Astrological Events Indicate
The Future Is Now
by Da Vid
Scientists today are in agreement that we are living in a multi-dimensional holographic universe, where all is energy, all is light, and all is consciousness. Indeed, the Ancient and Eternal Wisdom has come of age. As we become progressively aware of the fact that we are living in an organic, multi-dimensional, expanding, YES UNIVERSE, we are given the unprecedented opportunity to transform our lives in accordance with the understanding that we live in an infinitely abundant, benevolent, and super intelligent universe, governed by the law of love. We are individually and collectively in the process of restructuring our fear/time based reality into a Christ Conscious reality wherein 'health, peace and freedom for all" abide. This transformation, guided by infinite intelligence and love, constitutes a global metanoia, the Armageddon (the end of the world). "The end of the world", a psycho-physiological event, constitutes the end of duality, and resides in the conscious understanding that life is free and so are we!
Changes Abound
This profound planetary transformation is being assisted by many factors/forces. The Earth has moved into the Aquarian Age, due to an actual astronomical event known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Aquarius is the zodiacal sign of humanity, truth, and science (the search for truth). Truth sets us free.
Aquarius brings us into the influence of the all powerful Violet Ray, which is the frequency of freedom. The Piscean Age, ruled by Neptune (sacrifice) and Jupiter (religion), was a sacrificial and religious period initiated by Jesus, The Christ. The Aquarian Age, initiated by The Cosmic Christ of the Violet Flame, The Lord Saint Germain, and The Ascended Masters of Light, is governed by Uranus (freedom) and Saturn (creator of forms), This is a spiritual age of unprecedented freedom and liberation for all of humanity.
The Violet Flame is being consciously invoked by planetary Lightworkers, to assist in our transformation into freedom. The Violet Ray, a direct transmission and emanation of light from the Great Central Sun of All Creation, is serving to transform and transmute fear on an atomic and subatomic level. The Violet Flame is accelerating an evolution/revolution into a higher frequency of light where "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."
In another grand astronomical event, our whole solar system is intersecting a photon belt (zone of light and higher consciousness) in its grand cycle around the Pleiades. In fulfillment of prophecy, cycles within cycles are culminating together as we rapidly evolve into The Eternal Here and Now (the Fifth Dimension). This is substantiated Hindu cosmology which reveals that we are now in The Diamond Age. The Diamond
Age, an age of intense purification is a transitional period between the Kali-Yoga (an age of ignorance/sin) into a SatyaYoga, a glorious Golden Age of Light (the Aquarian Age, the New Heaven, the New Earth). The initiation of the SatyaYoga occurs at a precise moment, "A twinkling of an eye".
The Mayan calendar places this cosmic moment in the Earth year 2012. This prophetic moment constitutes the Earth's Permanent Ascension into the Fifth Dimension, a higher harmonic of light where peace, love, freedom and multi-dimensional realities co-exist in joy. Also, the Earth becomes an official member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Planets. What this means is that our beloved Space Brothers from other advanced, intergalactic civilizations will be free to visit, and share their awareness with us. The good news is that we may individually and collectively speed up the process by simply realizing that 2012 is now!
Time To Awaken
We are now passing through a IC gateway in our psycho-spiritual development. We have now come to a turning point in our evolution. We are witnessing, participating in, and experiencing the disintegration and reintegration of the socio-economic and philosophical matrix of this planet. We are becoming increasingly aware that we are co-creators of our own destiny.
Our future is being created NOW, through the choices we are all making. We are part and parcel of a polatantric multi-dimensional mind whose experience of itself is ecstatic. We are programmed for bliss! We shall come to know that our limits are limitless as the light of pure reason shines within and without, dissolving and evaporating the shadows and the illusions of our collective past, leading us onward, inward and upward, into heretofore un-imagined realms of pure experience. We are awakening to our true selves as sons and daughters of the most high, as children of the light, empowered by this light to live a life of freedom, love, and joy, consciously co-creating and manifesting a life here on Earth, which reflects the wisdom, love, and intelligence of our Creator. Through the agency of grace (the spirit of guidance and education) we the collective and individualized embodiment of the one reality, partake of this reality, a sacred divinity.
We are now experiencing a progressive transformation of consciousness, which is leading inexorably to a time where there shall be no more death, sorrow, nor neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.
God dwells within us as us. In our heart of hearts, at the core of our being, the Supreme Being is intimately known to us as our own immortal Self, our magical, mystical, and majestic I AM Presence. The keys to our collective liberation, our ascension, are faith and applied knowledge, along with the determination and forbearance to follow our intuitions and inspirations. Now is the time to celebrate our Ascension into a Golden Age, a New Epoch, A New World Peace, Health, and Freedom for All.
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About The Author
Da Vid is the founder of the Yes Party, which is a spiritual political party dedicated to health, peace and freedom for all. Da Vid can be reached at: 20 Sunnyside Avenue, A-156, Mill Valley, CA 94941.