Once we have identified what makes our heart sing, and what doesn't -- or worse, what is for us like nails on a chalkboard -- it is time to learn to set boundaries We say yes and say no, appropriately.
Everything has its own vibration, its own energy, its own rhythm. Some things and people are in harmony with us, and some are in dissonance. Part of being...
We all contain a blend of energies -- masculine/feminine, physical/spiritual, lighthearted/serious, childlike/adultlike, etc. Our task is not to transcend one and embrace the other. Our task is to learn to balance...
Each one of us is different, so the solution to the same problem can be very different for different individuals. An introvert or extrovert, a healthy or unhealthy, a mother or a single adult... each one will have different lifestyles and needs, thus different solutions.
It's easy to get stuck in a routine or an attitude of "that's just the way it is". But just because something has "always" been a certain way, or because it is that way right now, does not mean it has to be that way tomorrow, or in the future.
Sometimes things just don't work out the way we'd like them to. Yet, even when we face a roadblock, or a health crisis, we must look at the possibilities. Perhaps...
Breathing is the source of life, so to take charge of our life we must also take charge of our breath. Once we retrain ourselves as to how to breathe fully, we will be able to let it be natural. But for now...
We were mostly taught that to achieve our dreams we have to work hard, to struggle, to take the hard road. But what if that isn't true?
It's easy to blame others, or circumstances, for anything that isn't flowing in our life. But since we are the ones in charge of ourselves and of our life, we disempower ourselves when we blame others.
Contrary to what we've been told, or been taught, no one can "make us" do anything. We make the decision whether to go along with someone else's requests or orders. Our refusal to cooperate or obey will have consequences, but we...
One of the greatest hindrances to attaining our goals, whether our goal is an attitude or an aptitude, is our lack of trust and our attempt to control the outcome.
Whatever we want to attain or realize, after we've had the inspiration or vision, we must at some point move on to action.
So many things take place in our life that we may not even be aware of. There are many things going on in the background of our life that all contribute to its richness. And there are many things going on within our self and our mind that we would be well served to observe as well.
Focusing on the things we have to be grateful for helps improve our situation which then helps raise our energy, not just emotionally but physically as well.
The reverse of Wayne Dyer statement (You'll see it when you believe it), is also true. We must first see it within our imagination, within our heart, within our inner thoughts, in order to assist it in becoming reality. It's a bit of a circle. First...
When someone is trying to hand you a gift, if your hands are clenched in a fist, you won't be able to receive it. In the same way, if our energy is all clamped up tight in stress and fear, we can't...
In order to conquer our fears or doubts about our future, we must first believe that health, happiness, and success will be ours. Unfortunately our society has taught us to focus on...
I will choose inspiration as my guide for anything I choose to do today.
Our life is what we make of it. Whatever we give energy to, is what will live in us and come from us.
We all long for something. When we are sick, we long for health. When we feel tired, we desire more energy. If we are...
Our life is never static. It is ongoing and evolving continually. And as we progress along our path of life, we can also be evolving by choosing to heal from past events and traumas.
Pain is a feeling that is very personal. When asked by a doctor to give a number for my pain, from 1 to 10,...
Whenever we feel out of sync with our life, we can find the clue to the reason why by accessing our feelings. Any disharmony within your being will be expressed through your feelings.