Quantum physics helps us understand that everything, at its most fundamental level, is made up of vibrating packets of energy. In other words, fundamentally, everything is energy. Energy in its pure form is neutral. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. What gives energy a particular quality is how we engage with it and how we use it.
Furthermore, quantum physics shows us that energy can organize itself into a fixed, three-dimensional form (in quantum physics language, this is referred to as “particle” form), or it can take a fluid form (known in quantum physics as “wave” form). When packets of energy become “particles,” they take on specific forms and occupy specific spaces and times. A chair in your living room is in “particle” form, as is your desk, an apple, a tree, or an animal or person.
Yet at the same time, all of these things simultaneously exist in “wave” form. In the quantum reality, they also exist as waves of energy—as ideas or concepts—vibrating over a larger space-time continuum and taking no specific form. So, at the most fundamental level, the chair, desk, apple, tree, animal, or person are also energy in motion.
From Potential to Solid Form
The idea that energy can behave like both waves and particles at the same time is known in quantum physics as the Wave-Particle Theory. You might think of “wave” as pure potential without specific form and without specific time-space location. “Particle,” on the other hand, is created when the wave “collapses” into a specific form and space-time location. The idea of a chair is in wave form; once someone takes that idea and builds a chair in three-dimensional, physical reality, the chair is now also in particle form. The chair is both an idea (wave) and an object in physical reality (particle) at the same time.
The Participant-Observer Principle, also from quantum physics, tells us that our presence and interaction with the wave has an influence on the kind of particle that the wave will collapse into. In other words, energy takes particular forms based on the presence, choices, behaviors, attitudes, and actions of the participants.
For example, two people may have exactly the same idea for an invention, yet how they actually create that invention in form will be different. Their particular circumstances, perspectives, desires, and needs will all influence how and what they create.
In the same way, if two teams are given exactly the same problem to solve, they will fulfill their assignment in different ways. Because the two teams are made up of different people, there will be differences in how they perceive the problem and, therefore, in how they choose to approach it. The outcomes will be determined by the personalities, approaches, perceptions, understanding, engagements, and culture of the two different teams.
(If these principles are new to you, Chapters 12 – 15 of my book Create A World That Works offer simple and understandable explanations of these and other fundamental quantum physics principles.)
Energy in Motion
A situation is also energy in motion—the energy is organizing and manifesting itself in a particular way. Out of the “wave” of many possibilities, the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of all of the people, along with the various conditions involved, have converged to create the circumstance of the moment.
The “form” of the circumstance or situation is a representation of the energy within it. When we try to “fix” the situation, we are trying to change the form. Changing the form of what is happening can be hard work, especially when a particular momentum has gathered steam. However, when we go to the underlying energy (wave) and make a shift in the energy first, the situation will start to change as a result.
For example, when a project in an organization is not coming together quickly enough, the first reaction is often to ask, “How can we fix it?” Or, “How can we speed up the process? What do we need to do differently?”
Sometimes, resolving the issue can be as simple as that. However, often the “problem” is a symptom of a deeper issue—the energy within the form. Perhaps this is actually not the right project at this time. Maybe there is a lack of alignment between the values and passions of the team members and what they are being asked to do. Or perhaps there is a lack of trust, support, and respect within the culture of the organization that is undermining everything.
Form Follows Energy
Form follows energy. Therefore, the fastest and most effective way to make a lasting change in the form of something is to start by transforming the energy that makes up that form. The first step in transforming a relationship, team, or project is to transform the fundamental perceptions, ideals, beliefs, attitudes, desires, interests, and even visions that make up its foundation. In other words, our job is to transform the energy to the degree that it begins creating new patterns of behavior, choices, and actions. Otherwise, even though we make adjustments or changes in form, the old energy patterns are still in place. The energy has not transformed, so the changes in form are not likely to last. This is true, whether in our personal lives, a family, a company or organization, an institution, or a society.
The Transformational Presence approach is rooted in three fundamental principles that are built on the understanding that, at the most basic level, everything is energy. These principles were the foundation of ancient wisdom teachings about how the world works, and now quantum physics gives us the science behind these ancient principles. We refer to them as the Three Fundamental Principles.
Three Fundamental Principles
Principle #1—Everything is energy in motion, a part of a larger process unfolding. Form follows energy. Nothing exists in isolation. The more we understand situations within their larger contexts, the more easily we can understand the bigger picture of what is happening and can find our next steps forward. The form that a situation takes at any particular time is a manifestation of the energy within the situation at that time.
Principle #2—Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed. Whatever is in front of us, at least for this moment, is what is available to us to work with right now. It’s our next creative partner. It may not be our only creative partner, but it is one of them. We may not like what is in front of us, but it is what is there at the moment. Finding a way to work with what is in front of us instead of push or fight against it is almost always easier and more productive. The same is true for feelings and emotions. They are also energy. We can’t get rid of them, but we can transform them.
Principle #3—The world is built on a matrix of relationships. Relationships are not just between people—there are also relationships between people and ideas, people and beliefs, people and circumstances, people and their environment, as well as relationships between ideas, beliefs, and circumstances themselves. The most effective space for transformational work is almost always in the relationship space—the space in between people, ideas, beliefs, circumstances, and aspects or components of their environment.
©2017 by Alan Seale. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the author and
The Center for Transformational Presence.
Article Source
Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World
by Alan Seale.
Transformational Presence is an essential guide for: Visionaries who want to move beyond their vision into action; Leaders who are navigating the unknown and pioneering new territory; Individuals and Organizations committed to living into their greatest potential; Coaches, Mentors, and Educators supporting the greatest potential in others; Public servants committed to making a difference; and Anyone who wants to help create a world that works. New World, New Rules, New Approaches.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon. Also available in Kindle format.
About the Author
Alan Seale is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, transformation catalyst, and founder and director of the Center for Transformational Presence. He is the creator of the Transformational Presence Leadership and Coach Training program which now has graduates from more than 35 countries. His books include Intuitive Living, Soul Mission * Life Vision, The Manifestation Wheel, The Power of Your Presence, Create a World That Works, and most recently, his two-book set, Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World. His books are currently published in English, Dutch, French, Russian, Norwegian, Romanian, and soon in Polish. Alan currently serves clients from six continents and maintains a full teaching and lecture schedule throughout the Americas and Europe. Visit his website at http://www.transformationalpresence.org/
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