After a long and difficult summer, we're finally ready to give some garden updates. So let's start off with the changes we've been making to our garlic beds, by flipping sod.
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After a long and difficult summer, we're finally ready to give some garden updates. So let's start off with the changes we've been making to our garlic beds, by flipping sod.
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Thanks for visiting, where there are 20,000+ life-altering articles promoting "New Attitudes and New Possibilities." All articles are translated into 30+ languages. Subscribe to InnerSelf Magazine, published weekly, and Marie T Russell's Daily Inspiration. InnerSelf Magazine has been published since 1985.
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A recent surge in mumps among young adults in the UK has been linked to the 1998 MMR vaccine scare, when a now-discredited medical paper authored by Andrew Wakefield suggested a connection between...
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Getting five or fewer hours of sleep a night is associated with low bone mineral density and higher odds of osteoporosis, researchers report.
A number of sexual assault survivors report enormous benefits from specialized classes, but not all therapists are on board.
Up to 55% of roadside traffic pollution is made of non-exhaust particles, with around 20% of that pollution coming from brake dust.