As I breathe in,
I breathe in love.
I draw in love from everywhere in the universe.
Love flows in through my breath.
Love flows to every part of my body
carried on my breath.
I open to receive love.My capacity for love is expanding.
Every day I am becoming
a more loving person.
I am growing calmer and more serene
in the peace of love
that is growing in my life.I forgive myself
knowing that I have always done
the best I knew how at the time.
I send love and forgiveness
to my past self.
As I do, I create a higher future for myself.I acknowledge how far I have come
and how much I have grown
in my ability to act with
wisdom and love.I now choose to experience
love and peace.
I allow people to be who they are.
I offer love with wisdom.I put down the burdens of others,
knowing they are not mine to carry.
I allow others to go through their lessons.
I hold a loving space while they do,
and let go of the need to save them
from the wonderful growth opportunities
they have attracted to themselves.I think of someone
whose burdens I might have been carrying.
I now give those lessons
to the higher self of that person.
I send love to this person as I do this.I let go of wanting or
needing anything from people.
I focus on how I can serve
and empower them in their growth.
I release my desires for them to
be or do anything to please me.
I offer unconditional love.I think of someone I love.
I release a desire I have had of this person
to be or do something I want.
I send this person appreciation
for all of his or her beautiful qualities.
I love and accept this person
just as he or she is.I think of this person and ask myself,
"How can I offer more love
to this person?
How can I express my love in
a higher, wiser way?"
I let answers and feelings flow into me.
I act on the insights as they come.I invite the Divine Angels of Love
into my life and heart.
I ask them to open my heart
and link it with my mind so I can
love with wisdom.
An angel of love joins me now.
This angel touches my heart with love.
I receive and open to this gift of love.I let a thought of someone
who could use love
come into my mind.I get silent for a moment
and imagine sending this person love.
I surround this person with a rose color
that carries the angelic frequencies of love.I fill my heart with Divine Love
transmitted to me by the Divine Angels of Love.
I send Divine Love to this person.
The Angels of Divine Love join me in
sending Divine love to this person.I now think of everyone I know
standing in a circle around me.
I am in the center of the circle.
I fill myself with Divine Love.
The Angels of Divine Love are with me
sending their love through me.
I send this love out to everyone I know.Divine love flows through me
and out to the world.
I am a radiating source of love and wisdom.
Book by this author:
Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self
by Sanaya Roman.This meditation is reprinted from the author's website,, with permission.
About The Authors
This meditation was "given" by Orin and DaBen, both timeless beings of love and light, channeled by by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. For a free subscription to their newsletter which includes messages from Orin and DaBen, write to: LuminEssence, P.O. Box 1310, Medford, OR 97501. Phone: 541-770-6700. Visit their website at
Love: Knowing the Wisdom of the Heart
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