If we look at opposites in Nature -- night and day, rain and sunshine, high tide and low tide -- we see that they are not good or bad, they balance each other out.
Life is actually very simple. There is a cause and then, there is an effect or outcome. Thoughts, words and actions are...
As we can see in nature, things go in circles, or cycles -- whether it is the rotation of the planets, the cycles of the seasons, or rainfall evaporating back into clouds and coming back down as rain. All cycles, all circles.
Our prayers and requests are not fulfilled by a magical being or cosmic sugar daddy. The energy of fulfilment is constantly present in the Universe, and we are the ones who control the on and off switch.
Have you ever had this experience: Something happens, and your immediate comment is "I knew that would happen!" Not only did you know it would happen, you predicted it!
Each one of us is unique. There is only one person like us in the whole Universe.
It is, unfortunately, too easy for us to fall off of our path, off our center. So many things seem to be present to take us out of our calm inner center where our soul resides.
The voice of our creativity is the voice of our heart, the voice of our feelings. When uncensored by the mind and the inner critic, this voice will help us create the most wonderful experience of life.
There is no better time than now. This is the moment, the only moment. So whatever your heart is telling you to do right now, do it! Don't wait, don't doubt. If it feels right in your heart, go for it!
Guilt and shame, as well as blame and judgment, just hold us down, and they do the same to the people around us. These dark energies muffle the light of our inner being and dim the love that wants to shine forth.
The best stories and movies contain some drama and suspense. The human race loves excitement and drama, and the adrenaline rush it provides -- so much so, that we attract it and create it in our lives and relationships.
Life always seeks equilibrium or balance. The thing to remember when faced with "dark days" is that the light will always return.
Let us welcome each day with the curiosity and new eyes of a child, always expecting wondrous experiences and blessings to come our way.
We may be so entwined with our routines and habits that we don't see what needs transformation. To discover what needs changing, we must look honestly at where we are, how we are, and who we are.
Everything in our life, and in our experience, is intertwined in this moment. Everything we have ever lived, everything we have ever learned, and even...
We must be open to discover the magic, miracles, love, abundance, beauty, and all wonderful experiences that are present all around us. If our inner "radio station" is tuned to...
We sometimes "fail" at something, or a dream doesn't come true, or someone we care for leaves our life... And we may perceive that as a loss or failure, rather than an open door to new possibilities.
Optimism is defined as "a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome."
Optimism is defined as "a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome."
Once we acknowledge and accept who we are, we must let our true Self shine. We must let go of our inhibitions, be passionate about our life, and let our creative spirit soar.
To follow our heart and our dreams, we must be independent of others. This does not mean abandoning others, but rather, not being influenced by their beliefs, attitudes, prejudices, and desires.
When we are pulled this way and that way by the world, by the promises of advertising, by the distractions of life, it is difficult to connect with our true self.
Good communication includes both speaking and listening. This includes not only communication with others, but communication with our own self, with our body, with our emotions, with our ego.