Image by Gerd Altmann
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Our life on earth is our own "movie". It is full of choices we make, experiences we embrace or reject, people we love or don't love, perspectives we choose to take. The power of choice may be the greatest "superpower" we have.
So this week we take a look at various choices and perspectives. We start with Eileen Day McKusick with "Cultivating Neutrality and Creating Your Reality". Eileen encourages us to not choose between sad and happy but to simply be whichever is where we are at the moment, without judgment and resistance -- and then returning to a middle ground of neutrality. This article provides great insights for attaining balance.
In my article, "Finding Silver Linings and Rainbows", I encourage you to recognize that even in the pits of darkness there is light. That even in the hardest challenge, there is a gift waiting for you. Life is not always a joyful experience. One has to go up and down on a seesaw or a roller coaster. If one constantly stays on the upside, then one doesn't experience the thrill of the ride and its ups and downs. Night and day, rain and sunshine... opposites are complementary and work together, hand in hand.
In "Pleasure: The Medicine of Sensing and Being Here Now", Julia Paulette Hollenbery gives us tools to access pleasure even in the midst of pain and simply being in the here and now experience of what is taking place.
Sam Carr and Chao Fang share with us their discoveries about "What Getting Old Really Feels Like For Some". We can learn from the experiences of others and we can also assist others by being there to hear their stories and their often hard-earned wisdom.
In "The Roads Both Taken", Jan Phillips discovers that choices are not always either/or but can be both. That at times, both answers are correct. And therein lies a secret to finding harmony in life -- the knowing that all perspectives have their own truth and light.
In this week's Astrological Journal (Horoscope Week: Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2021), Pam Younghans writes about the current planetary transits of Pluto and Eris and says: "All of this occurs en route to fulfilling the positive potentials of this aspect, which include becoming aware of and transmuting our own shadow side, which ultimately can lead to greater personal empowerment and the ability to stand in our truth without needing to control others."
We at times need to step away from the perspective in which we are invested, and look at the whole picture through the eyes of others. Then we may come to see that nothing is completely black or white, right or wrong, good or evil, but all is a mix of energies, a mix of realities, a mix of perspectives. Perhaps, rather than choosing either/or, we can practice accepting the kernel of inherent good in each perspective. And to remember that the final choice, for the highest good of all, is always Love in its infinite forms and colors.
Please scroll down for the new articles (with audio and video formats) that were created for this new issue of InnerSelf Magazine.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
FEATURED NEW ARTICLES (with audio and video)
Cultivating Neutrality and Creating Your Reality
Eileen Day McKusick Read Time: 7 mins
Cultivating neutrality is how I describe the process of acquiring equanimity. What I mean by this is a state where you are neither happy nor sad, neither elevated nor depressed, but simply neutral.
Finding Silver Linings and Rainbows
Marie T. Russell, Read Time: 12 mins
Be open to discovering the gifts life is offering you -- expect silver linings and rainbows, be on the look-out for them, and be grateful when they show up.
Pleasure: The Medicine of Sensing and Being Here Now
Julia Paulette Hollenbery Read Time: 7 mins
Ancient Vedic texts describe the universe and everything in it, including us, as being made of bliss. Bliss is our underlying nature, discoverable through a focus on this moment of experience.
What Getting Old Really Feels Like For Some
Sam Carr and Chao Fang, University of Bath Read Time: 17 mins
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness.
The Roads Both Taken
Jan Phillips Read Time: 9 mins
Every night after dinner, people gathered round a small fireplace and Father Oshida gave an evening talk. Mostly it was in Japanese, but he translated the important parts into English for me. I had been reading books on Buddhism every night before bed and was facing a growing dilemma.
Horoscope Week: Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2021
Pam Younghans Read Time: 10 mins
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
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