When I'm introduced as a Graphologist, people are unsure just what that means. I've been asked, "What kind of graphs do you study?" When people realize my specialty is handwriting analysis, the inevitable question is, "What can you tell me about myself?" The answer is everything! How? Every thought in your mind is sent by impulse to the hand - or any part of the body which can write alphabetic symbols. Everything your subconscious is silently saying can be seen quite clearly by those who have learned to interpret what should be termed mind-writing! Yes, handwriting is as revealing as a three-dimensional portrait, a hologram of body, mind, and spirit.
According to each person's mindset, each letter will be written differently, including your writing slant, curve, style, thickness, and pressure. Thus each person's handwriting is as matchless and individual as fingerprints. Interestingly enough, even if you were able to write holding a pen in your mouth or your toes, the characteristics shown would be the same!
Your handwriting can reveal how you feel about money: if you are generous or stingy, if you feel you have "enough", if material things mean very little to you, or if you are of the "me generation". An important point to consider is that if each person's handwriting were not singularly unique, our entire credit and financial structure would collapse!
What about your personality type? There are clear examples. The scientific person is careful and analytical about all he/she does and the writing generally will be small and precise, each letter carefully formed. Sometimes they print, sometimes they move back and forth from cursive writing to printing when they want to be absolutely clear as to what is being conveyed. In contrast, the artist uses the right side of the brain as opposed to the logical left side used by the scientist. This is shown immediately as one looks at a written page which will be attractive to the eye with graceful capitals, rounded writing, and even margins.
Other traits? The deceitful, untrustworthy person tends to write backhand, slanting well to the left. He leaves weak, unorganized, unclear strokes as he writes very fast - as if he does not want to be seen clearly or discovered! On the other hand, the honest person lives with integrity - his\her writing will be even, with a positive slant to the right and the letters will be clear without distracting flourishes, the pressure steady. Of course, these are all generalizations. To arrive at a final and well-defined portrait, each person's handwriting must be considered in its entirety from an individual point of view.
Handwriting is a self-portrait of your uniqueness. What vivid picture of yourself do you show in your writing? What are your special talents and abilities? What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? What would you like to change? It is possible to make wanted changes in your life by changing the way you write!
For one month, concentrate on making the changes in your writing style to reflect the changes you want to bring about in your life. For example, are you a shy person who would like to be more outgoing? Start writing in a bigger, bolder style. Want to have a more positive outlook on life? Try slanting your handwriting well to the right in a more positive direction. Want to release pent-up anger? Lighten the pressure used and let the letters flow smoothly. The changes don't come about from the simple act of writing differently, of course, or it would revert back very quickly, but from consciously facing the changes to be made over and over for the thirty days.
Let your handwriting, that portrait of you that you show to the world, reflect the best you can possibly be.
Related book:
Handwriting Analysis: An Adventure in Self-Discovery
by Peter H. Dennis.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book
About The Author
Frances Shea has had a long and noted career as a handwriting analyst. She works with individuals analyzing their handwriting to give them clarity, insight and new direction based on the deepest levels of their true character and personality. Frances has an employee screening service called Hire Write. She has taught Graphology at a local college for which she wrote a comprehensive workbook, and speaks widely on the subject. She resides in Pompano Beach, Florida and can be reached at email