The preparation and excitement... is getting stronger. There is also a sense of uncertainty mixing into the energy. There is no doubt, however, that great things are expected — and "where your attention is, there you are."
Hope is an expectation, not always with absolute certainty, but with confidence and assurance that something can or will happen. Hope is a desire accompanied by a belief in fulfillment. Hope is a force that urges us on — stimulating us to continue. It is a powerful force that we sense, deep within us, an aspiration that all will be well and order will return. It definitely begins to well up within us, at some point, when we are faced with a challenge.
We know we are standing on a threshold of "new time, new beginnings, new potentials" that will accelerate each of us into unfamiliar and unprecedented occurrences inside as well as outside of us. We are each being "challenged" to release the old and "put on the new ". And the energy of hope is building, growing as the expectation mounts.
Many gifts are being given by God and the Company of Heaven to assist us in this transformation process. One such gift from the Heart of God is an accelerated Activity of Light from Angels of Healing Openness, Peace, and Enthusiasm. These Angels are now assisting every man, woman and child with a higher-order momentum of these sacred God energies.
Visualize before you an Angel of Healing. This glorious servant of God is projecting into, through, and around you, the gift of Healing. This Light flows into every cell and electron of physical, etheric, mental, and emotional substance. As It does, It lifts all remnants of disease, discord, lack or limitation, transforming each malady into the beauty and perfection that is our true self. The great love pouring forth from this Angel of Healing embraces us, and we begin to feel a new wholeness as the healing takes place, and a new sense of hope within as we move closer to our God Reality.
Next, acknowledge behind you an Angel of Openness. This beautiful messenger fills each of us with a new sense of Freedom - freedom from restrictions or pretenses held by our human ego There are no barriers, and we accept this gracious gift and offer ourselves up as a cup to receive the new potentials waiting to be expressed through each of us. And our hope continues to build in this expanded awareness.
Now envision, to your left, an Angel of Peace. As this loving Being of Light projects this gift to us, we begin to experience such tranquility, such calm and inner-knowing that the Light of God is eternally victorious. In this Light we experience the full reality that only God-good and God-abundance in every facet will be and it's a part of our Being and world. We experience a new level of harmony with this gift of Peace, and our hope grows ever stronger.
Finally to the right side stands a brilliant Angel of Enthusiasm. Emerging within us is a new passion to be all that we can be—to fulfill our Divine Plan as God in Action through every thought, word, action, and feeling. This passion is the realization emerging from deep within that our true Being as a magnifi cent Child of God creates greater and greater levels of perfection everywhere within the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light, which is the "home" of God.
And now we stand upon a powerful force of Hope — our own threshold of Hope which has been formed by
*Healing *Openness *Peace *Enthusiasm
And we thank you God. And So It Is!!!
The above is excerpted with permission from the monthly newsletter:
"Take Charge of Your Life"
Published by The New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, a non-profit educational organization committed to helping people reach their highest potential. A yearly subscription to the newsletter is available for $36.00. They can be reached at PO Box 41883, Tucson, AZ 85717, phone 520-885-7909, fax 520-749-6643, email
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About the Author
Kay Eileen Meyer is cofounder of the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, and dedicated to bringing to all Humanity the sacred truths that will free all life from victim consciousness. She has traveled extensively, participating in and teaching at spiritual and motivational conferences. Her dedication is to bring into reality, through these processes, the understanding, manifestation and harmony that the Reverence of all Life brings. She has written a daily meditation book and produced three meditation tapes. For more info, visit