InnerSelf Magazine: February 27, 2023
Image by Gerd Altmann 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

As humans we have many traits, opinions, and ways of being. Some of them we share with animals, and some are unique to us. Whatever our experience, our goal needs to be to express the higher part of ourselves... the loving, compassionate aspects, and strive to attain healtn in mind, body, and spirit. This is the highest goal, and we at InnerSelf are committed to help you on that inward and outward journey.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe. Thank you.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Wellness: It’s Not Just for the Privileged Few

 Jovanka Ciares

a woman stretching outside in a park

Wellness is a state of living that applies to all living creatures — humans, animals, and plants.

The Most Dangerous Animal of All

 Dawn Baumann Brunke

a silhouette of a man with clenched fists standing on a rooftop overlooking the city

We human beings are such incongruous creatures, saying one thing while thinking or feeling another. We flaunt and celebrate parts of ourselves, hide, repress, and deny others.

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What and Who Are Animal Wayshowers?

 Tammy Billups

dog sitting on beach (a golden retriever)

The term wayshower is being used with more and more frequency as humanity continues its evolutionary journey toward embracing and embodying higher levels of consciousness.

Why Walking through the Countryside Tames Your Brain

 José A. Morales García

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“I’m going to the countryside over the weekend to disconnect.” This is a common refrain among people who, overwhelmed by the big city, seek to spend a few days in nature as a means of escape.

Is It Our Imagination That Makes Us Human?

 Andrey Vyshedskiy

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You can easily picture yourself riding a bicycle across the sky even though that’s not something that can actually happen.

People Who Share Political Ideology Have Other Common Traits

 Corrie Pikul

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People who share a political ideology have more similar “neural fingerprints” of political words and process new information in similar ways, according to a new analysis.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Intuition is our heritage

 Sarvananda Bluestone

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Intuition is our heritage.

February 26, 2023 - The intuitive is our heritage. It is our doorway to new sight -- to new vision. It, as much as the intellect, defines us as human.

A Brief History of Balding Men

 Glen Jankowski

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Balding is really common, affecting more than 50% of men. It’s also physically inconsequential (bald men live just as long as haired men).

What Are the Pros and Cons of Digital Workers?

 Rachel Cramer-

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Digital employees offer companies advantages, but there are also drawbacks, says Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan.

Don’t Fall Victim to an Online Scam

 Yaniv Hanoch and Nicholas J. Kelley,

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Keeping up with the latest digital cons is exhausting. Fraudsters always seem to be one step ahead.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Have Faith in Yourself

 Charlotte Anne Edwards

a child sitting on his mother's lap - both are smiling

February 25, 2023 - “If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe that you cannot, in either case you are right,” said Henry Ford. 

How To Help Teen Girls’ Mental Health Struggles

 Elizabeth Englander, and Meghan K. McCoy

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It’s a well-established fact that children’s and teens’ mental health took a hit during the pandemic. But new research suggests that teen girls in particular are suffering in unprecedented ways.

People with IBS Face Greater Anxiety and Depression

 Eric Slusher

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New research establishes a link between irritable bowel syndrome and mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Corporations Shifted $1 Trillion of Taxable Profits to Tax Havens

 Ludvig Wier and Gabriel Zucman

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About a decade ago, the world’s biggest economies agreed to crack down on multinational corporations’ abusive use of tax havens.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Accepting all of me

 Blake Bauer

a man with the word YES on his back facing several doors with the word NO on them

February 24, 2023 - Bringing our own loving attention and acceptance to all the parts of us we’ve rejected over the years.

How Your Brain Decides What To Think

 Valerie van Mulukom

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You’re sitting on the plane, staring out of the window at the clouds and all of a sudden, you think back to how a few months ago, you had a heart-to-heart with a good colleague about the pressure you experience at work.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Trust Your Physical Body

 Nicolya Christi

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Body Wisdom

February 23, 2023 - The greatest psychic and seer in the world is the human body.

How Much Immunity Do You Get from a COVID Infection?

 Zania Stamataki

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After a COVID infection, whether it’s a first, second, or even a third, many of us wonder how long we might be protected against a reinfection, and whether we’ll be susceptible to new variants.

Why Sleep Is So Important for Your Fitness

 Emma Sweeney and Ian Walshe

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When we think of what makes athletes great, few of us would think that sleep might play an important role. But many of the world’s best athletes say sleep is an essential part of their training routine and key in helping them to perform well.

Russia’s War Threatens to Change the Map of World Politics

 Matthew Sussex

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Wars are world-shaping. Beyond their immediate human and physical tolls, wars alter the fates of societies and states; of clans, cultures and leaders. They establish new lines of access to resources and influence, determining who has what – and who doesn’t.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Reprogramming the Mind-Body Connection

 Larkin Barnett

mind body connection

February 22, 2023 - Healthy people understand that our minds play a critical role in our physical well-being.

What Is Compassionate Listening and Why It Matters

 Yang-Yang Cheng

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“Compassionate listening” is critical to interpersonal and political communication, because without it, more talking can exacerbate the existing divides and misunderstandings.

4 Habits of Happy People

 Lowri Dowthwaite-Walsh

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What makes you happy? Maybe it’s getting up early to see the sunrise, hanging out with family and friends on a weekend, or going for a dip in the sea. But what does science say about the things happy people do?

Why Even the Young and Healthy Should Not Ignore COVID

 Amitava Banerjee

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The latest data from the Office for National Statistics suggests that more than 1.2 million people in the UK report living with long COVID for 12 months or more.

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: Taking Responsibility for Ourselves

 Kathryn Tristan

an older woman doing yoga outside

February 21, 2023 - When you accept responsibility for your actions, emotions, and responses, you learn to become more con?dent in your ability to handle all that life throws at you, and you become your own safety net...

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: The Best That Could Happen

 Marie T. Russell,

a woman standing on a high-wire with her arms raised up in victory

February 20, 2023 - How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing something we really really wanted to do, but were afraid to? 

This Week's Astrological Overview

Astrological Overview & Horoscope: Feb. 27-March 5, 2023

 Pam Younghans

Venus and Jupiter on the horizon

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

See below for the link to the YouTube video version of this article.

Videos Added To YouTube This Week

Astrological Overview: February 27 - March 5, 2023

Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans


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