The procedure of slowing, stationing and retrogression is often noted by events or inner mood shifts. Although rarely on the station-day itself, but frequently within a week on either side of it, there is a marked shift in energy patterns, both psychologically and physically.
The first part of the retrograde process is where one learns to adapt to new rhythms, and explores different ways of learning. During the entire retrograde period, a different point of view and a new comprehension proceeds to unfold.
- By AdminStaff
by Salvatore
Though this article was written in 1995 a lot of the information can be applied to current transits and planetary shifts.
A look at transits, retrogrades, and other aspects that affect our lives. When Mercury moves away from Earth in its orbit around the Sun, it is said to be moving in direct motion. When Mercury approaches earth, it appears to move backwards...
The year 2003 is the Chinese Year of the Sheep, specifically, the Black Sheep (also known as the Ram) and the Chinese celebrate the New Year as starting on February 1, 2003. (February 1st 2003 - January 21st, 2004). The element associated with this year is water.
The Chinese Year of the Horse comes galloping into our lives. The Horse itself is a very Yang creature. Yang gives a tendency toward action, toward the act of rising up, increasing, expansion, and brightness. The spirit of the Horse is such that at one moment, they can seem quite content and peaceful, and then in a split second, from a sudden noise, they can be galloping full speed in a mad rush without any apparent plan...
Eastern Astrology differs from Western astrology which most of us are more familiar with. The differences in astrological approaches are reflected in the Eastern use of a constellational, rather than solar, chart analysis.
The Year of the Dragon is often said to be the luckiest year to be born in. It is said that the Year of the Dragon is good for business and all money-making schemes. In Chinese culture, the Chinese dragon is seen as the royalty among animals.
- By AdminStaff
Fear, control and denial. Authority. Discipline. Time. Learning things the hard way. Responsibilities. Duties. Beyond all else perhaps, Saturn represents fear, and many of the problems and difficulties surrounding this planet can be traced to this single root principle.
- By AdminStaff
Approximately every seven years, Saturn makes a stressful aspect to the natal placement -- either a square or opposition. Looking back to when you were approximately seven years old and remembering the lessons, fears, and traumas of that time, you can find deep and old patterns still operating in adult life.
In terms of complete Saturn cycles, you have three to work with at the most. The challenges presented by Saturn have at their core the demand that we become who we are, and who we can be, as fully as possible, by separating from that which we are not and could never be.
- By AdminStaff
Transiting Neptune infrequently aspects itself in the course of a life time, but such "life-cycles" are usually experienced by most people around the same age. All of these phases can be very subtle, giving us the impression that nothing is really going on -- but that's typical for Neptune.
As we advance in our studies of astrology, we become centered and prepared to meet whatever comes. Astrology teaches us to awaken through every experience, meeting each moment with courage...
Whatever challenges Saturn brings are tailor-made to help us fulfill our highest potential. Saturn's not against us, it's for us! If we're willing to work with our Saturn, it ultimately reveals some of our greatest strengths and gifts as well as the skills necessary to satisfy our highest destinies.
Natives of Sagittarius often exhibit expansive thinking, philosophical speculation, and musing over spiritual and religious matters. This is the zodiacal month that lures us out of our limited perspectives and beyond the familiarity of our home bases.
I wish to bring you some understanding regarding the changes which are about to occur on the planet Earth, especially with regard to the Earth changes. The Earth must work harder than ever to release her resistance to growth and evolution. Such is the nature of form. It always tends to want to...
by Donna Cunningham.
The Moon, in the astrological chart, can help us understand how we deal with our emotions. It show how comfortable we are with dependency, how we take care of others, gratify their needs, and how we accept those same needs in ourselves. Can we tolerate feeling dependent and actively go out to get those needs met?
- By John Townley
by John Townley.
The moon's cycle can be an important one in planning your work schedule -- or your schedule for finding work. The sun also exerts a cyclic pull on us. The sun's cycle serves very much as an overall personal energy and health cycle and often determines what season of the year you will do best in.
Have you noticed that on some days many of your clients or customers seem to have certain things in common. For example, on some days people may only want to window shop, while on other days every customer or client who walks through the doors has a complaint. They are responding to the Moon's...
- By Daniel Pharr
by Daniel Pharr.
The 'dark side' of our being is represented by the Moon. This is our invisible side, which is normally active during the night, when the conscious mind is at rest. The lunar-self is composed of the superconscious and subconscious minds.
- By Daniel Pharr
by Daniel Pharr
This article by Daniel Pharr discusses the waxing moon phase, the waning moon phase, and the dark moon phase and their influence on us.
by Sonia Choquette. Our house contained my world: my Romanian-born mother and American-born French-Canadian father; my six brothers and sisters; my grandmother and grandfather; and a house full of angels, spirit guides, and out-of-body helpers -- some of whom stayed, and some of whom were just...
Divination is a word that is often loosely used to mean a type of intuition. The highest processes of what we do in any art or science involve this wonderful intuitive capacity. Put that way, we could all agree, "Fine, astrology is divination, but so what?" My purpose here today is to raise the "so what?"