A person who is psychic transfers healing energy to those in need. All living things have a natural self-healing ability, but on occasions this ability is unable to function due to low energy. No one can cure another person; a psychic can give the healing energy, but the receiver's own centers distribute it where it is most required.
Healing energy is given primarily to balance and encourage the positive aspects and energies of a person. It is essential to work on the whole person, not one part.
Energy becomes imbalanced where there is a malfunction, whether it be a broken bone, a diseased organ, pollution or unhappiness. Attitude is very important. Acceptance of an imbalance can make it seem natural, and people then begin to live with it instead of seeking its cause.
When a healer is near a person in need, the healing energy will automatically begin to flow. It will clear and energize the healer first, and then move to the person in need. It will go where it is most needed by the patient to correct imbalance, to energize, and to enable the natural self-healing ability to activate as soon as possible.
All psychics transfer healing energy, even those who are unaware they have the ability or appear to have no other psychic talent. Healing energy can be transferred by words or sounds, even via a telephone, or by touch. It can also be transmitted to people near or far away.
Many healers use their hands, either on or near the person in need. Touch is psychologically beneficial, but not necessary to transfer healing energy. Touch shows care, and many people de-energize because no one cares enough to touch them lovingly and boost their self-healing properties. Many healers feel they are in greater contact if they use touch. It is best to adapt to suit the need of the person.
If a person's skin is too sore to touch, moving the hands above the skin works just as well. In some cases a person needs healing but declines to be touched. They may have a conflict between their religious beliefs and their desperate need to feel well. By avoiding touch they are able to appease their conscience and benefit from the healing energy. Some prefer the healer to work near the body but not on it. Some healers prefer to energize via the aura and not to touch the physical body. When working, the healer should keep his or her personal religious, political, and sexual preferences totally private. Give help to anyone in need.
It is important to find the cause of the trouble or pain and to work on that cause. It is possible, of course, to remove pain, but if the reason behind it has not been found then the pain will return. A pain is an alarm signal: it is foolish to switch off an alarm without finding why it has been activated.
If the person does not wish to get well, they will not. Psychic reading can then be used to find out why they want to hold on to the pain and discomfort. This can help the person to be more positive, using the healing energy to deal with the fear or inability to cope which is causing their distress.
If you do not practice cause-finding, it does not mean that you will be less able to transfer the healing energy to the person in need. The person can seek the cause within himself or herself, or seek assistance elsewhere. The healing energy will complement other treatments.
Laughter is very important in healing work. If the person being treated is tight-lipped and/or nervous, a smile helps them to relax and absorb the healing energy offered.
People can believe they are healers because they work in a healing group which achieves good results. But only psychics can transfer the healing energy to others; and in a group which has a psychic present, healing will be transferred by the psychic to all present. If people have their hands on a person it will seem they are transferring their healing energy to the patient. The idea that everyone can heal others has caused confusion and disappointment. People without the ability find they can only function with certain companions, and not on their own.
All people in caring professions become disillusioned at times, wondering if they are doing any good at all, even dreading at times the steady flow of imbalanced people seeking help. Healers are no different. It is natural to question, but most people find this phase passes.
Causes of Illness
A healer and patient should not feel disappointed after a healing session if an imbalance remains. It could be a choice, or perhaps the reasons for it have not been found. Causes should be sought and, if possible, alternative approaches to life found.
Some people manifest an illness because they need a reason to prevent them doing something. A minor disability, such as a headache or cold, can get a day or two off from work which is boring, which they resent, or which they are afraid of. By the time they return, someone else has attended to the problem. They do not feel guilty -- they believe they really did have a headache or a cold. The energy of the thought behind a pretended illness can, on occasion, manifest and the pretence becomes a reality.
A person who finds it hard to communicate either through embarrassment or through fear can develop a series of throat infections, sometimes so severe that they are advised not to speak for a week or months.
The energy of fear can cause upset in the stomach, bowels, bladder or digestion. These upsets can and will recur until the fear is faced or removed. Fear can also cause heart palpitations. Fear of, or through, humiliation can cause a complete breakdown of the physical structure, resulting in paralysis. Fear of promotion or progress can cause loss of use in the legs. Fear of sex or distaste of a partner can cause rashes to occur in the genital area.
The energy of pent-up resentment can cause heart pain, blood pressure, severe headaches, and stomach cramps. Suppression of feelings, whether through fear or inhibition, can affect not only the physical organs but the delicate balance of nervous energy as well. Nervous tension or repression can manifest in skin disorders, speech abnormalities, and painful joints. A person who refuses to face a situation can develop a facial rash; one who does not want to see what is happening around them can develop eye troubles to cloud their vision. A person who is afraid to hear the truth about him or herself, or a situation, can develop deafness to dull his or her hearing.
Some people who feel alone, unnoticed, or uninteresting can unknowingly cause quite major symptoms to appear which attract the maximum of attention. They do not always want to be healed, as they like the attention they get. They become professionally ill. Others unknowingly make themselves unattractive through weight loss or gain when needing an excuse to end a relationship. Weight loss or gain can also occur when a person is lonely and cannot attract a partner or friends. They feel their lack of attraction is due to their size, and do not look for other causes.
Lack of love and understanding can cause weak heart symptoms, or the loss of use of arms or hands. Loneliness can cause vagueness, a loss of reality. An unhealthy or unsympathetic environment at home or work can result in loss of energy, lethargy, depression and short temper. Lack of fresh air and incorrect breathing aggravates all illness and disease.
All these causes can result in very genuine physical symptoms and pain. Once the reason behind the symptom and pain has been established, faced, removed or understood, the person can reach a balanced, healthy state of being.
But not all illness or unease is caused by the person's defense system over-reacting and malfunctioning. Many people become ill from stress, pollution, drug and alcohol abuse, or unsuitable diet. Accidents can occur through inattention. People can be attacked, terrorized. The causes of these imbalances are findable, and appropriate counseling can be found to give ongoing help and care. Healing energy complements all treatments.
Article Source:
The Psychic Handbook
by Betty F. Balcombe.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Samuel Weiser Inc. http://www.weiserbooks.com
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About The Author
Betty Balcombe is a well-known psychic, healer, and teacher. She lives and works in England. She is the author of The Psychic Handbook, as well as Everyone's Guide for Using Psychic Ability (out of print) and As I see it : a psychic's guide to developing your sensing and healing abilities (out of print).