The other day, while meditating, I happened to be thinking about the people of Japan and those in the Midwest being affected by the flooding . . . many of these people will have limited access to food and will be hungry. What could I do to help? A thought popped into my head about a very easy way to help which was tied to my past experiences and teachings with the Blackfeet & the Lakota. Let me explain . . .
The Hunbleceya or Vision Quest
At certain times in any one's life, we all face uncertainties and "forks in the road", and we search out to find answers to those pressing questions and situations. One of the ways that Native Americans go about finding their truth is to do a Hunbleceya, or what is commonly known as a Vision Quest. This vision quest involves being put up on a sacred mountain, with no water and no food, from anywhere to one to four days. There, amongst other things, they will pray to Creator for guidance.
I have been blessed to be a supporter at some of these Vision Quests. A supporter would assist in any way they could for the person going through the Vision Quest, with the exception of making physical and eye contact with that person. Ways to support included prayer, drinking water (very important) and . . . eating. Yes, I said drinking and eating. Since the person going through the Vision Quest was not allowed to eat or drink, in order to provide that person with the strength to go through four enduring days, the supporters were instructed to eat and drink for that person. This involved being very present when eating and drinking, and to eat and drink with the intent of nourishing the Vision Quester.
Eating & Drinking with Intent
Many times when a person came down from the mountain, he/she would ask "Who was eating strawberries? They were delicious! Thank you!" It is all about our intent and being present when eating and drinking. So I ask all of you, when you eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner in the coming months, center yourself and ask your guides to send the nourishing energies of the food that you are eating, and the liquids that you are drinking, to the people and animals of Haiti, Chile, Japan, the American Midwest, and any other location that is going through similar challenges. Be very present when eating with the intent and the knowledge that this is occurring.
The idea of nourishing another person by what you are eating and drinking is not a new one. I shared my above thoughts with a dear friend of mine, and she informed me that there is a popular Hindu food mantra, from the Bhagavad Gita, called the “Brahmarpanam”. It loosely states . . . “Food is God (Brahma). The act of offering is God. The one who offers is God, and he who receives the food is God.” So it follows that the God in our selves should be able to enjoy the food on behalf of the God in “another” no matter how far away that person is.
Setting An Extra Plate at the Table
But with our busy schedules, who can remember to do this every time we sit down to eat? Since writing this article and sending it to some friends, one of these friends wrote me back stating that in order to remember those in need when eating, she sets an extra place setting at her table. What a wonderful suggestion.
I know that this may not fill the hunger and thirst void completely for those starving, but it may very well be enough to have them hold on until food supplies can get to them during the coming days and weeks. So if you are not in the position to send money, clothing or food, or if you are not an experienced healer to send energy healing, you can still send love and nourishment. Just food for thought . . . or in this case, thought for food.
Recommended reading:
Your Place in the World: Creating a life of vision, purpose, and service
by Tom Anderson.
An inspiring and universal story of self-discovery as related through the author's vision quest experience, it provides readers with a guide for their own heroic journeys to lives of vision, purpose, and service. The message is that we all carry within a gift that can fuel a dream, create an abundant life, and even change the world.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book.
About the Author
Raphael is an energy worker who is certified in Quantum Touch, Angelic Reiki and Kahuna Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing (ARCH). He provides free, monthly, long distance healing sessions for all people and animals interested. In addition, he also works with his life partner / sweetie, Aluna Joy, taking spiritual groups to the Maya lands, Peru and Egypt. His spiritual path has provided him with a deep humbleness and appreciation of all life and Mother Earth, as a direct result of his relationships with the Blackfeet, the Ojibwa and the Lakota Nations. For more information on Raphael and his work, feel free to visit