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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Our life is aa adventure... from the moment we are born (or from the moment we, as a soul consciousness, enter the baby in the womb), we are on a journey. It is a road that we have been on for a long time, and this moment, this now, is another segment of the road...
We encounter challenges, decisions to be made, forks in the road that give us no clue as to which one is "the best". Yet, when we pause and take time to tune in to our inner guidance, to reflect on the choices in front of us, and to breathe into the moment, the answersare there.
When we are doubtful of the next stage of the journey, we can remind ourselves: I am safe. I am supported. I am well taken care of. The Universe (by whatever name you choose to call the benevolent force of Love) has our back, and it is up to us to let go of the fears we are clutching, and trust that the future is bringing new wonderful experiences and joy.
This week's featured articles bring you insights and guidance to help you along on your life's journey. This is a journeyy that you alone are in charge of... no one else is in your shoes. It is your path, your choice, your calling. Let the Universe support you, guide you, and love you. The Love is all around us. As I go out in the garden in the mornings and nibble on the abundance of mulberries on the tree we planted a few years ago, I feel so much gratitude for the blessing that surround me, and that surround us all... when we open our eyes to see.
May your life's journey be full of joy, learning and healing experiences, and unconditional Love.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

Author: Pierre Pradervand
I interviewed over two hundred people in more than 100 organizations. I ended almost every interview with the question: "It's easy to see what's wrong with the world today... So, I'd like to ask you to mention what you see as the three positive trends in the world - in any…
Imagine that you are one of the many seekers and free-spirited adventurers playing your part in the greatest investigation of all time: the quest to understand what we are all doing here in this world.
Author: Will T. Wilkinson
The phrase “Get ready, get set, GO!” describes a formula for effective living. We screw things up when we leave out the middle step, by getting trapped on what I call the “see-do bypass.”
Author: Alexandra Wenman
The path of awakening is different for everyone, and the truth is that there is no set path, as each and every one of us is unique. In the same way, no two people will require the same level of help or support to navigate their way towards sacred union with the divine within.
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Author: Ray Cappo
I didn’t go to India to put on a Hindu costume; I got into Vedic teachings to uncover all the costumes I’d been wearing and to find out what I was at my core. The sacred literature of India explained this in a way that gave me the broadest understanding of spirituality I’d ever…
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Author: Morgan Shipley, Michigan State University
Responding as “none” or “unaffiliated” on religious surveys, people increasingly identify as humanists, atheists, agnostics, or simply spiritual. If current trends continue, by 2070 Christianity may no longer be the dominant expression of American religion.
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Author: Caleb Althorpe, Trinity College Dublin
What exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features?
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Author: Havovi Chichger, Anglia Ruskin University
An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, my colleagues and I discovered. It does this harm in two ways.
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Author: Dirk S. Schmeller, CNRS
What is transformative change? Another political buzzword? The IPBES defines it as a “fundamental, system-wide reorganisation across technological, economic...
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Author: Conrad Kickert and Kelly Gregg, University at Buffalo
Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. But to what extent do yards serve as a window into the people who tend them – and how they feel about their home, neighborhood and city?
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Author: Julian Givi, West Virginia University et al.
Everyone has been there. You get invited to something that you absolutely do not want to attend – a holiday party, a family cookout, an expensive trip. But doubts and anxieties creep into your head as you weigh whether to decline.
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Author: Paul Ham, Sciences Po
The Academy Awards celebrated the film version of Oppenheimer's life – it took home seven Oscars – yet it dismally failed to address his decisive role in the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima, and all the death and destruction it caused.
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Author: Raphaël Belmin, Cirad, et al.
Ssme have attempted to adapt and innovate in this hostile landscape. Yacouba Sawadogo is one of them. In a barren field in the village of Gourga, Yacouba and his family are hard at work perforating the crusted soil in preparation for the first rain.
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Author: Fabio Silva, Bournemouth University et al
Every midsummer’s night tens of thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to celebrate and witness the rising Sun in alignment with the Heel stone standing outside of the circle.
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Author: Preety Sharm and Ayeshah Haque, University of Toronto
Organizers of Earth Day are calling for widespread climate education as a critical step in the fight against climate change. A new report highlights the impact of climate education on promoting behaviour change in the next generation.
Author: Amar Laila, University of Guelph, et al.
The global food system produces enough food for everyone, yet, in 2023, 333 million people worldwide were food insecure and 783 million were chronically hungry.
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Author: Shahid Naeem, Columbia University
Today is Earth Day, but it’s one of the most confused and misguided celebratory days of the year. The UN refers to this day as the “International Mother Earth Day,” but what is it we’re supposed to celebrate?
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This Week's Astrological Overview
Author: Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your…
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(Audio and Video versions also available on article page.)
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InnerSelf Staff
This week’s InnerSelf Magazine invites you to reflect on where you are—not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. As we shift…
Marie T. Russell,
The Serenity Prayer has guided many, but its modern version may limit change by focusing on individual acceptance. The original version…
Robert Jennings,
Trump’s purge of the federal government is not just happening—it’s accelerating. Federal employees are being fired, locked out of key…
Beth McDaniel,
If you’re struggling to meet your physical goals, your brain health might be the missing piece. Your mind and body work together, and…
Alex Jordan,
In a world full of nutrition misinformation, finding valid health information can feel overwhelming. Learn how to separate fact from…

Thanks for visiting, where there are 20,000+ life-altering articles promoting "New Attitudes and New Possibilities." All articles are translated into 30+ languages. Subscribe to InnerSelf Magazine, published weekly, and Marie T Russell's Daily Inspiration. InnerSelf Magazine has been published since 1985.