Image by silviarita
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we reflect on change... and the changes that come with aging (and, yes, the clock ticks for everyone, no matter your current age). But aging doesn't mean that we are "over and done with". Each year, the calendar turns another page, yet, we have choices to make as to how we shall move forward... with goals and visions ahead of us, with health as part of our reality, with joy and wonder as part of our day to day experience.
We launch our InnerSelf travels this week with Jason Redman who tells us that "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday". Basically, this says that what is in the past is in the past, and that our challenges will be in the present and the future... no matter our age, our gender, our occupation, etc. We will encounter challenges in life, and sometimes we are ambushed by situations, whether at work, in relationships, with our health, etc.
We sometimes get hit over the head with situations that take all of our focus, clarity, intuition, and knowledge to get through. And of course, aging, with its stresses and problems, can sometimes seem like an ambush as well -- though it is one that we might be able to see coming, depending on how we've lived our life.
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
Written by Jason Redman, author of "Overcome"
Ambushes don’t just happen in combat. In business and life, an ambush is a catastrophic event that leaves physical, emotional, and mental scars. It might be a health crisis, divorce, business failure, life-threatening disease, or horrific accident impacting you or those close to you...
In our society, old things (and old people) are sometimes considered as no longer valid and of no use. Yet, we all know this is incorrect. Some people collect and cherish antiques, and some cultures still revere and respect their elders. There is a lot of wisdom attained through living and elders are the repository of a lot of experience and knowledge. We can learn from our elders, just as we can learn from history and our ancestors.
Earlier civilizations lived a more "down-to-earth" existence than we do... literally as well as figuratively. Obviously they didn't fly from country to country, they did not communicate via telephones and internet, they did not have stacks of books in libraries (or online) to use as resources. And they didn't shop in supermarkets or call ahead for take-out. They lived simply, off the land and using the resources native to their locality.
And in their lifespan, they accumulated a lot of practical wisdom that they passed down through the generations that came after them. One such teaching is shared with us by Vatsala Sperling, in her article "A Season for Everything: The Way Our Ancestors Ate". She shares with us some of the commonsense practices about food consumption that we would be well served to put into practice in our "civilized" era.
A Season for Everything: The Way Our Ancestors Ate
Written by Vatsala Sperling, author of "The Ayurvedic Reset Diet"
Cultures on every continent around the world have a collective memory of a time when their ancestors were hunter-gatherers and lived in the forest as a part of nature itself. The Aborigines of Australia, for example, were known to have...
Our modern diet puts us into precarious situations with our health and the health of our bones. Some people just accept that "this is just the way it is when you get older". They expect and accept that their bones will become frail, they will shrink, they will become weak... But as we were encouraged earlier in Jason Redman's article, we have choices as to what actions to take. We don't have to let poor health and weak bones be our story.
There are many things to do to enhance our health. Maryon Stewart gears us in that direction in her article, "How to Build New Bone... Naturally". We never have to give up and be helpless in the face of adversity (and aging). There is always something we can do...
How to Build New Bone... Naturally
Maryon Stewart, author of "Manage Your Menopause Naturally"
Many women assume that when their menopause symptoms stop, they are on safe ground. Sadly, we face some long-term risks to our health. As well as being at greater risk of heart disease, we start to lose more bone...
There are years in life that we consider milestones... Hitting 13 years of age and becoming a teenager, 21 and adulthood. And then there are the years that mark off the decades of our existence, somehow gaining more importance (and perhaps dread) as the numbers get bigger... 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. And then there is reaching the marker of 3/4 of a century of life on earth. This is the benchmark attained by Joyce and Barry Vissell this year. Barry shares his perspective on reaching this milestone.
Turning 75: A Magic State of Wonder
Written by Barry Vissell, co-author of "Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love"
Last month (May 2021), both Joyce and I turned 75. When I was younger, 75 years old seemed ancient. They say you are only as old as you think. In some ways, Joyce and I are still...
The ultimate change or challenge is... death. Whether we are facing our own death or the death of a loved one, there are certain practicalities that must be dealt with. One way to make our period of grieving smoother, as well as the grieving of the ones who love us, is to make plans ahead of time to streamline the process. Elizabeth Fournier specializes in "green burials" and shares some insights and some anecdotes about preparing ourselves and our loved ones for the final journey.
Planning the Burial: Anticipating Possible Problems and Blessings
Elizabeth Fournier, author of "The Green Burial Guidebook"
In addition to the emotional and spiritual aspects of funerals, there are always logistical and practical factors to consider. If you’re holding a backyard burial, you may be fully devoted to realizing your vision, but sometimes weather, burial containers, and humans, whether dead or alive, can ruin your planned-to-the-letter event.
As Yogi Berra, a great sage of our times said, "It ain't over till it's over". In other words, there is always something else to choose, to do, to conquer, to dream of, to live... No matter the status of our health, our age, employment, relationships, etc., life goes on. It brings joy and wonder, and it brings challenges.
As another great legend, John Denver, sang, "some days are diamonds, some days are stone". Yet it is our choice as to what to do with what is handed to us. With stones we can pave walkways or build homes. Diamonds we can use as décor for the body, or we can use them to create surgical tools.
It's always our choice as to how we deal with each situation, each day... And the wonderful thing about life, is that every day we get a do-over. We go to sleep at night, and come back in the morning to "try and try again". Aging is not the end of the road... as a matter of fact, it can be the beginning of a brand new adventure.
Please scroll down for the featured articles in this new issue of InnerSelf, and also the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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***** articles and videos added daily *****
Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
Written by Jason Redman, author of "Overcome"
A Season for Everything: The Way Our Ancestors Ate
Written by Vatsala Sperling, author of "The Ayurvedic Reset Diet"
How to Build New Bone... Naturally
Maryon Stewart, author of "Manage Your Menopause Naturally"
Turning 75: A Magic State of Wonder
Written by Barry Vissell, co-author of "Heartfullness: 52 Ways to Open to More Love"
Planning the Burial: Anticipating Possible Problems and Blessings
Elizabeth Fournier, author of "The Green Burial Guidebook"
It's far too easy for abusers to exploit smart toys and trackers
Saheli Datta Burton, Research Fellow, Department of Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy, UCL
The wearable technology market is booming, with half a billion wearables sold globally in 2020. Apps on these devices, or the devices themselves, often claim to monitor our health to spot illnesses, track our workouts to help us reach our fitness goals, or keep an eye on...
Why are some COVID test results false positives, and how common are they?
Adrian Esterman, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of South Australia
Two COVID-19 cases previously linked to Melbourne’s current outbreak have now been reclassified as false positives.
Daily Inspiration: June 6, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
The secret of life is that there is continuous communication not only between living things and their environment but among all things living in the environment. An intricate web of interaction connects all life into one vast, self-maintaining system.
The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday (Video)
Jason Redman
Ambushes don’t just happen in combat. In business and life, an ambush is a catastrophic event that leaves physical, emotional, and mental scars. It might be a health crisis, divorce, business failure, life-threatening disease, or horrific accident impacting you or those close to you...
Words matter when talking about COVID-19
Ruth Derksen, PhD, Philosophy of Language, Faculty of Applied Science, Emeritus, University of British Columbia
So much has been said and written about the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve been flooded with metaphors, idioms, symbols, neologisms, memes and tweets.
IRS hitting you with a fine or late fee? Don't fret – a consumer tax advocate says you still have options
Rita W. Green, Instructor of Accountancy, University of Memphis
Tax Day has come and gone, and you think you filed your return in the nick of time. But several weeks later you receive that dreaded letter in the mail from the Internal Revenue Service
How Injuries Change Our Brain and How We Can Help It Recover
Michael O'Sullivan, The University of Queensland
Injury to the adult brain is all too common. A brain injury will often show up on brain scans as a well-defined area of damage. But often the changes to the brain extend far beyond the visible injury.
Daily Inspiration: June 5, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
The following affirmation or manifesto is taken from a letter to the entire "human family"...
A Season for Everything: The Way Our Ancestors Ate (Video)
Vatsala Sperling
Cultures on every continent around the world have a collective memory of a time when their ancestors were hunter-gatherers and lived in the forest as a part of nature itself. The Aborigines of Australia, for example, were known to have...
Is It Time To Give Up On Consciousness As The Ghost In The Machine?
Peter Halligan and David A Oakley
As individuals, we feel that we know what consciousness is because we experience it daily. It’s that intimate sense of personal awareness we carry around with us, and the accompanying feeling of ownership and control over our thoughts, emotions and memories.
How Well Your Immune System Works Can Depend On The Time Of Day
Annie Curtis, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
When microorganisms – such as bacteria or viruses – infect us, our immune system jumps into action. It’s highly trained to sense and eliminate infections and clear up any damage caused by them.
The Underground Railroad Is A Heartbreakingly Beautiful and Brutal Portrayal of the Journey to Freedom
Rebecca Fraser, University of East Anglia
“You are standing on a train platform, fear of missing the train from slavery to time. There is so much you have never said … and so little time to articulate.”
Daily Inspiration: June 4, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
This short prayer or affirmation is taken from the book The Age of Miracles, written by Marianne Williamson...
4 Myths About Allergies You Thought Were True
Sally Bloomfield, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Allergies are on the rise across the developed world and hay fever and eczema have trebled in the last 30 years. Yet allergies are an area of much confusion and concern.
Tips For Emerging from the Pandemic and Creating A Better Life
Bethany Teachman, University of Virginia
You’ve been waiting… and waiting… and waiting for this amazing, magical day when you could return to normal life.
Daily Inspiration: June 3, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Saying, "Bless you," certainly works wonders when you become irritated at someone on the highway, in the supermarket, or wherever else you may be. Just bless them instead of cursing them as you go along.
We Performed Magic Tricks On Birds To See How They Perceive The World
Elias Garcia-Pelegrin, University of Cambridge
Magic tricks can teach us about how the brain works. Magic capitalises on very specific blind spots in people’s attention and perception so the techniques that magicians use to trick audiences are particularly interesting to psychologists like me.
Why We Must Quickly Find Ways of Using and Wasting Less Energy
Michael (Mike) Joy, Victoria University of Wellington
As countries explore ways of decarbonising their economies, the mantra of “green growth” risks trapping us in a spiral of failures. Green growth is an oxymoron.
Weight Stigma Has Negative Consequences Everywhere
Rebecca Puhl, University of Connecticut
Lazy. Unmotivated. No self-discipline. No willpower. These are just a few of the widespread stereotypes ingrained in American society about people who have a higher body weight or larger body size.
Daily Inspiration: June 2, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
We all have heard of the commandment that tells us to "Honor thy father and thy mother." But nowhere are we told to honor ourselves...
Turning 75: A Magic State of Wonder (Video)
Barry Vissell
This month (May 2021), both Joyce and I turned 75. When I was younger, 75 years old seemed ancient. They say you are only as old as you think. In some ways, Joyce and I are still...
How Can I Be Sure If My Child Has Outgrown Their Food Allergy?
Paxton Loke, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Some children grow out of their food allergies, but researchers don’t exactly know why. Here’s how to work with your allergy specialist if you suspect your child isn’t allergic any more.
How To Keep Your Dogs Relaxed When Leaving Them Alone
Niki Khan and Jenna Kiddie
People around the world have been spending more time at home since the start of 2020. For many of these people, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get a pet.
This Pandemic Has Shown That Following The Same Road Will Lead The World Over A Cliff
Ian Goldin, University of Oxford
Despite the tragic deaths, suffering and sadness that it has caused, the pandemic could go down in history as the event that rescued humanity...
Daily Inspiration: June 1, 2021
Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf
Whatever the source or meaning of pain, it represents a certain wisdom of the body and mind to defend itself and to adapt...
Superforecasters: What Pandemic Planners Can Learn From The World's Best Predictors
Gabriel Recchia, Research Associate, Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge
Experts got it catastrophically wrong, according to Dominic Cummings, UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s former chief adviser. Cummings has argued that the UK government’s official scientific advice in March 2020 hugely misunderstood how the pandemic would play out, leading to a delay in locking down
What Causes Dry Lips? Does Lip Balm Actually Help?
Christian Moro, Associate Professor of Science & Medicine, Bond University
Many of us might be afflicted with the irritating ailment of dry and chapped lips... People have been trying to figure out how to fix dry lips for centuries. Using beeswax, olive oil and other natural ingredients have been reported as early as Cleopatra’s time, around 40 B.C.
How Much Data Is The World Producing And Where It's All Stored
Melvin M. Vopson, University of Portsmouth
Humans achieved more technological development in the past 150 years than during the previous 2,000 years. Arguably one of the most important developments in human history was the invention of digital electronics.
Astrological Journal for the Week
Written by Pam Younghans
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read this week's journal here
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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