The promise of Chiron is that as we learn to heal and release the fears and misperceptions related to issues of rejection and abandonment, we also build a bridge to spiritual enlightenment. This is mirrored in physicality by the fact that Chiron's orbit lies primarily between Saturn and Uranus, and so acts as a stepping stone...
This article, while containing information that may be useful for everyone, is written specifically for those who have Pluto positioned between 25 and 27 degrees of Leo in their birth charts. This includes those born between Sept. 1954 and Feb. 1955, between July and Sept. 1955, and...
Everyday language has two contradictory opinions about relationships. On the one hand it says that "birds of a feather flock together", but then there is also the following expression: "opposites attract". So which of these two elemental theories should we believe?
The lunar cycle has a definite influence upon the human psyche. Scientific psychological studies have demonstrated the powerful effect of this cycle upon human behavior -- the full Moon coinciding with more extreme anxiety, tension, sensitivity, and other pathological conditions. On the positive side, more physically speedy and energized, and on the negative side...
- By Admin
Perennial non-conformists, the natives of winter's second astrological month are reform minded, protective of individual liberties, and in search of the truth no matter what consequences await them at the end of their quest.
- By Admin
A practical earth sign, Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) is the month when fanciful dreams become well-plotted schemes. It took Benjamin Franklin (born Jan. 17, 1706) to proffer the adage that a "penny saved is a penny earned". Capricorns love to master the moment and set up systems which seem capable of lasting forever.
- By Admin
As the twelfth and final spoke in the astrological wheel, it is up to Pisces to break things down into their subtlest forms. Governed by cloud-enshrouded Neptune, the sign of the Fish is associated with refined spiritual energies on the transcendent level.
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If the abundance of books on a specific subject measures the pulse of popular culture, there is a seeming revival of soul as a topic of cultural interest. The immense profusion of these works suggests a renewed claim to bring soul back to the attention of the postmodern consciousness, to reawaken the sacred in our everyday lives. But what is soul and what does it mean to suffer its loss?
- By Admin
by Phaedron.
Astrology examines the microcosm and macrocosm... you and the universe. Contrary to popular belief, the stars and planets have no effect on us. Instead, they are manifestations of hidden, more divine energies that are operating. I call the symbols in the skies "signatures" of the Creator intended for man's use.
The three most influential factors in a horoscope are generally the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. Thus they are a good place to begin analyzing a chart. While their weights may be nearly identical in terms of their influence, their functions are different.
The three most important elements in the fully-calculated birth-chart are the Rising-sign, Sun-sign and Moon-sign — in that order. We all know our Sun-sign, because we know our birth date. The Sun-sign is, in the opinion of many astrologers, second in importance to our Rising-sign, which relies on the precise time and location of our birth.
- By Jenny Yates
As the sun illuminates each sign in turn, we can boldly express the unique genius of that sign. The sun represents vitality, pride, creative energy, and the outward expression of self-knowledge.
If a client wants me to time an event that only affects them, like a surgery date, well that's fine with me. I get requests for this work from time to time and have developed a methodology that gets good results most of the time. I'll share with you how this method developed and something of how it works.
As many parts of speech as we have in language, they sometimes do not do justice to what is being described. And so it is in astrology. The word Mars "says" something that cannot compete with the aggressive, direct nature of its symbol. So, to facilitate memorization of each Sign, and to appreciate its archetype, we must appreciate what the symbol describes.
None of us ever completely escapes becoming enmeshed in the web of human relationships. Many are the vantages from which we may examine our relating selves, but few are as clear-sighted as the Indian system of divination called Jyotisha, often referred to in English as "Indian" or "Vedic" astrology.
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by Da Vid.
Astrological Events Indicated The Future Is Now, by Da Vid. Scientists today are in agreement that we are living in a multi-dimensional holographic universe, where all is energy, all is light, and all is consciousness. Indeed, the Ancient and Eternal Wisdom has come of age. As we become progressively aware of the fact that we are living in an organic, multi-dimensional, expanding, YES UNIVERSE, we are given the unprecedented opportunity to transform our lives in accordance with the understanding that we live in an infinitely abundant, benevolent, and super intelligent universe, governed by the law of love.
The more people who embrace a belief system, the more power it has. Personal identity is often inextricably connected with the beliefs one embraces, and arguments are consequently infused with emotion, because a defense of beliefs often constitutes a defense of personal identity.
- By Bil Tierney
When Uranus transits itself, we are dealing with life cycles that occur in everyone's chart at relatively the same chronological ages. These can be periods when we receive wake-up calls telling us to follow our path of freedom. During any one of these cycles, our true self wants to break out in some fashion and make its individuality known.
Eastern Astrology differs from Western astrology which most of us are more familiar with. The differences in astrological approaches are reflected in the Eastern use of a constellational, rather than solar, chart analysis.
- By AdminStaff
It is during uncertain times that people are compelled to experience their interior world and heed their inner voice. They recognize a Grand Plan, a higher intelligence, search within themselves for meaning and begin to look for 'signs' on the horizon that might indicate in which direction to turn.
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Correct use of the Mars principle can make for courage and endurance. Courage does not necessarily, of course, mean aggression or fighting. Courage means facing those things we are frightened of. For some it might be brave not to fight but instead to admit that one is vulnerable and frightened. We need Mars to cope with pressure and to avoid buckling under the stresses and strains of everyday living.
- By AdminStaff
Libra (September 23 to October 22) holds aloft the symbol of the Balance, those scales long associated with objectivity, impartiality, and justice.