Underneath the dogma, we’re all pretty much the same and we want very similar things. We may differ wildly on how to achieve them, but if we start with objectives that we can agree on, like safety for our children, health care for all of us, an economy that rewards honest work, etc., then perhaps...
Are you a person who one day asked herself (or himself): I wonder if my thoughts are accurate? I wonder if I should really believe all my thoughts without question? I wonder if my thoughts actually represent the ultimate truth about myself, about others and about life?
An attitude that focuses on vibrant well-being creates the mental and emotional framework for the entire healing process. Expecting a successful outcome of the chemotherapy experience will help to bring about that result.
I think it is important to differentiate between a need and a requirement. I say this because I often say to people that I have no needs, meaning that all my needs are taken care of by my soul before I know I have them. However...
Posting a meme isn’t being the change. Neither is hash-tagging. No matter how relevant and important the cause, you’re not changing the world with a hashtag; you’re just making yourself feel better. If you’re unwilling to actually work toward a solution...
The Dalai Lama once said, “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” What a simple yet profound creed! Having adopted this same philosophy, I’ve discovered that this belief system supports not only my own spiritual journey, but more important, all of life...
I am quite sure we would all be much more careful of what we say if we were aware of the power of the spoken word. If we understood that every word we speak or write is an affirmation. To affirm literally means to make firm....
Do we have free will? This is a question that scholars have debated for centuries and will probably continue to debate for centuries to come.
- By Jayne Morris
Stories are like boxes we build around ourselves to give structure, identity, security and familiarity. We are attached to them even when they are traumatic and painful, because they feel so much part of us... However, stories also limit us...
Large swaths of the American public want Donald J. Trump to be their president – maybe even a majority, according to an analysis from Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight in late July.
- By Richard Bach
Pretend, for a minute, that we’ve all come to Earth to learn something. Since we may not care for little boxy classrooms, instead we have a whole planet for our current lessons. Now pretend that there’s not one of us who isn’t in the test of some major challenge.
- By Alan Cohen
"You are at your very best when things are worst.” In celebration of the release of my new book The Grace Factor, I would like to cite some acts of grace that ultimately affected many people...
Much of our pain comes from the emotional clutter of resisting or hardening ourselves against the way things are. For example, how often do you resist what appears before you during an average day? Suppose you’re stuck at a stoplight and late for work. Do you get anxious or frustrated and blame the red light...
Being alone has many benefits. It grants freedom in thought and action. It boosts creativity. It offers a terrain for the imagination to roam. Solitude also enriches our connections with others by providing perspective, which enhances intimacy and fosters empathy.
If you feel you don’t deserve your Dream, no matter how much time and sweat you put in, how many movers and shakers you know, how many “lucky” breaks you have, or how gorgeous (or outrageous) you are, you will torpedo yourself.
If we don’t like where we are, does that mean we’re condemned to stay there? Absolutely not. There’s no limit to the options, opportunities and actions we can take. If we really want something enough, we’ll find ways—comfortable, usual or astoundingly daring—to move toward what we really want.
- By Alan Cohen
If you want to produce a great scene in your life, whether it’s a movie, a marriage, a business, or spiritual mastery, you may have to walk through many takes to get there. But when you do, what a scene it will be!
Real spiritual experiences always increase our joy. This is partly because true spiritual experiences always involve an element of greater inclusion, expansion, and connectedness. This is love in its real meaning, an ever-expanding and creative field of total inclusion...
This shared planetary purpose goes beyond any existing project or organization. It is our challenge to discover how to facilitate social synergy, the coming together of separate people and projects to make a new whole greater than the sum of its parts. This is nature’s way. We can learn it, because we are nature evolving.
- By Richard Bach
"Let me tell you a little story," he said. "Once, before anyone thought of time, there was a single force in all the universe. Love. It was, and it is and it will always be, the only Real, the only principle of all life. It does not change..."
One in three women will experience significant depressive symptoms in the first five years after giving birth. But new research has found if mothers regularly take time for themselves in the first six months after giving birth they’re less likely to get postnatal depression.
Many of us face challenging times in finances, career, relationships, or health at some point in our lives. We may feel powerless against the economic, social, and family forces around us and live our lives feeling bogged down or hampered by our circumstances, not knowing how to change our lives for the better.
A great way to raise your energy, increase your power, and improve your life is to practice what I call ”right seeing”. By ”right seeing”, I mean focusing your attention on the Good that is already present in all people and situations.