Get clear on your purpose, intent, and motivation.
he mind is one of your most powerful tools when it clearly receives and interprets the guidance coming from your innermost self. If you want clarity, ask your soul to give it to you. Your soul has the answers, as well as a connection to the flows of energy in the earth plane that will bring you abundance, love, and peace, and anything else you ask for that is for your higher good.
Think now of something about which you want clarity. Imagine that you are going upward into your soul, to the innermost part of your being. Picture your soul as fine, light energy. See your soul’s light, love, and energy flowing into your mind, symbolically cleaning house, rearranging your thoughts into a more open pattern that allows you to create a future that is lighter and more joyful. Feel your soul’s energy coming all the way down through your body, aligning all of your bodies — mental, emotional, and physical — with its higher energy.
To Gain Clarity, You Need to Ask & Listen Quietly
If you want to know more about your life purpose, or about any personal situation, then ask. You will need to create the intention and a time to hear. Take the time to sit quietly. It may not happen the first time you try. However, if you continue to create the space for the ideas to come through, that is all that is required.
Any time you create a clear, relaxed space, calm your mind, link with your soul, and ask for information, your soul will give it to you. You are like a radio receiver that can pick up various broadcasts. Your soul is always sending you the answers and guidance you need; all you need do is tune in to the information that it is offering.
The More You Listen Within, The More You Receive Clarity
The more you take time to listen within, the more you will receive. The more you spend time getting clear — quiet thinking time, linking up with the higher energies within — the more you will find yourself taking actions that are entirely different from those you might have taken.
You may eliminate 80 percent or more of unnecessary actions. One half hour spent thinking and getting clear can keep you from spending years on a slower path. You can evolve rapidly on a spiritual level by spending the time to get clear, asking for what you want, and opening to receive it.
Clarity: Living in More Light Playsheet
1. Reflect on something about which you feel ambivalent or confused and would like new understanding and clarity.
2. Sit quietly and relax your body. Think of the issue for a moment, then let go of it. Get very silent and go within, allowing the peace of your innermost self to permeate your being.
3. Ask for clarity and guidance from your higher self and the higher forces of the Universe. From this peaceful, relaxed state, allow new thoughts about this issue to come into your mind, inspired new thoughts brought to you by your higher self. Ask yourself:
• What insights am I receiving about how to act or think?
• What beliefs do I have about the outcome? Do I need to change these beliefs to a higher view?
• What choices do I have? (Think of at least three.)
• What do I now intend to do?
Daily Joy Practice: Infusion of Light & Clear Energy
To live in more light today, begin by asking your soul to infuse you with light and clear energy. You might imagine clear light coming down from your soul, pouring into your mind, emotions, and physical body, aligning you with your spiritual self. Your soul is bringing you clear vision so you can view your life from a higher, wiser perspective. Allow yourself to feel very clear right now as you open to this brilliant light of clear seeing, thinking, and feeling.
As you think of your day ahead, imagine that you are bringing this light of clarity into every interaction with other people, every relationship in your life, and every project you are working on. You are clear about your expectations and the agreements, both spoken and unspoken, with other people. You know what you want and you communicate it with care and precision. Picture yourself doing this.
Asking for Clarity on Your Plans and Proper Timing
Reflect on something you are planning to do today. Ask your soul for clarity about this area and the best way to do it. From the higher perspective of your soul, consider or question whether you need to do this at all. Is today the day to do it? Pay attention to any guidance, insights, or new information that emerges about this area.
Imagine your clear light radiating outward throughout the day, transforming all the energies about you in a positive way. Picture yourself accomplishing everything you need to do today and doing this aligned with your soul, in a clear, focused state of consciousness, listening within, and following your higher guidance. Sense how you will feel at the end of the day as you live in this higher light of clarity throughout the day.
©1986, 2011 by Sanaya Roman. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
New World Library, Novato, CA.
Article Source:
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
by Sanaya Roman.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. Although she no longer gives private appointments, most of the advice Orin gives to people is contained in six books: Living with Joy, Personal Power through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and Spirit, learning to channel, and creating the reality you want. To learn more visit Sanaya is also teaching seminars and producing new audio meditations and a line of meditation music.