Image by Vinzenz Lorenz M
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
February 9, 2023
The focus for today's inspiration is:
I choose to create the world that I want.
Right now, look around at all of your options and choices. Decide that from today onward you will create the world that you want.
Go within and find that point of strength, that part of you that has always been able to create the things you wanted, and feel it growing stronger. The greatest gift you give another is having your own life work.
Ask yourself, “How can I be true to who I am? What is my truth?” Every person has a different path and is a unique expression of life force.
Today's inspiration was excerpted from the article:
What is Your Life Purpose? Start By Pretending You Are The Captain of Your Ship
Written by Sanaya Roman.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of creating the world that you want (today and every day)
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The focus for today: Today, I choose to create the world that I want.
* * * * *
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation
by Sanaya Roman.In this book Orin, through Sanaya Roman, talks about how to have more, believe you can create what you want, open to receive even more than you have ever allowed into your life, and discover the power of appreciation, gratitude, and the law of increase.
Orin guides you to feeling more inner peace through connecting with your deeper self, and how to stop being affected by the world and instead to positively affect it with your peace.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually.
As well as numerous books, Sanaya has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and Spirit, learning to channel, and creating the reality you want.