Never Date An Aquarius - Aquarius Traits
If you just adore folks with hot pink hair (on the half of their head that isn't shaved), rows of small pierced silver rings in the most interesting places, and wardrobes full of nothing but purple Peruvian vests, sunglasses, Grateful Dead t-shirts, and Birkenstocks, get yourself one of these.
Think of how easy it will be to shop for them! Long known for their love of Causes, and their quirky but, like, totally hip behavior, you and your Aquarius lover will enjoy all kinds of important activities together.
You can install (more) Question Authority bumper stickers on the back of their VW van, go to coffee houses where it is an accepted rule that no one speaks while the sitar player is plinking (unless it's to say "Wow, Really"), and march in demonstrations to protest for the Cause of the Month. Like, go for it ....
Kim Rogers-Gallagher - all rights reserved
Book by this author:
"Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain"
by Kim Rogers-Gallagher
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About The Author
Kim Rogers-Gallagher interprets charts, lectures nationally, and particularly enjoys political and mundane astrology. Her first book is Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain and her second is Astrology for the Light Side of the Future. She can be reached at PO. Box 141, Ridgway, CO 81432-0141.