- By Alan Seale
Everything is energy. Energy in its pure form is neutral. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. What gives energy a particular quality is how we engage with it and how we use it.
The most powerful influence on the human mind is our core beliefs about our identity, who we think we are. If you have a core belief that you are lazy or that the world is out to get you, no matter how much you try to be more productive or to feel safer in this world, you will sabotage your efforts to align with your core belief.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a thought that makes us act in a way that brings about the expected outcome. In other words, because we expect something to happen, we act in ways that bring about what we expect, and that outcome in turn seems to prove that our expectation was correct.
One of the more amazing and beautiful aspects of the internet is that it is becoming the most powerful tool ever to spread ideas instantaneously worldwide, including a growing sense of one world consciousness and our oneness with all life. Little by little, it is assisting us go beyond the old, tired dualistic vision of the world and to spread ever more widely and rapidly the non-dualist consciousness...
We live in exciting times because Science—more specifically quantum physics—is proving what the Mystics and Metaphysicians throughout history have long proclaimed. We are bundles of information and energy, living in a swirling sea of infinite energy. We are in truth, Creatures of Light, as the Mystics long have described us.
I wish you, and all of us, a perfect new year. Yes, perfect! Perhaps this definition of perfection will help clarify my wish for you: "Perfection, in God's eyes, is being incapable of choosing deeds that are not based solely in love..."
We must take responsibility for ourselves in life. It is unfair to throw blame for what happens to us onto our parents, our spouse or life's circumstances. Whether or not we believe that creative visualization will work for us, the fact is, we are already using it.
All of us are created in a fashion to learn through our mistakes. Making mistakes is part of our makeup, as natural as drinking water and breathing air.
- By Linda Graham
Sometimes your thoughts can drive you crazy, blocking clear thinking and impeding response flexibility. Sometimes your thoughts trigger further thoughts, evaluations, judgments, and condemnations that reduce your resilience. These thought patterns are ways of filtering reality that can be counterproductive.
Almost everyone has something they fear – maybe it’s spiders, enclosed spaces, or heights. When we encounter these “threats,” our hearts might begin to race, or our hands may become sweaty.
Thoughts don't exist just between our ears with total privacy. They are quite public. Our thoughts exist as tiny packets of energy called thought forms. Thought forms are real. And, they exist to carry out the intent of the thinker.
One of the most potent teachings is "non-attachment". No matter which way we turn in life these days, we are being asked to let go of what we know, to be able to step into the vast unknown. Surrender and non-attachment work hand in hand. To live in non-attachment is to surrender in every moment; to "let go and let God".
- By Sonja Grace
As Bear sang his song the darkness began to shrink down into nothing and very soon it was gone as quickly as it arrived. Creator stood in front of Bear and said, “I am happy you have found the answer to the darkness. I have always been with you. My energy flows through the top of your head down to your heart and meets the Earth’s energy fusing together to create light. This light, combined with your voice, is like a tapestry woven together as a protection from all evil.”
In every interaction with other people, we are always making choices consciously or unconsciously as to what we dwell upon. We can make a conscious choice to focus on the positive in people or situations, no matter what. In other words, we can choose to concentrate on the exciting potential of the moment and of the people involved.
You have probably never heard of William Kingdon Clifford. He is not in the pantheon of great philosophers – perhaps because his life was cut short at the age of 33 – but I cannot think of anyone whose ideas are more relevant for our interconnected, AI-driven, digital age.
Memories and responses to living are passed through your genes from one generation to another. Limited thinking, encouraged and taught to your ancestors, is imprinted in the cells of your body. Everything you deal with in daily living is recorded and stored in your physical body, and just because you do not consciously remember your experiences does not mean the cells of your body forget.
- By Alan Cohen
Do you believe that the universe operates at random, or is there a higher intelligence that orchestrates encounters, events, and a stream of destiny? After observing many uncanny synchronicities, I have a firm belief that, despite appearances of haphazardness, a brilliant and loving hand guides us to our right place at the right time for the right purpose.
- By Les Jensen
Heaven and hell both exist on this planet today. This day. There is not some day in the future where our free agency to make any choices that we want will be locked down. Where there will be a judgment made, and some eternal status assigned to us. We will not be “assigned” a heaven or hell experience. It is us, the human beings, who decide the fate of humanity.
I am not some enlightened being trying to guide you on a journey he has already completed. That is an old model, partaking of a kind of spiritual hierarchy based on a linear conception of the evolution of consciousness. In the present transition, each of us is pioneering a unique part of the territory of Reunion. In keeping with that, I must offer you my doubt and conflict along with my insight.
All of us have traumatic memories. Over the years we may become aware how they are affecting our lives in negative ways. Here’s a technique you can use on yourself to change your personal history by consciously healing memories with new thinking and imagination...
One day, as I was answering a question on the subject of death, the following words came to me: "You are not afraid of death, you are afraid of life." Thinking over that response, I realized how true it was. Our fear of death is all the greater when we have not dared to live.
We all want other people to “get us” and appreciate us for who we really are. In striving to achieve such relationships, we typically assume that there is a “real me”. But how do we actually know who we are?
You know that you are indulging in black and white thinking when you use words like “always” and “never”. Or when you generalize about something or someone and say “everyone” or “no one”.