Just Because You Don't See It, Doesn't Mean It's Not Happening

In this age of science, it is usually postulated that unless you can see it, it doesn't exist. Of course, this includes seeing with microscopes, telescopes, ultrasound, etc. However, as we know, there are things that exist that can't be seen. Some can be felt, others just have to be believed.

I Didn't See It, But It Was There!

Living in a humid climate, I own a dehumidifier. Now this piece of equipment amazes me! I don't see the moisture in the air, though I can feel it and usually describe it as "muggy". However, the part that fascinates me is when the dehumidifier starts beeping at me... yes, it's full! I pull out the container that collects the water, and there is one gallon of water in that container. And 24 hours ago, it was empty!

Everytime I empty it, I am in awe. I look at the water and find it hard to believe that this gallon of water had been in the air of the bedroom. It's not that big of a room! I knew there was water (humidity) in the air, of course, but somehow seeing it materialize as a gallon of water blows me away. Yet, I see it, so, of course, I believe it.

You Did What? No You Didn't!

This brings to mind another time when I had trouble believing what I saw. In the course of my life I have participated in two firewalks. Yes, barefoot, I actually walked across burning hot coals. (Don't try this at home.) Of course this process requires preparation. One doesn't go from "current reality" (hot coals, ouch!) to "empowered reality" (hot coals? no problem!).

The first time I participated in a firewalk, it was at a Science of Mind church in South Miami. We sat in the church hall for several hours listening as the presenter (Edwene Gaines, if my memory serves me correctly) spoke about many things. I don't remember the topics covered, but I suppose some of it must have been about the power of the mind. (Excuse my lapse of memory, but this was 30 years ago.)

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However, what I do remember very clearly is the experience of walking on those red-hot coals. I felt nothing! It wasn't hot, it didn't hurt, it was just like taking a walk in the park. However, because I was barefoot (a necessity when you walk on hot coals since rubber soles may not participate in your power of the mind beliefs), a tiny coal got lodged between two of my toes. So after I stepped off the coals, I felt a burning sensation and proceeded quickly to dislodge the tiny coal that had decided to hitchhike off the hot bed of coals.

Doubting Thomas Mind

The next day I realized why this tiny burning coal had taken residence, albeit briefly, between my toes. When I woke up the next morning, after my "unbelievable" firewalk experience, my first thought was: Wow, I walked on fire. Now, my mind promptly chimed in: No you didn't! That's not possible. You're imagining it.

Well, luckily I had proof. I proceeded to show my "doubting Thomas mind" the small blister between my two toes. There! Now you see! It's true, I did walk on fire. And, yes, since that time, my mind has not been able to refute the fact that I did walk on hot coals, after all it had seen the proof of it.

So, without seeing some tangible evidence of my experience, my mind/ego would not have been able to support my belief/knowledge of the fact that I did walk on fire. Once it "saw the proof", it believed!

It Works, So It Must Be Real

However, we are not consistent in our need for "seeing before believing". There are many things in our world that we believe in, yet we don't see them. For example, do you believe in your microwave oven? Silly question? Well, have you ever seen the waves it emits that cook your food? No? Yet, you know they exist, right? You've had the proof. You don't see the micro wave energy, but you see the results, thus you believe it.

There are situations in our life where we need to apply this same principle of believing even though we can't see it. We will see it eventually, but we still must first believe or trust. The first time you ever used a microwave, you didn't know for a fact that it would cook your food, yet you went ahead and used it anyway, before you had the proof.

In the same way, when we are "manifesting" or creating our experience of reality, we don't see the end result until, well, until we get to the end result. It's like when you bake a cake. You put this gooey substance in the oven, and you don't really know that it will make a fluffy cake until it is done.

Trust Me: It's a Piece of Cake

graphic for Marie T. Russell's article: Just Because You Didn't See It...

So with the "cake" of our life. We simply mix the ingredients together as per the recipe (which is supplied mostly by our intuition and inner guidance) and turn it over to Spirit, God, Universe, Creator (the oven). Then we go on with our business. Maybe wash the dishes, set the table, chop wood, carry water -- whatever needs to be done at that moment. We don't keep checking the oven every few seconds, and we especially don't keep opening the oven door to make sure the cake is coming along fine. We know that if we do that, we mess up the whole process. Not only will the cake not come out light and fluffy, it may not get done at all. So we trust that the oven knows what it's doing, and we wait for the result.

Many authors have referred to this as trusting the process, letting go, and many other such terms. Wayne Dyer wrote a book years ago entitled "You'll See It When You Believe It". The idea is to follow the steps needed for your "recipe" and then set it in the "Universe's manifestation chamber" (that's Planet Earth) and go on with your life trusting in the end result. That's it! It's not any more complicated than that. When the end result appears, you'll see that, all along, just like the second time I walked on fire, it's been a piece of cake!

Recommended Book:

Recommended book: The Sacred Promise by Gary E. SchwartzThe Sacred Promise: How Science Is Discovering Spirit's Collaboration with Us in Our Daily Lives
by Gary E. Schwartz.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book from Amazon.

About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com. Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on InnerSelf.com