In 1995, nutrition therapists Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole wrote one of the first books on the concept of intuitive eating. That book sparked a worldwide awareness that the mentality of dieting...

Websites sometimes hide how widely they share our personal information, and can go to great lengths to pull the wool over our eyes.

Stock markets signal a growing gap between Canadian and American clean tech firms.

Good news: midlife health is about more than a waist measurement. Here’s why...

Our research suggests eating an unhealthy breakfast could have a similar effect on your child’s school day as having nothing at all.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

 As an interior designer, I focused my process on first understanding how people felt in their homes, and how they wanted to function there going forward. Sometimes that meant helping my...

Denise Linn
Have you ever walked into an empty room and immediately sensed that the atmosphere was laced with tension? You may have had no idea what occurred there prior to your arrival, yet you somehow knew that...
As a child, I was afraid of so many things. I was terrified during my parents' violent arguments. I was afraid of my mother's rage and my father's simmering undercurrents. My childhood was defined by...
When people lived in small communities and villages, they often felt a sense of connection to the past. There was incredible strength to be derived from living in a world where one didn't feel alone....
We are all getting older every day. One day you and I will both be old, if it is our destiny to live that long. It is our choice whether we live in fear and act according to other people's expectation...
Each fear is like a small subpersonality inside of you demanding to be heard. One 'fear-being' might chatter, 'Don't go outside. It's raining. You'll catch a cold.' Another might be constantly whimper...
Your home can be your greatest ally in helping you to achieve your potential. This is true because your home is not only a reflection of you, but in its deepest sense, it also has the power to mold yo...