Are you in the market for a lover who's ultra responsible, In Charge, and Right On Top Of Things? In other words, a workaholic who takes their organizer, cell-phone, and portable fax machine everywhere
Looking for a lover who will automatically suspect you of lying at all times? Someone who will be obsessively jealous of everyone around you, regardless of their age or sex?
Don't ever ask a Libra a question that involves a choice unless you want to camp out wherever you happen to be while they're trying to choose
If you're thinking of dating a Virgo, your best bet is to invest in a lint brush, some spearmint dental floss, and an expensive pair of double-thick, lined, sanitized, yellow rubber gloves.
Looking for an easygoing, low-maintenance, and independent partner? Someone who can always roll with the punches, never takes anything personally, and is always able to separate their ego from the situation at hand?
Cancers are known to be private types who are fond of their homes and very, very tight with their families. Don't ask them any personal questions for at least a year, regardless of whether or not you're married by then.
Geminis aren't nearly as fickle as folks make them out to be. They're just, oh,....easily distracted. If you're dating a Gemini, always have Plan B ready
Don't date a Taurus if you're not Looking For A Relationship, because once you ask them out they'll consider themselves engaged and want to shop for rings.
Looking for a lover who's mature, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, and entirely unselfish? Well, then, don't even consider dating an Aries.
The Moon rules your basic sense of security, which early parenting influences in a crucial but unconscious way. It comes from the way the infant is held, how it is fed, and how it is responded to when it cries -- whether all these things are done with love, with anxiety, with indifference, or even with hostility.
The Moon in our chart shows our emotions and how we deal with them, as well as how we respond to the emotions of people around us. This relates back to the nurturing we had as a very young child. How well our parents responded to our emotional expressions has a great deal to do with...
- By John Townley
Like the moon, the sun exerts a cyclic pull on us, but the pull is much stronger -- it's what keeps the earth in orbit, determines the seasons, and keeps us all alive. The sun's cycle, 365+ days, serves very much as an overall personal energy and health cycle and often determines...
- By Mike Bara
As I look forward, I (like the Maya and the Hopi long before me) feel change in the air. We all want to know what will happen in 2012, and the truth is that what will happen is already happening. The number of unusual astronomical events taking place in the next couple of years (all of which were known by the Maya centuries ago)...
When we struggle against the inevitable, or strive to alter the unavoidable timing of Mercury, we oppose the tao of existence. Therefore, understanding the principles of transiting Mercury retrograde as it moves through the elements maximizes potential within a natural rhythm.
Although some dreams certainly seem to symbolize life challenges or fears, not all dreams have the same “feel.” Many times the imagery represents something in our waking, conscious state that needs to be confronted, or even changed.
- By John Townley
The extensive cycle research of the past thirty years... has established numerous links between regularly occurring human behavior and external natural cycles ranging from weather and solar radiation to phases of the moon and planetary cycles.
Oftentimes, we hesitate using our intuition because of the "risk" of being wrong. What if the "voice" we're hearing, or the hunch we're getting is wrong? In some situations, as in chemo or not chemo, operation or not operation, change jobs or not, divorce or not, it's a "life-threatening" or life-altering choice. However, if...
Between 1996 and 2000 I was a telephone hot line volunteer for an organization that put survivors in touch with people newly diagnosed with cancer. The sharing of dreams on the cancer hot line became a wonderful healing exercise for the new patients. Often we talked about dreams that conveyed messages...
One of my children brought to my attention a TV program that he was watching. On the program, a scientist was testing individuals who had gifts similar to mine. My child said, "Mommy, you need to call that man so you can help him with those studies. "As a mother who believes in the intuitive capabilities of her children, I...
- By Robert Moss
by Robert Moss. When have you said to yourself, "It's only my imagination"? I've said it at a moment of strong intuition — intuition that subsequently proved to be correct — that lacked supporting evidence in the moment. I've also said it when I've had a glimpse of a wonderful future — and then betrayed that vision by diverting my energy to listing all the reasons it cannot be...
Jupiter's involvement in the May 2009 alignment with Neptune and Chiron means that, at the very least, it will be that much more difficult for us to ignore the primary directives of the alignment. But we can also explore what his presence in Aquarius might indicate and how else this vast planet's involvement might...
The promise of Chiron is that as we learn to heal and release the fears and misperceptions related to issues of rejection and abandonment, we also build a bridge to spiritual enlightenment. This is mirrored in physicality by the fact that Chiron's orbit lies primarily between Saturn and Uranus, and so acts as a stepping stone...