- By Bonnie Wells
Most astrologers subscribe to some version of the idea that nothing can happen that is not "promised" in the natal chart. This is unquestionably the backbone of astrological theory -- the idea that planets are energetically related to each other in ways that tend to be repeated throughout life.
- By Bonnie Wells
Most astrologers subscribe to some version of the idea that nothing can happen that is not "promised" in the natal chart. This is unquestionably the backbone of astrological theory -- the idea that planets are energetically related to each other in ways that tend to...
- By AdminStaff
by Sioux Rose. Few sociologists or astrologers have observed the paradigm shift which waits in ambush to mark most lives close to age of forty. The Neptune square -- the most disorienting feature among the "fated" mid-life planetary alignments -- causes a fundamental questioning of the very issues, sacred cows, one never examined previously.
- By John Townley
The moon's cycle can be an important one in planning your work schedule ' or your schedule for finding work. The sun also exerts a cyclic pull on us. The sun's cycle serves very much as an overall personal energy and health cycle and often determines what season of the year you will do best in.
- By Karen McCoy
By knowing the sign of the solar eclipse preceding your birth, you can identify the covenant you made with the universe in exchange for the privilege of having a body and being on the planet.
- By AdminStaff
by Eliza Bassett.
Transits represent external forces helping us to allow change. As we know, the world is always changing, and these planetary contacts assist us and allow us to move ahead. Transits point out which concepts and ideas we?re still holding on to that need to be released, so we can function in this present time.
- By AdminStaff
by Eliza Bassett. The new millennium... There?s been a slight shift felt by some: more peace in their internal selves; optimism; an ability to feel with a strong knowing that this is going to be a great year in their lives. Yet what happened during the past week (21 Feb to 27 Feb)? What is this strange energy all about right now?
- By AdminStaff
Free Will? Fate? Which side are you on? The endless "fate versus free will" debate is foolish, and therefore fills foolish people with great enthusiasm. Both principles have validity; both are relevant to what actually happens in our lives.
The ancients established that there seemed to be a connection between the position of the Sun to the Moon in a woman's chart and when she was truly fertile. Just as the female body goes through the menstrual cycle, so the natal chart seems to indicate times when a woman is most receptive to pregnancy.
The ancients established that there seemed to be a connection between the position of the Sun to the Moon in a woman's chart and when she was truly fertile. Just as the female body goes through the menstrual cycle, so the natal chart seems to indicate times when a woman is most receptive to pregnancy.
The chart for the start of a job is second or third in importance to that of the birth chart itself. A chart cast for the time that employment begins is a viable event chart that can be used for both analysis and prediction...
by Douglas Bloch, M.A. The other day I overheard the following conversation between a father and a neighbor friend. "I can't understand how my children Molly and Sarah came from the same family," Tim said. "Sarah is serious, reserved, a hard worker, and wants to be a success in the world. Molly, on the other hand, is capricious, talkative, lighthearted, and extroverted. These kids had the same parents and grew up in the identical environment. I don't get it."
- By Rio Olesky
by Rio Olesky, M.A. The twelve signs of the zodiac are archetypes of human experience. They help us to be objectively aware of our attitudes and behaviors, our drives and motivations. All ten planets and some combination of signs and houses forge the road map that represents the fundamental patterns of options and potentials, possibilities, and probabilities available to each person.
Medical astrology requires a different approach to counseling than natal astrology. The medical astrologer is usually not a licensed medical practitioner, such as an M.D., N.D., D.C. or D.O., since most medical astrologers evolve out of the field. This in itself is not good or bad, but becomes a critical point to clients who come to the medical astrologer seeking health-oriented advice.
Someone asked me why all "New Age" astrology is so positive. Isn't there anybody out there who will focus on the negative qualities of the signs? Each of the signs certainly does have a distinctly negative expression. In fact, it seems we've all seen these traits exhibited by someone we've dated...
by Sylvia Browne. Your Sun sign (where the sun was positioned at birth) is characteristic of what you are "made of." The Sun sign presents a view of your inner self, that which you feel is you, your fundamental outlook on life.
- By Jenny Yates
by Jenny Yates. The moon circles the earth quickly, passing through all the signs of the zodiac in 28 days. She is generous with her changes, offering a new zodiacal perspective every 2+ days. The moon is symbolically connected with emotions, water, and the mother. Her changes are reflected deep within us in the ways we nurture ourselves and others.
by Eliza Bassett.
This article mentions the most demanding aspects over the next 12 months with a few of the trines tossed in. Most of the time, there are many other easy aspects with other planets that help mitigate these effects.
How will this planet, that demands perfection and assists us in seeing patterns in our life, impact you in its upcoming 3 year passage through Gemini?
- By AdminStaff
by Eliza Bassett.
In times past, when we did not know scientifically about our world, we looked to the stars, and to those who could interpret the patterns of our neighboring planets. Royalty consulted astrologers to predict crises within the borders of the nation so resources could be prepared.
- By AdminStaff
edited by Michael Fallon.
Here's when and where the planets are found in the sky during 2002. The planets are referenced to the constellations (astronomical or sidereal zodiac placements), not to the zodiac signs (tropical zodiac).
- By AdminStaff
The main thing to note is that transiting Pluto is located at the Ascendant point of the USA chart. Pluto is a planet which has an astrological significance of profound destruction and, in the wake of that chaos, potential for renewal and rebirth. The Ascendant is the point in the USA?s astrology chart that refers to the identity or personality of the country, its? public image, and the direction of its? soul growth.
- By AdminStaff
by Eliza Bassett
The time for greater awareness and protection begins a full week before the first eclipse, and will return to their usual pattern a week after the last eclipse. Please use your highest level of discernment to keep your energetic field clear of those energies that may distract you from your Divine Path.