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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

This week we look at some of the magical aspects of life... Yes, life is magical, mystical, magnificent. And, it is so, as Wayne Dyer explained in his book entitled. "You'll See It When You Believe It"... as opposed to the reverse that we've been told.

There are many things that can't be seen, yet we believe them. Gravity being one. We see its effects, but not gravity itself. Air is another -- unless of course it is polluted or full of moisture, in which case we can see things suspended in it -- yet we still can't see air itself.

And so it is with life. There are many things that we cannot see, but must believe, or have faith in their presence or occurrence, for them to manifest in our life. So this week we look at some of the "magic" that is present in our lives... or could be if we allowed it... healing, spirit guides, animal communication, communicating with plants, etc. 

Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, loving, and magical week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
See each article for the link, when available.

Celebration and Release -- Acceptance and Letting Go

 Marie T. Russell,
tapered candles burning, and some are extinguished.
If we strictly listen to the media and news channels, we would think there is never any reason to celebrate life. From those sources, we hear about murders, corruption, and all kinds of frightening and hurtful events. Where in those stories is there anything to celebrate?

Celebration and Release -- Acceptance and Letting Go (Video)

 Therapeutic Touch and the Evolution of Healing

Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., R.N.
Monk holding up a hand in a mudra gesture
Historically, healing has been one of humankind’s higher functions, leaving its mark recorded throughout more than 10,000 years of human civilization. All of the major religions include healing as one of their expressions of spirituality...

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My Mountain Lion Experience in Canyon de Chelly: Nightmare or Spirit Guide?

 Erica M. Elliott, M.D.
Canyon de Chelly
After I left the paved highway behind, the next forty miles of deeply rutted tract led me into vast stretches of high desert wilderness. Red rock slabs, towers, pinnacles, and cliffs soared into the cobalt blue sky. The crisp air smelled pungent with the essence of piñon pine and cedar.

My Mountain Lion Experience in Canyon de Chelly: Nightmare or Spirit Guide? (Video)

Teaching Children To Understand Others’ Perspectives

 Matt Shipman, North Carolina State University
 a black child and a white child holding hands looking at a map of the Earth
Children are capable of discerning an insincere apology, and insincere apologies are not conducive to encouraging forgiveness. The apology needs to make clear that someone understands why what they did was wrong. This, in turn, makes other kids more likely to give them a second chance.

Developing Inner Vision with the Queen of Herbs and the Spirit of Mugwort

Emma Farrell
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
If there is one plant to start your journey with the plant spirits, it should be Mugwort, the stunningly beautiful and beneficent Artemisia vulgaris. Mugwort is one of the most visceral plant spirits who weaves her spirit through all aspects of our life to bring alignment.

Grieving Our Animal Friends at the Holidays

 Nancy Windheart
paw prints in the sand
Many of us have experienced the deaths of our animal friends, and the Covid-19 situation has made it all harder. Our animal family members may have been our primary support, companionship, and connection during this time, making the loss of these beloveds even more difficult.

Grieving Our Animal Friends at the Holidays (Video)

5 Ways Your Garden Can Support Your Wellbeing

 Emma White and Sarah Golding, University of Surrey
two people chatting and gardening
Here are five ways of using your garden that research suggests can improve your mental health. If you have access to an outdoor space and have been finding things difficult, you could try these out to boost your mood.

What Ancient Chinese Roofs Can Tell Us About Climate Change

 Florian Urban, Glasgow School of Art
Bejing's Forbidden City under a light dusting of snow
The study covered two large swings in the global climate: the medieval warm period, which roughly ran from the tenth to the 13th century, and the little ice age, which saw shorter summers and bitter winters between the 15th and 19th centuries.

The Greedy Reason for Being Optimistic and Having Gratitude

 Jared Wadley, University of Michigan
smiling woman resting against a tree trunk
The findings show that gratitude and optimism are positive psychological dispositions associated with beneficial outcomes.

Here Is The Best Way To Counter Hate Speech

 ETH Zurich, University of Zurich
twitter birds 1, 2, and 3
It’s possible to curb online hate speech by inducing empathy for those affected, research on “counterspeech” finds.

How Christmas Became An American Holiday Tradition

 Thomas Adam, University of Arkansas
Santa Claus looking at a long list
Each season, the celebration of Christmas has religious leaders and conservatives publicly complaining about the commercialization of the holiday and the growing lack of Christian sentiment. Many people seem to believe that there was once a way to celebrate the birth of Christ in a more spiritual way.

How Worry Can Hamper Your Cognitive Abilities

 Shawn Hayward, McGill University
a woman is standing on a road and she is partially transparent
The pandemic may have impaired people’s cognitive abilities and altered risk perception at a time when making the right health choices is critically important.

Horoscope: Week of December 13 - 19, 2021

 Pam Younghans
Stars at the Galactic Center
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Horoscope: Week of December 13 - 19, 2021 (Video)


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