Over the past year I’ve repeatedly heard the same inner message: “It is time not only to heal the past but also to learn from the future.” I’ve spent the last twenty-nine years focused on healing the past and moving toward a “bigger picture.” I’ve done an enormous amount of inner work, both personally and professionally. I’ve concentrated on ridding myself of dysfunctional, addictive patterns, and I have assisted others in finding freedom from their inner demons. I hold the belief that in some way we all have addictions that keep us from being who we really are and who we came to Earth to “be.”
Until we let go of our attachment to our pain body (our ego’s need to hold onto pain as a way of feeling alive), we will continue to spin around and around in the same old pattern. Daily dedication and a willingness to heal our past will automatically move us forward on the spiral path of transformation. When we let go of old, outworn patterns that no longer serve us, we can energetically free up space in our psyches so that learning from the future becomes not only possible but the most probable outcome.
Manifesting Our Future Self Now
Many people write, teach, and talk about releasing their past programming. One of the main messages of this book is that the time has indeed arrived for humanity to give equal attention to our future programming. This future programming is held within our archetypal DNA as well as our physical DNA and can be even more compelling than our past programming, once we surrender our ego’s agenda and open to our soul’s true purpose.
The Shamanic Breathwork process accelerates the transformation of consciousness by raising one’s awareness of the time line of past, present, and future realities. It reaches deep within the psyche to resolve hidden conflicts and unfinished business from the past, whether rooted in this lifetime or another. Simultaneously, the breathwork journey moves us beyond the limits of the “little self,” which likes to play reruns of our past as if it is still our present. When we wake up and realize that our egos are unconsciously addicted to pain and suffering, the opportunity opens for our future self to download into the present so it can manifest now.
Growing In Self-Awareness & Wisdom with Conscious Cooperation
Make no mistake about it, the future self is very real, and many alternative realities are available for our imaginations to grab hold of. The imaginal selves, which together form the perfectly realized archetype of who we are really meant to be, exist in conjunction with the past selves but they do not always manifest in our current existence.
When we begin to actively feel their pull within us, they are moving into our present life. In other words, our imaginal selves are eager and ready to be born into the world. They need our conscious cooperation to come into being, and as a result of their emergence, we will grow in self-awareness and wisdom. Without the assistance of our imaginal selves, our development will consist of a long succession of woeful experiences.
Ego's Attachment to Past Patterns of Dysfunction Creates Our Suffering
Suffering is very real on our planet. Genuine pain is all around us: in war-torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan; in countries where environmental disasters have left millions of people without food or shelter; in situations where disasters resulting from human error have trashed the environment.
For those of us fortunate enough not to experience these external disasters directly, much of what we suffer tends to be self-imposed as a result of our ego attachments to past patterns of dysfunction, which mainly are unconscious.
Opening Up to a Bigger Vision for Our Future
Many years ago I was taught that we have two choices: we can focus on the problem or become a part of the solution. While I do not advocate staying in denial or practicing spiritual by-pass by ignoring the problem and denying our human emotions, I also know the pointlessness of reliving the past over and over in a self-defeating manner.
The world around us is a reflection of our inner state of being. As we collectively move into the new eon, we need to open to a much bigger vision for our future. This is an evolutionary shift that has been predicted by religious, spiritual, and shamanic traditions for thousands of years.
The common motif or prophecy has it that a time would come when we would need to wake up and see that we are all connected and a part of the world’s greatest challenges and opportunities for transformation. As we collectively shape-shift our consciousness away from addiction and into planetary service, we will begin to live and give from the fullness of our sacred purpose, simultaneously healing the world around us as we heal ourselves.
A Time of Awakening & Taking Creative Action in our Lives
The earth and all its beings are calling out to the heart of humanity to heal itself and open to a larger reality. This is not a time for staying half asleep but for fully awakening and taking creative action in our lives. Staying stuck in the past is about addiction; opening to the future is about embodying the full measure of our energies of love and sacred purpose.
My personal spiritual commitment is to continue to rid myself of the immaturity and selfishness that blocks my soul’s true purpose. I don’t believe in accidents; however, I do believe in divine appointments. My hope, my prayer, and my faith is that we will all awaken from our deep slumber before it is too late.
It is time not only to imagine a new Earth, but to create it. We must each find the love in our hearts that will inspire and motivate us to fulfill our unique role in helping to reshape reality. We begin by taking responsibility for changing ourselves and helping to open the portals in order to birth a higher love and wisdom, or, as the great master Jesus said, create Earth as it is in Heaven. It is time for humanity to shape-shift into its future self now!
Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Bear & Company, an imprint of Inner Traditions, Inc.
©2011. All Rights Reserved. www.innertraditions.com
This article was adapted from the book:
Visionary Shamanism: Activating the Imaginal Cells of the Human Energy Field
by Linda Star Wolf & Anne Dillon.
Incorporating the wisdom teachings of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch with shamanic journeys and shamanic breathwork practices, Linda Star Wolf and Anne Dillon explain how to heal the past, learn from the future, and activate the imaginal cells within our human energy field. The book explores how to develop a communication link with the universe, receive guidance from the universal mind, and draw information from the future to be more potent and powerful in the present, live in harmony with one another and the planet, and fully prepare yourself for the new world to come.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
Read additional excerpts from Linda's book.
About the Authors
Linda Star Wolf has been a visionary teacher and shamanic guide for more than 35 years. She is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process as well as the Shamanic Ministers Global Network and the Wise Wolf Councils. A spiritual granddaughter of Seneca Wolf Clan Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Star Wolf is the author of Shamanic Breathwork and co-author of Visionary Shamanism, Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, and The Anubis Oracle. Visit her website at www.shamanicbreathwork.org.
Anne Dillon is an editor, Reiki practitioner, and student of the alternative healing arts.
Watch a video: Interview with Linda Star Wolf, author of "Visionary Shamanism".