Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of its spiritual heritage. This is a fundamental effect of the onset of the Age of Aquarius. It is leading an ever-growing number of people to investigate the nature of their own realities, to seek out the hidden reasons behind their personal existences. For aid in this quest, many turn to the ancient science of astrology.

Those who do, find no shortage of information on the subject. Astrology has never before enjoyed the universal acceptance and popularity it does today. Yet, in the long run, most of the recent literature on astrology provides little more than superficial help to anyone who is seriously interested in answering the ageless questions of existence.

The majority of current astrological writings -- especially those intended for the general public -- deals only with astrology's physical aspects: character analyses, physical life circumstances, "compatibility" with others. To a certain degree, of course, this information is helpful in living a more rewarding and fulfilled life. But its exclusive use is both limited in its application and limiting in its effects.

Applied incorrectly, or taken too literally, these interpretations can actually stifle rather than enhance spiritual growth. They often lead to a "fatalistic" mentality and a subsequent shirking of individual responsibility and initiative.

But there is an even greater problem inherent in this purely exoteric use of astrology. That is, it virtually ignores the vast reality which underlies astrology: its esoteric, spiritual essence. And astrology at its core is a spiritual -- not a physical -- science.

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Astrology cannot be studied in a vacuum, as if it were a thing apart from the rest of creation. It is not simply a mysterious phenomenon lacking any foundation, that somehow "just works" -- as the deluge of popular treatments tend to imply. Instead, astrology is part and parcel of all existence -- with its own consciousness and intelligence, in a sense -- that is intimately interwoven with All That Is.

Exoteric astrologers concentrate solely on the movements of the planets against the backdrop of the zodiac. They look no deeper than the planetary cycles that can be seen and measured physically. (Some modern astrologers, in fact, are attempting to "prove" scientifically the validity of astrology, based solely on these physical calculations.) They then draw conclusions relating to the physical world from the physical planetary cycles.

All of these astrologers concern themselves only with astrology's outer, physical shell, its least important aspect. They have barely scratched the surface of the true science of astrology.

Beneath the purely physical planetary cycles lies another level of reality. This level is, in fact, the cause of the physical phenomena that scientists can so accurately measure. It is here that we find astrology's inner, spiritual aspect, its true nature. The relationship is very similar to our own dual natures: physical bodies which are reflections of inner, causal natures we call souls.

Planets, too, have souls, as do solar systems, constellations, and galaxies. All of these souls (and our own as well) are parts of the One Great Soul, the Reason and Cause of all creation. It is here, in the realm of souls, that we find the true connecting link between ourselves and the rest of the universe. It is from this link that the science of astrology stems, and without which it would have no meaning.

Planets, people, and atoms all arise from the same single Cause. All move in a unified, concerted motion, the varied but united expressions of the One Great Soul.

Esoteric astrologers interpret astrology from this deeper, spiritual level. While basing their interpretations on the same physical movements of the planets, they do not treat these movements as the causes of worldly or personal events. The planetary cycles are themselves effects. Instead, the esoteric astrologer looks to a deeper, more basic level for the meaning behind the cycle. He sees the true spiritual cause, of which the motion of a planet is but the result and the symbol.

Putting an individual life into this larger perspective, the astrologer can then relate it to the greater Whole from which it springs and of which it is an integral part. One's life is then no longer isolated and without meaning; but by its very nature as a part of All That Is, it is filled with meaning and potential.

The applications of exoteric, physical astrology are severely limited. Its influences are given unwarranted importance, and the trends and cycles it signifies are interpreted as if they were somehow set in concrete. This attitude breeds fatalism, passivity, and a submissive acceptance of what "must be." It is especially unhealthy in individuals who know little about astrology, and who must therefore trust in the interpretation of the astrologer.

The potentials of an esoteric, spiritual approach to astrology, on the other hand, are virtually limitless. This non-physical view places astrology into a philosophical framework, thereby uniting it with the Reality from which it springs. It fosters spiritual growth and illumination through a true understanding of the nature of existence. It leads to a personal acceptance of responsibility, and thus to a correct and creative use of free will. It raises the individual human being from a pawn in some celestial chess game to a full-fledged co-creator of the reality he or she experiences.

A happier and more fulfilling physical life -- the sole aim of physical interpretations -- becomes a natural byproduct of this enhanced spiritual well-being.

Humanity is rapidly outgrowing the astrology of the past. Physical interpretations were sufficient when our physical natures veiled and controlled our inner spirituality. But humans are increasingly expressing their spiritual aspect. The ultimate goal of humanity in the coming Age of Aquarius is the conscious integration of our physical and spiritual natures. The body will then act in conjunction with, and as an expression of, the soul.

Under this radical rearrangement or expansion of our collective consciousness, purely exoteric and predictive astrology will cease to function. We (humanity as a whole) will have transcended our physical limitations. The astrology of the future will be primarily the inner astrology of the soul.

The fundamentals of this type of interpretation exist today. They have always existed, and in fact form the basis of physical interpretations. They have been hidden, however, in our over identification with our physical bodies.

Now, as we become more responsive to the spiritual side of existence, we also become more aware of the true spiritual nature of the astrological impulses we have always felt. We can interpret and use them in new ways. We are freed from their control. Instead of reacting blindly to unconscious influences that we do not understand, we can consciously act with and through them, adjusting our lives to harmonize with the natural rhythms of creation.

Spiritual astrology is essentially a tool to be used in the search for self-knowledge. A proper study and interpretation of it will help you to place yourself in a greater, truly cosmic, perspective. It will reveal your relationship to the whole of which you are a vital part. It will enable you to grow as a soul.

To gain the most benefit from this interpretation, however, you must realize that you are not your physical body, nor are you your soul. In your most basic nature, you are consciousness -- an aspect of the One or God, the supreme Consciousness -- and you function simultaneously on two broad levels or planes of existence: the physical level and the spiritual or nonphysical level. You become aware of either of these levels by centering or focusing your consciousness (your essential being) on it.

Esoteric philosophy describes many other levels and sublevels of existence, but these distinctions are far too detailed for our purposes here. We will interpret the astrological influences in the more generalized terms of the physical and the spiritual levels.

The physical level contains your present life and its circumstances, your body, your environment, and your actions and activities within this context. This is the level on which you normally function in the waking state, since your consciousness is focused here most of the time. Your physical body (your "lower self") is the vehicle through which you live and work on the physical plane. You perceive and relate to your environment on this level through your five senses, which are governed by the rational, thinking, or lower aspect of your mind.

The spiritual level contains the life of your soul and its relationship to all other souls and to the soul of the One. Your soul (your "higher self") is the vehicle or body through which you experience on the spiritual level, by means of your inner or esoteric senses and under the control of the spiritual, intuitive, or higher aspect of your mind.

The two aspects of your mind, in a way, can be thought of as being the mind of your body and the mind of your soul. As you develop spiritually, you subordinate the thinking processes of your intellect to the knowing awareness of your intuition, which leads to the alignment of your physical body with your soul. The union of the two aspects of your mind enables you to bring impressions from the spiritual plane into your waking, physically oriented consciousness and put them to use in your day-to-day life.

Expanding your conscious awareness beyond the physical level is a primary goal of most esoteric study, and esoteric astrology is another means to this end. Studying your horoscope in this context is a method whereby you can gain a personal and yet comprehensive understanding of the nature and direction of your existence on both the physical and the spiritual levels.

Intuition and contemplation play important roles in the quest for self-knowledge; develop these qualities within yourself. They will enable you to relate the interpretations to your own life, and to find behind the symbolism the meanings that apply to you. For astrology to be of any value, you must interpret and apply it in personal, practical terms. You must use the principles you learn in your day-to-day living. No one can judge how to do this better than you can, because no one knows you better than you already know yourself.

A spiritual approach to astrology, interpreted on a personal level, can be the key that unlocks the doors to self-knowledge -- the doors behind which you will find true spiritual growth, development, and happiness.

Article Source:

Astrology: A New Age Guide
by Ed Perrone.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Quest Books/Theosophical Publishing House. ©1983.

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About the Author

Ed Perrone was a freelance writer from 1977-1998, when he wrote articles for The Progressive, Business NH, Black Elegance, American Astrology, Dell Horoscope, Llewellyn Sun-Sign Book, and numerous local, in-house, and organizational publications. Topics have included the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, mutual fund investing, marketing, publishing, and astrology. He was also a monthly columnist for American Astrology magazine from 1987-1998. He is presently an Interactive Online Programmer who designs, tests, deploys, maintains, and supports World Wide Web sites and other interactive online services for clients. You can find links to many Web sites and interactive programs he's developed at