to the reason why by accessing our feelings. Any disharmony within your being will be expressed through your feelings.
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and generally choose the direction in which our lives progress.
Nature heals us and purifies our energies and thoughts. Researchers have found that people who are exposed to beautiful nature scenes are more generous, trusting, and helpful towards others.
We live on this planet as if we are the masters of it all and as if we are separate from "others" -- whether human, animal, vegetable, mineral. or spiritual. That is the greatest illusion.
While water, fire, and air are indeed essential, without Earth we would literally have nothing to stand on. Mother Earth is our base, our foundation, our support. She feeds and nurtures us.
While we can survive for 3 days without water, without air we cannot survive more than 3 minutes -- the exception being deep sea divers who train to extend their range. And, how often do we stop and...
We can use our inner fire and light to illuminate a new path to walk...
Water is an integral part of nature and it is essential to life. Over 50% of the human body is composed of water. But water is more than just a liquid that supports life in our cells.
As humans, we tend to think we are superior or more advanced than animals. We may think we are higher on the evolutionary scale than insects. But, are we?
We live in perfect harmony when we treat all sentient beings as if they are a beloved part of us.
Challenges are a part of life, whether we like them or not. Some challenges seem insurmountable, and others more like speed bumps in the road of life. Many people thrive on...
We all have a choice as to what energy we radiate out into the world. And of course, that energy can change from day to day, even from minute to minute.
To be in harmony with one's self, we must have the courage to stand up for our truth with integrity. Cowering to other people's dogma and opinions creates a feeling of imbalance within our own being.
At times we may think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But what if it is actually a sign of wisdom? The wisdom lies in recognizing that we need help and being willing to ask for it.
Our actions and our energy draw people to us that hold the same energies. Thus if we find ourselves surrounded by angry people, there is...
When our life and health are in perfect harmony, we are in the perfect flow. There are no excesses of either too much work or not enough health, too much exercise, or not enough exercise. Too much indulgence or not enough.. Our life is in balance.
Even if we haven't attained all our goals or become the "evolved" person we want to be, we still need to be proud of ourselves.
Be your own best friend. Give yourself encouragement and a pat on the back for the small successes of life. Be gentle...
Joy is a fuel for the human soul. Joy recharges us, both physically and emotionally.
Every thing, and every one, need respect and love. While it may, at times, be a difficult "gift" to give ourselves or others, it is essential. Love is as essential as air and water.
We probably all have things we feel guilty about. Whether those are small things or major ones, they still engender a feeling of guilt, and thus negative energy which resides in our being.
For anything we do, we need to breathe. Life itself needs us to breathe to sustain itself. Yet more than just sustaining life...
It is time to shed self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs to reveal a new layer of renewed attitudes and transformational possibilities.