Every night before you go to sleep, sit in your bed and start making faces -- just as small children enjoy doing, make all kinds of faces, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, so the whole face and the musculature start moving.
Make sounds -- nonsense sounds will do -- and sway, just for ten to fifteen minutes and then go to sleep.
In the morning, before you take your bath, again stand before the mirror and for ten minutes make faces.
Standing before the mirror will help: you will be able to see and you will be able to respond.
Copyright © Osho International Foundation 1998
The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within For more information visit www.osho.org where there is an "Ask Osho" section where people can write their question. The web editors will find the nearest answer to the question from Osho who has answered thousands of questions from seekers over the years.Article Source
by Osho.
Osho is one of the best-known and most provocative spiritual teachers of the 20th century. Beginning in the 1970s he captured the attention of young people from the West who wanted to experience meditation and transformation. Even since his death in 1990, the influence of his teachings continues to expand, reaching seekers of all ages in virtually every country of the world. For more information, visit https://www.osho.com/About The Author