Image by Tumisu
Since the ancestors in our lineage have not been honored in our religion for many years and were often confronted with adversities in their era, we have forgotten where we come from, who we are, and what potential lies dormant within our lineage.
All the masters of time and space, every divinity that we know today, and countless nameless wise men and healers have lived on this planet and walked the Earth in the fullness of their power and greatness. It is important for us to become entirely who we are. Gautama Buddha is not Jesus Christ. Kuan Yin is not Mary Magdalene. Each master of light, of either gender, has their own very special vibration and consummately embodies their own very special power. All we have to do is be entirely ourselves and become ever more ourselves.
The Family Members Who Have Gone Before Us
We often know something about the family members who have gone before us, perhaps going back as far as three or four generations, but in reality there are tens of thousands of souls standing behind these ancestors, spreading out across the branches of our family tree. Let us now widen our perspective and open ourselves up to our ancestral lineage.
There was once a time when its true power was consciously passed on to us by our ancestors, and in some indigenous peoples it is still the case that certain powers and qualities are passed on from mothers and fathers to their children and to their children’s children; this stream of potential can therefore continue to flow ever further.
Regain Your True Potential
It is now time for you to regain your true potential and allow it to awaken within the cells of your body. This will involve broadening your perspective. Here we offer you the opportunity to make contact with the potential of your six direct forebears.
Exercise: Aligning with your six direct forebears
To begin, prepare a place in the room, perhaps on a circular rug or carpet, or a circle with a chair or a beanbag placed within it. Your mother and her parents are standing behind you to the left, and your father and his parents are to the right. Light a candle on the left side for your mother and on the right for your father, then a candle for your maternal grandfather and grandmother (even if you never knew them). Repeat the procedure for your father’s parents (again, it does not matter if you knew them or not).
Sit down in your place and feel the six ancestors (your parents and grandparents) standing behind you. First be aware of your own position; it is often the case that we are not in the correct place in our family tree, or are drawn into a position that is unoccupied or not properly filled. It could be that we are standing in the position of one of our parents or other relatives, perhaps of a child who died. It is useful to first draw your family tree and ask yourself exactly where your position within it might be. Where is your exclusive place in your ancestors’ family tree? (You might need to research a sample family tree online.)
Take your time with this preparatory work; it may bring you some insights. We often take on responsibility for people in our families (siblings, parents, grandparents, and so on) that we are really not obliged to bear. Or perhaps other relatives have taken on responsibility for us (siblings, aunts, uncles, and so on) because there was no other option.
If you have a godfather, be aware of this connection too, as it is special from an energy perspective.
Once you are fully aware of your place within the family tree, stand firmly in your allocated place. Allow yourself to feel only this position. Breathe your energy back in from all the other places where you took on something or bore something for someone else until you feel you have reached your place, calmly and peacefully. Thank those who took responsibility for you for a certain time and release them; take what is rightfully yours, you can now be there for yourself.
Feel your own very special connection to the Earth. Try imagining this link to the planet as a root anchored with seams of gold or silver, or with minerals or the elements. Allow a positive image to form within you, through which you feel the nurturing, supporting strength of Mother Earth for you, your life, and your unique path, wherever you are. It is always the same Earth beneath your feet, the Earth with which you are connected, which supports you and nurtures you for as long as you walk upon it. Only you can follow your unique path here, step by step. Your starting place is where your roots lie.
You are responsible only for this place and for all that has come from you (for example, children). Nothing else.
In this exercise, it is also good to create order and peace for yourself and to see your children in their own unique places, and to bless them. If you sense empty places, ask the angels to bring healing to them too.
When you have taken your place, turn to your ancestors.
Master of Light Ancestors: Awakening Your Potential
Picture the lines of ancestors standing behind you. Turn to face your ancestors and look at them.
Which of your ancestral lines do you feel most connected with?
With which of them do you feel the least empathy?
Take your time to explore each line with your feelings.
Many generations ago in your lineage, masters of light and ancestors developed their fullest potential and lived here on Earth as a child, or as a wife, lover, mother, spiritual teacher, priestess, healer, or as a man, lover, father, spiritual teacher, leader, priest, healer, or similar.
This potential has been handed down from generation to generation like a baton in a race.
There are sleepers in our lineage, ancestors who were unable to live out this potential but still passed it on, and wakers, ancestors who accessed this potential to the full.
The baton is now in your hand and it is up to you whether you are able to awaken your potential. If so, then not one life of your ancestors was in vain, and much healing and liberation can take place among the ranks of your forebears.
Meditation Journey
Make yourself comfortable and take a few calm, deep breaths in and out. Dive deeper and deeper into the space of your heart, journey into yourself, and reach your very center. Now connect with the lineage and family tree of your tribe. Feel and see the place within it that is most essentially yours, that belongs only to you, and that only you can fill. Accept it now completely and entirely. Take some calming, deep breaths and transfer all your energy to this place.
If there are any remnants of your energy in other places on the family tree, call them back to you in their entirety, and ask angels and beings from the unity of consciousness to fill the gaps and take up the places that have now become empty, so that you can stand in your place calmly, with clarity, and in peace.
See how the angels are now healing the wounds of your ancestors in the places where your energy was still present.
First, make a connection with your mother’s ancestral lineage; feel your grandmother and all her ancestors. Breathe softly, calmly, and deeply.
Now ask your spirit guide to join you at your side. This might be an angel, a power animal, a master of either gender. Once you feel your guide’s presence or know it is there, greet it in your own way.
You are now being brought to a boat, allowing yourself to be carried back in time down your ancestral lineage. The boat is being steered by your inner, sentient guide. You journey far back into the past, but no matter what you see or perceive on the banks of your ancestral lineage, the journey continues without stopping until you reach an ancestor who has achieved her fullest greatness and strength. You carry on further and further into the light. This ancestor has been waiting for you for a very long time. She may even be from another country, since you have no knowledge of your ancient origins. Marvel at what she shows you and accept it gratefully in your heart.
Your ancestor greets you entirely in love and takes you in her arms. She shows you the potential and the true power of your grandmother’s ancestral lineage. Are you ready to accept this potential again in its entirety, its magnitude, and its power? If so, say: “Yes, I am ready.”
Feel how this potential is now actuated in the very DNA of your body’s cells and allow it to activate. All the old pain still stored within you flows away and is transformed in the light of your powerful potential.
Curl your hands into the shape of a bowl in front of your heart. Your ancestor sees you in possession of your full potential and with all her love hands to you a gift that belongs in your ancestral line.
It may be a color, object, symbol, energy, ceremony, ability, or simply some words that you hear; allow it to happen.
Wait until you can feel or see this gift very clearly and are aware of it; are you ready to accept it?
If you are ready and can feel the gift in your hands, place it on your heart and breathe it deep inside you. Feel how everything is activated within you.
Your ancestor may show you something else, initiate you into something, or have another message for you. It is now time to say farewell, in the knowledge that you and your ancestor can visit this place at any time in order for you to learn from or be guided by her. Give thanks for everything it was possible to make happen.
Now join your spiritual guide in climbing back into the boat and let yourself be transported back up your ancestral line to your place. Observe what is happening on the shores of your lineage as you return in your new, powerful vibration, with the full power of your ancestor’s blessing behind you.
When you are fully back in your place once more, sit erect in your new strength and greatness.
You will feel the contact that has been made between you and your light-filled ancestor. A stream of blessings is beginning to pulse through your lineage, becoming ever stronger and more powerful. Many ancestors from your line can now go into the light completely, experiencing healing and liberation since their potential has been activated. Feel the liberation now taking place.
The stream slowly subsides and you return fully to yourself. Look at your spiritual guide one more time, give thanks, and anchor this strength to your inner self; feel how it is changing, how new places and paths are being created in perfect harmony with this reactivated strength.
Ask if there is anything else that should be addressed. Give thanks and let the blessing that comes from eternity radiate out into your spiritual space. Take slow breaths from your inner space into the outer room, returning to the here and now.
You can take the same journey to the ancestral line of your maternal grandfather and grandmother and your paternal grandfather.
Make a note of what you experienced in your meditation.
It is a way of learning a great deal about yourself, the true power of your ancestors and the potential that lies within you. From now on, it will protect, support, and guide you.
Discovering Clear Signs and Messages
Our wise ancestors are often helpful teachers, guides, healers, and givers of good advice, who we can visit at any time, or they may suddenly appear during meditation when something important is about to happen. They have waited many eons for us to connect with them again.
You will also discover clear signs in your daily life and can ask for these at any time. Objects that you have seen in your meditation might be given to you as gifts, or you might be led to people who reconnect you with your power, or you might feel drawn to a particular country linked with your most ancient ancestors. Whenever you need strength and protection, you can also use these symbols and objects in your everyday life.
The insights that we gain from meditation may completely transform our lives.
Using the potential of your ancestors means that you are in a position to change shadow into light; everything is ready within you.
May peace and healing come your way, and may we rediscover the miracle of eternal life and the miracle that we ourselves are.
Meditation: The Healing Look of Love
Take a few deep breaths and be aware of your body. Feel the ground that supports you, giving you solidity and security. Let your eyes sink back into their sockets like a soft cushion and simply relax.
Consciously seek out your connection with the divine by opening your crown chakra and connecting with the heart of God, the source of Creation. Allow divine love to surround you and let all the light-beings that belong to you now come near: your light family, the angels and masters with whom you share a connection, your power animals. Sense how they surround you and look down on you with unconditional love.
And now, whatever your experience in life may have been with your parents and your ancestors, allow yourself to look into these loving eyes.
Breathe in this love and relax a little more into the experience of being seen by divine love. This love has no expectations, it is benevolent and watchful, awake and in the moment, tender and benign, and sees you as you really are.
Invite your light-filled ancestors to come here too, to give you gifts, to bring you strength, and to bless you.
Let yourself feel the light that is shone upon you. Feel the gaze of your light-filled ancestors; they are looking upon you as only loving parents can look at their children, proud of the path you have taken, empathizing with all the difficult times you have experienced, and full of joy that you remember your true being and that you are taking more and more of your light within you and are living it.
Remind yourself: I am light, I was always light, and I will be light for eternity; this light can shine in the world. Now bring yourself back to the present with a few deep breaths and, if you wish, light a candle as a visible symbol of the light within you.
©2020 by Jeanne Ruland and Shantidevi. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher, EarthDancer,
an imprint of Findhorn Press.
Article Source
Ancestral Healing for Your Spiritual and Genetic Families
by Jeanne Ruland & Shantidevi
Knowing your ancestral lineage is not only a matter of curiosity, your life path will unfold with much more ease if you are aware and in harmony with your origins. Exploring the heritage of your bloodline as well as the energy of your spiritual family, which we are often less aware of, opens you up to enormous potential for healing and self-development. Drawing on the Huna Hawaiian shamanic tradition as well as other shamanic and energetic practices and rituals, the authors show how to connect with our Aumakua, which includes our close relatives, ancestors stretching back thousands of years, and our spiritual ancestors or karmic family, for healing and self-development.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book.
About the Authors
Jeanne Ruland is trained in Huna (Hawaiian shamanism) and has worked with the spirit kingdom for many years.
Shantidevi is experienced in alternative psychotherapy, systemic family work, reincarnation therapy, and trauma healing as taught by Peter Levine.