We live in interesting times. In addition to everything else going on in the Western world, there's a spiritual awakening quietly taking place, and right at its heart lies the discovery of that program within us
What you see as your life story is only a story. It’s your experience. You are not just your story. You are more than that. You can unlearn the errors that cause you suffering and stress, and free yourself to greater life...
Normal is coming unhinged. For the last eight years it has been possible for most people (at least in the relatively privileged classes) to believe that society is sound, that the system, though creaky, basically works, and that the progressive deterioration of everything from ecology to economy is a temporary deviation from the evolutionary imperative of progress.
Forget about mindfulness and clean eating – at a time when we appear to be experiencing rising levels of anxiety, narcissism and unhappiness, existentialism may be the philosophy to adopt to improve your mental well-being.
It’s notoriously difficult to gauge how often people are willing to offer someone a bribe to get what they want.
What we see and experience depends entirely on the angle with which it is viewed for definition. To put it another way, where we stand determines what we see. Only our attitudes, our beliefs, block us from recognizing the makeup of the world as it exists.
“This can’t be happening.” “I feel like throwing up.” “I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.” “Life is going to get a lot worse for people like me.”
Karma is a buzzword often used to describe the idea of fate or destiny. The term has also been used to imply the pedestrian notion of payback, and for many people that’s about as deep as they give karma any thought.
For those of us interested in learning lessons about ourselves from what happens around us, there’s much to examine. For one, we might question what we were really asking for when we voted. Change, yes, but what kind of change exactly, and how?
As a really good practice, sit at your dining room table with crayons or markers and paper and make a sign that holds your deepest feeling about what is going on right now in our world. Make it positive, inspiring and loving...
Our ability to manifest our thoughts into matter via creative visualization is one of the most significant extrasensory capabilities we have. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that we live mindfully. When we become aware of how our thoughts can shape our personal reality, we will appreciate the value of staying in the moment...
Growing up with the cloud of “negative love” over our intrinsic, loving core, we never learned any other way to relate to the world than to take on the negative behaviors of our parents. This pain has often been passed on between generations...
- By Martha Burge
As long as the subconscious mind stays the same, the world stays the same. It sounds ridiculous because, of course, your subconscious mind doesn’t control the world. The conscious mind is the only part of the mind that can evaluate the quality of information and make decisions.
- By Jayne Morris
Vision boards are fast being recognized as more than just a bit of creative fun and credited by leaders of our time a powerful tool for transformation. Notable celebrities frequently reference the important role that creative visioning has played in the realization of their dreams.
- By Richard Bach
When the hypnotist's hand touched his shoulder, he tilted with the pressure. Blacksmyth caught him at once, thanked the other volunteers and dismissed them. Things had gone too far. "I'm sorry," Jamie whispered, "but I can't be hypnotized"...
- By Paulo Coelho
At the crossroads you can stop and think what direction to follow. But don’t spend too much time thinking or you’ll never leave the spot. Once you have taken the first step, forget the crossroads forever...
- By Imre Vallyon
What is in your mind is what you are going to experience. If your mind has negative waves in it, such as anger, fear, hatred or depression, then that is what you experience. Heaven, hell or limbo are always a condition of your mind.
- By Alan Cohen
A real estate agent sent me a copy of the glamorous magazine, Luxury Homes. One home in particular caught my eye—not for the house, but for its tag line: In this elegant estate, all of your needs will be met.
When we join in a common intent with other minds, an amplifying effect occurs that is far greater than the sum of the individuals. Things that were difficult to achieve separately suddenly become easy when we join together.
We’ve all been there: you spend an unthinkable amount on a child’s toy – lulled by the promise that the interaction with the flashing lights and whooshing noises will excite, stimulate and educate our little people.
- By Ora Nadrich
I found that the first question I had my clients ask themselves after Says Who?—“Have I heard someone say this before?”—helped establish where the thoughts came from, which then helped determine whether they were just the opinions and beliefs of others that they took on as their own.
The holiday season is upon us, and so are its attendant myths, most prominent of which is the Santa Claus story. Given the many absurdities and contradictions in that story, it’s surprising that even young children would believe it. Yet research from my lab shows...
There once was a man who was sentenced to die. He was blindfolded and put in a pitch dark cave. The cave was 100 yards by 100 yards. He was told that there was a way out of the cave, and if he could find it, he was a free man.