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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Everything is made of energy... Our thoughts, our body, our creativity, our health, our actions, ourhomes... all of it is energy. Energy creates life and life circulates or recycles energy. And it's always our choice as to how we handle that energy... our thoughts, our creativity, our health, our relationships, etc.
You may have heard the story or explanation that we are drinking Cleopatra's bathwater... that is to say, that the water (which is fluid energy) has been recycled and recirculated through the millennia and centuries. Everything already is in existence in the form of energy, and then it's up to us as to how we manipulate or handle that energy to create our life, our relationships, our experiences...
The wonderful thing about it all is that it's always our choice. This is the most powerful realization we can come to in this lifetime... that we choose our thoughts, our experiences, our relationships, our everything. Those choices are the building blocks of our future.
However, because those choices are not always conscious, that is the glitch in the system of creating heaven on earth. To make our dreams come true, we must consciously choose our actions and our thoughts. We must step away from automated thinking and knee-jerk reactions and decisions, and consciously make the choices that are ours to make... which is all of them.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
The Power of Right Thinking: It Starts with Each One of Us
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The Energy of Ley Lines: Mother Earth as a Living Being
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To Create Is to Enjoy: The Union of Mind and Soul
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Healing Alzheimer's: Writing a New Page of Medical History
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Home Insurance 101 : A Precautionary Tale
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Can Subtitled Films Really Boost Your Language Skills?
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Burnt Out? Tips for Returning to Work Successfully
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Surviving the Heat: Lessons from Delhi's Extreme Summer
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Decoding Sunglass Protection: What You Need to Know
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The Science Behind Unlikely Animal Friendships
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Navigating The Wealth Gap: Buffett's Advice for Average Investors
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Alcohol & Breast Cancer: Shocking Truth Every Woman Should Know
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Data Breaches: Should We Assume Our Info Isn’t Safe Anymore?
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Can You Drink Too Much Water? Here’s What You Need to Know
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Why Babies Love Daycare: The Surprising Benefits of Group Time
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How Machiavelli Predicted the Rise of Modern Authoritarians
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Is Modern Life Making You Miserable? Blame Evolution! Here's How.
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Do Our Oceans Face an Icy Shutdown? Greenland's Melting Secrets Revealed
Never Forget Again: Mastering the Art of Prospective Memory
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Why People Do the Opposite of What You Suggest
Mindfulness and Mental Health: What Works Best?
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Ancient Viral DNA Tied to Mental Health Disorders
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Sleep Research Breakthroughs: 5 Key Discoveries
This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: June 10-16, 2024
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