Image by Alex Ertel
I want to invite you to breathe in and breathe out, and as you breathe in and breathe out, become aware of your heart as a portal. This multidimensional door has pathways that lead to infinite places, which lead to infinite sacred sites, which lead to infinite realms of consciousness.
Your breathing becomes coherent, and you feel yourself deeply connected to Pachamama—our beautiful Mother Earth below us. You also feel yourself deeply and equally connected to the cosmic wisdom that is above us—Father Sky—the presence and light of Inti the great sun.
As above, so below; we bring into our heart the union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. These energies dance the dance of magic in our hearts and the music that they are dancing to is the music and frequency of love. And we are dancing into the portal, as we are entering this journey in a way that we have never experienced before. In this we discover that what is beyond the portal is filled with magic because it is connected to our own personal imagination, and it is also connected to the personal gifts that each one of us are meant to receive.
So I invite you to feel your joy as the male and female within you are dancing within your heart, knowing that this is the key to opening it. See the portals of your heart opening and inviting you to walk through them.
As you are coming through, you see pathways, you see pure light—rainbow light, all colors of the rainbow. This rainbow light is the pathway that you are walking upon. These colors make up the beautiful flag of the Incan Empire, the rainbow flag that carries the full spectrum of light united in friendship to create the whole illumination for everyone to see and experience.
This path is vibrating and guiding us to where we are to go. We trust this guidance from the light. We trust this guidance of the spirits of the Earth and we let these spirits guide us through.
The Sacred Valley of the Inca: The Path of the Rainbow Light
Moving along the path of rainbow light, we find ourselves in a beautiful valley, the Sacred Valley of the Inca. Here everything grows with vitality and Mother Earth expresses herself in magical ways.
We can see the plants and the mountains vibrating at a frequency that is pure light. We can see the aura of everything. We are in the valley sitting upon this beautiful field, which is made of sweetgrass.
In front of us is a beautiful stone; this is our altar for the day. This beautiful stone in front of us is where we have our mesa—the mesa of our sacred journey. In Peru, a mesa is a paqo’s altar. It is a bundled cloth that holds all of a paqo’s sacred objects and tools of power. When a mesa is opened the spiritual medicine and energy of the paqo’s sacred objects is shared with the world.
(Editor's Note: A paqo is an Andean energy artisan or shaman. To be a paqo is to be of service, both to the great beings of Nature and the Cosmos and to the community. )
You approach the mesa (or altar) and notice that the cloth is an ancient Peruvian cloth woven thousands of years ago by the medicine women of the Incan Empire. You are being called to open your mesa. There is power inside it that activates your memory of receiving your gifts of power from the different initiations you have gone through before. Your hands come and untie the mesa in a respectful way, and the mesa begins to present itself to you. As you open it, you notice the first thing that is coming to you is the beautiful skin of a snake.
The Gift of the Snake: Letting Go
You hold the snake skin within your hands and you remember the moment when the Great Serpent god Amaru gifted you with this skin; you remember the message you received from this powerful being and you connect with the energy of the Ukhu Pacha—receiving the gifts and wisdom from the Andean underworld. This wisdom from the underground is the ancient medicine of letting go, of releasing what is no longer serving us.
As you hold this medicine in your hands right now, you think of everything that is in the present time that you are still holding on to, that is weighing on you, and that is not supporting you in being fully present for all the gifts of the moment. And you connect your heart to the heart of Mother Snake and you ask her to activate her medicine in you, into the wisdom of your heart so that you can feel the safety of letting go; you can feel the blessings of no attachment.
You feel this magical energetic process happening to your whole being where your own skin feels like falling off. All this dry, old skin—no longer supportive of who you are becoming—is just falling off of you and onto the ground. The ground—Mother Earth—is accepting your old skin as nutrients for her own land. Mother Earth is taking what you are letting go, what you shed, as nutrition for her flowers and her grass.
You are fertilizing the earth with your old skin, which holds the power of all the lessons you’ve received in the past . . . You feel your new skin like a pink light of joy and rejuvenation fill your entire being. You thank Mother Snake and Ukhu Pacha for this opportunity.
The Gift of the Puma: Peace and Wisdom
Your hands begin to look for the next gift on your mesa and you find upon your mesa there is a beautiful paw of our sister, Puma. She is coming to you, and you see her eye to eye. Your eyes and her eyes are looking deep into one another. She is powerful and her presence is intense and there is so much sweetness as you dive deeply into her eyes.
You feel her entering your body like you are channeling her and she is talking to you about the honor of walking upon the Earth, on Kay Pacha. And through her eyes you look around and you see Kay Pacha, the dimension of all that is around you, in a very different light. You are seeing this world from beauty, gratitude, and beyond.
You take a deep breath and you realize that Puma has brought you to the threshold where the world of the physical meets the world of the nonphysical. In this place, you feel connected and at peace with the world—accepting and understanding the flow and cosmic order of life.
At this threshold, where the two worlds meet, you are able to see the world through the eyes of Puma, observing the world with the wisdom of Kay Pacha. You know that everything in life happens for a reason—a sacred purpose—and with this knowing a sense of peace fills your heart. You breathe in and allow this peace and wisdom to fill your body, inviting the spirit of Puma and the wisdom of Kay Pacha to reside within you.
Puma lives within you, the gift and the medicine of knowing where to put your paw and how to gently walk upon the Earth, guided by trust with each step. You feel yourself walking, gently allowing the unified field of love that is 360 degrees around you to hug you now and welcome you permanently to the awareness of Kay Pacha as the awareness of the divine plan.
Here you know that everything that is inside of you will express itself outside you, so you feel a deep honoring and a deep responsibility to bring your attention to the inside and nurture and build within because that building is what is being reflected in your Kay Pacha. This relationship with your within and your without is in great harmony and constitutes a deep union of love, and you thank the beautiful puma for this opportunity to see and understand that this is so.
The Gift of the Condor: Seeing from a Higher Perspective
You feel your hands going to the mesa again looking for the next gift. And there you feel a beautiful, gentle, soft feather of Condor—this ancient, beautiful big brother who is in front of you carrying the wisdom of a lifetime. This condor feather is transmitting to you an entire life of flights. These are flights into high dimensions, which take you in this moment on the wings of freedom into Hanan Pacha, the high levels of consciousness.
You fly with Condor and you know that the condor and its beautiful wings, when they spread and soar above all, understand everything in life from a higher perspective. And you feel your connection with the condor, as it gifts you right now the piece of seeing from above, where all the pieces of life touch together and fit perfectly with one another.
You can see the big picture of your life, the understanding as to why everything has been as it has been. And you trust that the future will unfold in the same divine order.
You feel Condor taking you even higher and you can see now the dimensions of this beautiful portal of the star people. Condor tells you in the heart that you are a star being, and the Hanan Pacha is your home, and you are bringing from the Hanan Pacha the ancient wisdom that is your blueprint into this lifetime.
Condor is always here to fly with you to remember the origins of your soul. And you feel the stars and you as one and you feel the shining light within you, and you give thanks to the condor for taking you into this beautiful journey through Hanan Pacha.
You come back to the valley to the altar in front of you with deep gratitude for feeling one with all levels of consciousness that unite the Ukhu Pacha, the Kay Pacha, and the Hanan Pacha into your heart. You hold right here and now, within you, the gifts and the medicine of Snake, Puma, and Condor. You are feeling whole and complete, and you are in perfect coherence with your heart.
The Gift of the Hummingbird: Oneness
Within this space, you hear humming; an intense frequency surrounds you, and you see rings within rings of fluorescent light. Within this light you notice hundreds of little wings and realize that these wings are the origin of the humming frequency. As you watch the wings before you, you realize that these are the wings of hummingbirds. They move fast in the light and they create a vortex of magic around you.
As you drop into this vortex of magic, a feeling comes over you that you can only describe as munay—the pure unconditional love of Creation. You are in the middle of this high frequency, and within your consciousness you know that you are in the presence of Korinti—the golden hummingbird.
At this moment you experience no separation—there is nothing between you and Korinti. You breathe and you feel this connection within you. You know within your heart that at this moment you are the honey that is feeding the holy and divine presence of Korinti. You are the eye of the needle and you are the needle. You are the oneness and you are the one.
You experience the nothing and the everything, and you know you have come to this expanded experience through the integration of all of the powers offered to you by the gifts within the mesa. You know you are in the joy and in the loving presence of Spirit. You breathe deeply, inhaling the joy of this moment, allowing this high vibration to fill your body and heart.
And you become present in your body and you become present in your heart. You come out of this beautiful journey to the awareness of your entire being, wherever you are sitting right now. You are feeling a new level of integration, feeling a new level of wholeness, and you breathe in and you breathe out. You are completely aware of your expansion and your intention to keep your experience alive, and you now have the medicine to support your everyday life.
And so it is.
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Article Source
Shamanic Mysteries of Peru: The Heart Wisdom of the High Andes
by Vera Lopez and Linda Star Wolf Ph.D.
The Andes Mountains of Peru are rich with ancient shamanic traditions, sacred places, and heart wisdom passed down from the Inca and safeguarded for generations by the Q’eros nation. In this experiential guide to the wisdom and practices of the Andean people and their sacred land, Vera Lopez and Linda Star Wolf take you on an intimate journey through the sacred sites, temples, and power places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuamán, Písac, Lake Titicaca, and more. They show how each of these powerful sites holds an ancient wisdom--an initiation left behind by the Inca--and they share initiatory rites and shamanic journeying practices to allow you to integrate and embody the wisdom of each sacred place.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here.
More books by Linda Star Wolf
About the Authors
Vera Lopez is the founder of Spirits of the Earth, a travel company specializing in spiritual journeys to sacred sites. She is a transformation teacher, shamanic minister, and Andean priestess, who has received direct initiation from shamanic elders in several traditions, including the Q’eros of Peru.
Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., is the founding director and president of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and Venus Rising University. The creator of the Shamanic Breathwork process, she has led countless workshops and certified hundreds of Shamanic Breathwork facilitators around the world. She is the author of several books, including Soul Whispering and Shamanic Breathwork.