Image by Stefan Keller
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
As humans, we have been very comfortable with our "dominion over nature" existence. We may even have considered humans as the only intelligent species on the planet, We might even think that we are the only species in the whole Universe of universes. However, we are not the only intelligent species, we are not the only sentient or conscious species, we are not alone here. We may think we are the only two-legged species on earth, but then again, aren't apes two-legged, penguins, kangaroos, etc. etc.?
Anyway, I digress. My point here, is that, as the bard Shakespeare wrote, in Hamlet's conversation with a ghost and with Horatio:
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
And yes, there is much more than we can see with our two eyes, hear with our ears, and sense with our five senses: touch, taste, vision, hearing, and smell. We are so much more than just a human body with five senses. We also have the possibility of being prescient or precognitive by having knowledge of things before they happen. We also have intuitive sense where we are aware of something that is not accessed by the five senses. And there is what are known as the five clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clair-empathy. Claircognizance. All of these overlap and are extensions of our earthly body and existence.
So this week, we explore various "more than" methods of communication and realms of being. We start with our friend The Pandemic, and yes it is a friend -- though definitely one of the tough love variety. In "The Pandemic Speaks: 10 Timeless Truths", the author, Andrew Nikiforuk, speaks with the voice of the Pandemic. He shares some very inconvenient truths that we must comprehend, accept, and then do something about if we are to survive on Planet Earth.
The Pandemic Speaks: 10 Timeless Truths
Andrew Nikiforuk, author of the book, Pandemonium
I have been trying to engage you in conversation for more than a year, but you have not listened. Perhaps you don’t want to grasp the truths I have to offer. They are gifts really, but I know you will never see my generosity in that light. Such fear. Such ignorance. But I am bound by ancient oaths and I must deliver these few plain lessons as I have faithfully done for thousands of years.
All living beings have a voice, and we, as humans, have unfortunately mostly only been listening to our own voices... those of humans. In a few instances, some of us may intuitively listen to the voices of our beloved pets, but as a general rule, we aren't too keen to listen to lizards and alligators or the bee that is buzzing around our head. But they too have a voice, as do birds, plants, and even rocks.
We can tune in and learn to hear and communicate with Nature. In "Attuning to the Language of Nature", Fay Johnstone helps us open our awareness to the conscious intelligent beings that make up what we refer to as Nature.
Attuning to the Language of Nature
Fay Johnstone, author of the book, Plant Spirit Reiki
Since we are part of nature, like the plants and the animal kingdom, we have the capacity for learning the subtle whispers of nature and communicating with the natural world that surrounds us. We each have the innate ability to perceive the language of nature...
And keeping our exploration on Earth but changing time zones, so to speak, we venture into the past and partake in Dena Merriam's experience of a previous life in "I Was Born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty...".
We journey with her to a lifetime where communicating with spirits was accepted, where flying through distances (without any mechanical assistance) was a reality. We learn of a wise man's visit to the afterlife and the choice he made. This is definitely outside the realm of our five senses, yet, it is a world that exists for us when we are willing to open ourselves to believe and participate.
I Was Born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty...
Dena Merriam, author of the book When The Bright Moon Rises
I was born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE-220 CE) into a family of ardent Daoists who were very much inspired by the teachings of the great sage Zhang Daoling, who had been instructed by the blessed Laozi himself, in a vision, to help free the world of falsehood and corruption...
Another area of communication that has been very controversial is the experience of contact with ETs (Extra-Terrestrials) also known as NHI (Non-Human Intelligences). It is only recently that the US government has admitted that yes, "we" have been contacted by "aliens" over the years. Some people have had personal experiences of this, yet, they've been ridiculed by many as making it up, hallucinating, or even worse, of being crazy.
But again, if we open ourselves up to more than our limited five senses, we may experience a whole new world (or worlds) out there. Mary Rodwell, author of the book The New Human, encourages us to participate in the experience of "Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage".
Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage
Mary Rodwell, author of the book The New Human
“Awakening to contact” or “Activation,” as it has been called, was an extremely profound process for Dr. Maree Batchelor. This occurred spontaneously on a spiritual journey visiting a temple in India. Dr. Batchelor told me that at the time she felt she received some sort of download that instantly expanded her conscious awareness and ultimately changed her life.
Our final featured article this week, takes us into an inner journey to a place of all time and no time...
"The transmission of this ancient library is helping us to remember who we truly are by remembering that in the beginning we were the light. We came from a point of light and we traveled through entirety to choose the point of individuality where we separated from one light into many particles of light to experience a new perspective on Creation."
I recommend you listen to the audio (or the video) of this article, as it is a guided meditation that you can participate in... It is a wonderful journey to the land of Machu Picchu and also to the internal land of who you truly are.
The Meditation: A Sacred Shamanic Journey to Machu Picchu
Vera Lopez, co-author of the book Shamanic Mysteries of Peru
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Exhale fully and allow yourself to become fully present—right here and right now. We are going on a journey, a sacred journey to the heart of Machu Picchu.
As we navigate our current reality, we also discover assistance to connect with our non-physical reality. And as usual, the planetary energies of the week support our goals and growth.
In this week's Astrological Journal, Pam Younghans writes:
"As a transpersonal planet, one of Neptune's tasks is to help us transcend this physical reality, to find sustenance in spiritual or creative pursuits that help us rise above the dramas of 'real life.' As such, when Neptune's influence is heightened, our capacity for faith and surrender is stronger..."
Thus this week, as we expand our connection to the non-physical or non-usual realities that surround us, we can rely on faith and surrender to make the jump into the next stage of our evolution and our journey.
Horoscope Week: June 21 - 27, 2021
Pam Younghans, astrologer
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
The aforementioned featured articles this week bring to mind the Marianne Williamson quote which I feel is a mantra and a guideline for all of us who wish to assist in the creation of heaven on earth:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ? Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"
Please scroll down for the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
P.S. We have discontinued the audio and video version of the new issue of InnerSelf. We are however continuing the audio and video of the featured articles. Those links are available at the top of each article. (see above for the article links)
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
Bias is natural: How you manage it defines your ability to be just
Eleftherios Soleas, Queen's University, Ontario
People tend to think having biases is a bad thing. From the COVID-19 pandemic, to education and the workplace, tackling and mitigating bias is very much a topic of conversation.
What Greek epics taught me about the special relationship between fathers and sons
Joel Christensen, Brandeis University
Father’s Day inspires mixed emotions for many of us. Looking at advertisements of happy families could recall difficult memories and broken relationships for some. But for others, the day could invite unbidden nostalgic thoughts of parents who have...
7 Lessons We Need to Learn From Covid-19
Robert Reich, author of the book The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It
Maybe it’s wishful thinking to declare the pandemic over in the US, and presumptuous to conclude what lessons we’ve learned. So consider this a first draft.
The Meditation: A Sacred Shamanic Journey to Machu Picchu (Video)
Vera Lopez, co-author of the book Shamanic Mysteries of Peru
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Exhale fully and allow yourself to become fully present—right here and right now. We are going on a journey, a sacred journey to the heart of Machu Picchu.
Daily Inspiration: June 20. 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Our emotions affect us in many ways. They of course affect how we feel emotionally, but they also affect us physically. Our energy level, our posture, and even our health can be affected by our emotions.
Attuning to the Language of Nature (Video)
Fay Johnstone, author of the book, Plant Spirit Reiki
Since we are part of nature, like the plants and the animal kingdom, we have the capacity for learning the subtle whispers of nature and communicating with the natural world that surrounds us. We each have the innate ability to perceive the language of nature...
Air Pollution Exposure As A Kid May Up Risk Of Mental Illness Later
Aaron Reuben, Duke University
A multidecade study of young adults living in the United Kingdom has found higher rates of mental illness symptoms among those exposed to higher levels of traffic-related air pollutants, particularly nitrogen oxides, during childhood and adolescence.
Are people less productive working at home?
Stephen Bevan, Lancaster University
Has working at home during lockdown made people more productive or not? This has been the subject of some lively debate recently.
Does a plant-based diet really help beat COVID-19?
Duane Mellor, Aston Medical School, Aston University
Since the beginning of the pandemic, it’s been suggested that certain foods or diets may offer protection against COVID-19. But are these sorts of claims...
Daily Inspiration: June 19, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
We need to focus on what we like about our life. We need to think about what we would like increased in our life. Don't focus on the negativity of the past or on what you don't have. Think of what you enjoy and what you desire.
Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage (Video)
Mary Rodwell, author of the book The New Human
“Awakening to contact” or “Activation,” as it has been called, was an extremely profound process for Dr. Maree Batchelor. This occurred spontaneously on a spiritual journey visiting a temple in India. Dr. Batchelor told me that at the time she felt she received some sort of download...
8 ways to manage body image anxiety
Tracy Tylka, Professor of Psychology, The Ohio State University
Being able to socialize again may bring enthusiasm and a sense of normalcy – but it may also increase anxiety over how...
The problem with online learning? It doesn't teach people to think
Robert Danisch, Dept. of Communication Arts, University of Waterloo
The modern research university was designed to produce new knowledge and to pass that knowledge on to students. North American universities over the last 100 years have been exceptionally good at that task.
Face masks really work even with some leaks
Andy Fell, UC Davis
New research confirms that surgical face masks effectively reduce outgoing airborne particles from talking or coughing, even after allowing for leakage around the edges of the mask.
Daily Inspiration: June 18, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Many scientists as well as spiritual masters have told us that everything (including us) is made up of energy. We could say we are like electrical appliances and we plug into the current of Universal Energy...
How keeping a diary can help adults learn a foreign language
Argyro Kanaki, Lecturer in Education, University of Dundee
Most of us assume that learning another language is very difficult. You need special skills to remember both vocabulary and grammar rules and, at the same time, must be able to converse fluently with a...
Why it's difficult for children to understand sarcasm
Penny Pexman, Professor of Psychology, University of Calgary
Sarcasm is simple! Yeah, right. Although sarcasm is widespread, found across languages and in the various ways we communicate, it is not...
One laughing gas session relieves severe depression quickly
Alison Caldwell - U. Chicago
A single inhalation session with 25% nitrous oxide gas can rapidly relieve symptoms of treatment-resistant depression, according to new research.
Daily Inspiration: June 17, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
In our spiritual quest, we can become very selfish, thinking only of our own growth... We fail time after time to realize, as Saint Francis says, "It is in giving that we receive."
I Was Born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty... (Video)
Dena Merriam, author of the book When The Bright Moon Rises
I was born during the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25 CE-220 CE) into a family of ardent Daoists who were very much inspired by the teachings of the great sage Zhang Daoling, who had been instructed by the blessed Laozi himself, in a vision, to help free the world of falsehood and corruption...
Hiking workouts aren't just good for your body – they're good for your mind too
Lindsay Bottoms, University of Hertfordshire
Before COVID-19, the popularity of hiking was on a downward slope in both adults and children. But its popularity has spiked during the pandemic, seeing many more people taking to trails than usual.
Over half of adults unvaccinated for COVID-19 fear needles
Amy Baxter, Augusta University
If you’re among the 25% of Americans averse to needles, you’re probably not surprised by the COVID-19 immunization stall. Even for those who want immunity, bribes with beer or lottery tickets may not be enough to override anxiety made worse by pervasive images of needles in the media.
How thinking of information like a garden can help us address misinformation
Jaigris Hodson, Royal Roads University
Now that over 61 per cent of Canadians have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, we’re on our way to herd immunity. Unfortunately however, this trend could be at risk as a result of vaccine misinformation, which has made some people hesitant to get a vaccine.
Daily Inspiration: June 16, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Are you uncomfortable with silence, needing to have music or TV, or some form of sound in the background? How often do you actually welcome an experience of silence?
Tackling Burnout: How to deal with stress and safety in the workplace
Kristen Deuzeman, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
When I began working in disaster and emergency management, there was a funny anecdote suggesting the job was 98 per cent paperwork and two per...
My life flashed before my eyes: a psychologist's take on what might be happening
Steve Taylor, Leeds Beckett University
At the age of 16, when Tony Kofi was an apprentice builder living in Nottingham, he fell from the third storey of a building. Time seemed to slow down massively, and he saw a complex series of images flash before his eyes.
Depressed brains don’t have the regular response to stress
Carol Clark, Emory University
A new study identifies a novel biomarker indicating resilience to chronic stress.
Daily Inspiration: June 15, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
While all religions are different, and each person's spiritual path is unique, the one commonality we all share is Planet Earth and this Universe we live in.
If We Protect Our Ocean, It Can Protect Us
Valerie Cleland, NRDC
Chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) along with 25 original cosponsors has reintroduced the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act on World Oceans Day, June 8th,2021. This is the type of visionary bill we need for this moment, recognizing that the ocean is a powerful source of solutions to the climate crisis.
Identity fusion: why some people will go to extremes for the beliefs of a group
Roger Whitaker, Cardiff University
Football fans often become so deeply connected to their club and to other fans, as though they’re related. They’re willing to support the group on a lifelong basis, with unwaivering pride even in the face of losses.
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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