Aligning with your gut feeling can cause unexpected emotions to arise. The trick is to handle them constructively so you don't get derailed. That means being ready to experience your sadness, anger, and fear so you don't question your decisions. There's extra insight in finding out what your real thoughts are concerning any big decision.
Speaking and acting in keeping with your intuition, naturally creates more joy, love, and peace in your world. Your true intuition will never fail you. It's ready, open, and available whenever you get quiet enough to connect and ask.
Hey, Jude! (Questions and Answers About Using Your Intuition)
1. Until now, I've never given my intuition any attention. Are you really suggesting that I run all my decisions by it?
Yes. Your intuition is not some abstract force. It's a faculty we all possess, whether we use it or not. I'm not saying we can predict the future. But listening within gives us a sense for what will keep us in the flow. Our intuition often sends us clear messages, but we ignore it. Here's an everyday example: you go out to dinner, and instead of ordering the usual hamburger, you scan the menu until you realize a salad feels like it would satisfy your body best. Messages from the heart are not accompanied by flashing lights. They simply reflect what is true and authentic for you.
2. What if I've tried everything but still can't hear my intuition?
You might be trying too hard. Your intuition's messages are usually fairly obvious. But if you've asked a question repeatedly and still can't hear an answer... pose your question in a different way. Trying on some different wording may be just the thing. If that's still a no-go, take a more rational, logical approach. Expand your perspective by browsing through books, crunching numbers, or seeking opinions from experts and people you respect. Put a reasonable time frame on your data collection. Then pose your question again. Your answer will emerge in due time.
3. I hear my heart easiest when I'm hiking in the hills, but when I get back to my "real life," I forget what made so much sense and revert back to doubting.
Hiking in nature is a perfect way to quiet the mind. However, fear-based thinking will try to override your inner wisdom. Take a small notebook on your hikes and record the messages of your heart... When emotions come up, feel them and then remind yourself of what you knew when you were clear.
4. My intuition tells me to quit my job, but my mother thinks I want to leave because I'm incapable of making a long-term commitment. How do I know if I'm leaving for the right reasons?
Test your options. Start with "I'm going to stay at my job." Then try "I'm going to send out my resumé," "I am going to give this job my all and then reconsider in six months," and "I am going to give notice at the end of the month." Keep modifying your options until one feels peacefully correct. Your mom can offer her opinion, but you're the one who needs to go to work every day. Only you know, so consult your intuition to find your answer.
5. I'm afraid that if I ask my intuition, I won't like the answer.
Messages from your intuition are sometimes not what you really want to hear. Asking within means relinquishing control over what you think you want. Frequently, intuition's answers take you out of your comfort zone and you feel fear as a result. Follow through on what you hear, however, and this dependable resource will always serve you over the long-haul.
6. When I followed my intuition and dropped out of school, I got a lot of flak from my friends and family. I find myself withdrawing so people will stop guilt-tripping me.
You won't always get support from others for following your intuition. Humans like their world to be predictable and they get uncomfortable when others rock the boat. Since dropping out of school came from your inner knowing and not from a desire to shirk responsibilities, hold on to it. Sounds like what you need are some skills to handle other people's reactions.
7. My intuition has always been strong, but I routinely discount it because I want to please everybody.
Easily accessing your intuition is a special gift, so good work there. Feeling pressure to be logical and conform to what we think others want is fairly common. Pleasing others is a tough habit to break. Remind yourself that your inner knowing is your most trusted friend. Practice giving it the right of way, and you'll see your choices will yield a life — now and over the long run.
Reprinted with permission of the author.
©2011 by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T. All Rights Reserved.
Publisher: Riviera Press, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Article Source
Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life
by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book.
About the Author
Jude Bijou is a licensed marriage and family therapist (MFT), an educator in Santa Barbara, California and the author of Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life. In 1982, Jude launched a private psychotherapy practice and started working with individuals, couples, and groups. She also began teaching communication courses through Santa Barbara City College Adult Education. Jude is a sought-after workshop and seminar leader, teaching her approach to organizations and groups. Visit her website at
Watch an interview with Jude Bijou: How to Experience More Joy, Love and Peace