Image by JackieLou DL
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
As human beings who resist change, we can get bogged down in our attitudes and beliefs. We can stay in our rut, just because it's easier to stay there than to get out and fly. Yet, for healing to take place - our own, our fellow humans, and the planet's - we need to learn to be flexible, to be open-minded, and even more importantly, to be open-hearted.
Staying stuck in the "same-old same-old" ways, patterns, beliefs, attitudes, etc., guarantees that we don't move forward to a better life. So, this week we bring you articles that focus on flexibility in attitudes and beliefs, and encourage us to open our hearts and our minds to a new way of being... a way that focuses on letting go of old "stuff" and instead, embrace the possibilities of a new, loving way and new reality.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Letting Go of Our Stories: The Gateway to Peace
Author: Kate King
If there’s one phrase in the English language that has both befuddled and enraged people for generations, it’s let it go. It infuriates us because despite our deep longing to do such a thing, letting go remains elusive and always seemingly out of reach.
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Healing Our Minds and Our Broken Hearts
Author: Trevor Griffiths
Imagination may, of course, add great beauty, hope, and inspiration to cultures. But, a mental mode of living, which distorts or oppresses the core values of the social brain, may sadly corrupt and undermine society.
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Beat the Clock: Lifestyle Changes for a Longer Life
Author: Robert Jennings,
The saying "you are what you eat" has a deeper meaning when considering how our daily habits affect our overall health and how long we live.
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Wandering Without Whining: How to Keep Kids Engaged When Traveling
Author: Margaret Bensfield Sullivan
For a while after my family returned from a year of travel around the world, it seemed we had ruined sightseeing for my children.
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What the Suffering of the World is Asking of Us
Author: Paul Weiss
The catalog of current and past warfare, genocides, and atrocities that occur far and near, and in our own history, are all extreme instances of the deluded dynamic of separateness and greed that characterizes our human experience.
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Life After Death? Exploring the Medium Path
Author: Mark Ireland
Before his near-death experience in 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander—who taught and performed neurosurgery at the Harvard Medical School—concurred with most of his fellow scientists by assuming that the brain produces consciousness. But after a close brush with death following a…
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Mindfulness and Beyond: Exploring Zen Buddhism's Teachings
Author: Robert Jennings,
Zen Buddhism presents a path of enlightenment that digs deep into the art of mindfulness, compassion, and a profound bond with the surrounding world.
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How the Matthew Principle Shapes Our Economy and Society
Author: Robert Jennings,
You've probably heard the saying "the rich get richer" before. But have you ever stopped to wonder why that tends to happen?
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Seeking Reality: The Role of Philosophy in Explaining Consciousness
Author: Philip Goff, Durham University
The mystery of consciousness shows there may be a limit to what science alone can achieve...
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How Dune Shaped the Future of Environmental Movements and Ecology
Author: Devin Griffiths, USC
How ‘Dune’ became a beacon for the fledgling environmental movement − and a rallying cry for the new science of ecology...
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A Legal Precedent: Parents' Liability in Their Child's Deadly Actions
Author: Thaddeus Hoffmeister, University of Dayton
‘Gross negligence’: why a parent like James Crumbley can be found guilty for their child’s crimes.
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Wash Smarter, Not Harder: Tips for Clothing Longevity
Author: Alessandra Sutti, Deakin University et al
What washing machine settings can I use to make my clothes last longer?
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Understanding Cognitive Health Through Speech Dynamics
Author: Claire Lancaster and Alice Stanton, University of Sussex
Slowed speech may indicate cognitive decline more accurately than forgetting words...
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10 Things To Know About The Real St. Patrick
Author: Lisa Bitel
On March 17, people around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by parading in green hats, sporting images of shamrocks and leprechauns.
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The Truth About St. Patrick's Day
Author: James Farrelly
In 1997, my students and I traveled to Croagh Patrick, a mountain in County Mayo, as part of a study abroad program course on Irish literature I was teaching for the University of Dayton.
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How Do I Handle It if My Parent Is Refusing Aged Care?
Author: Lee-Fay Low, University of Sydney
It’s a shock when we realise our parents aren’t managing well at home. So, how can you handle it if your parent is refusing aged care? 4 things to consider...
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Your Skin Is a Mirror of Your Health – What Yours Saying?
Author: Dan Baumgardt, University of Bristol
Your skin is a mirror of your health – here’s what yours might be saying...
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Sitting's Silent Dangers: How to Reduce Your Risk
Author: Daniel Bailey, Brunel University London
Sitting is bad for your health and exercise doesn’t seem to offset the harmful effects...
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Defend Against Scams: Understanding Psychological Warfare Tactics
Author: Mike Johnstone and Georgia Psaroulis, Edith Cowan University
What ‘psychological warfare’ tactics do scammers use, and how can you protect yourself?
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Russia's Growing Advantage in the Ukraine War: What It Means for the Future
Author: Alexander Hill, University of Calgary
The ongoing war in Ukraine is not featuring as prominently in western news media these days as it was earlier in the war, because it has been overshadowed by the unfolding human tragedy of the war in Gaza.
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The Surprising Importance of Carbs for Muscle Gain
Author: Justin Roberts, Anglia Ruskin University et al
High-protein, low-carb diets have long been considered the gold standard method for gym-goers and bodybuilders aiming to gain muscle and lose fat.
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From $10 to $100: The Soaring Costs of Asthma Meds in the US
Author: Ana Santos Rutschman, Villanova School of Law
Asthma meds have become shockingly unaffordable − but relief may be on the way...
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This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: March 18- 24, 2024
Author: Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
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