We can work with plant spirits for our own personal guidance and healing, but when we call upon plant spirits to engage in the healing of another, a particular type of dynamism is added to the healing process. Plants are community beings that are here to serve the community as a whole so that when we step beyond our own personal needs...
If you make a commitment to yourself and to the herbs, and if you are consistent, you will be richly rewarded on your journey with them. This is also true when working with the spiritual energies of herbs and...
Lavandula angustifolia, known as true lavender or English lavender, was until recently considered the hardiest and most fragrant species. Lavender essential oil is the one most widely used in aromatherapy to...
While I first heard the voice of an herb deva in my kitchen that morning, shortly thereafter, they appeared in my garden. They sent me off running to my computer, so I could type the messages they were so insistent on delivering...
The very basic idea of plant-as-medicine dates back to before recorded history. Cannabis has been a medicine since at least 2800 BCE, and until the 1940s, it was listed in America’s pharmacopeia. In the past few decades, we have seen a return to herbal remedies and treatments. Despite the pharmaceutical industry’s attempts at...
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which set up a new framework for FDA regulation of dietary supplements, requires consumers, as well as manufacturers, to be responsible for checking the safety of these products and determining the truthfulness of their label claims.
Cold sufferers take heart: A University of Florida study offers new evidence that zinc—the latest rage in cold remedies—may provide immediate protection against disease. "We were startled that the response in people was so dramatic and so rapid," said...
In early America, almost every Colonial home featured an herb garden, but somewhere along the line we lost sight of the value of herbs in cooking. Some things you need to know, about caring for herbs, center on how to harvest them...
Herbal medicine and the medicinal benefits of herbs have been known for centuries. Records of Native American, Roman, Egyptian, Persian, and Hebrew medical practices show that herbs were used extensively to cure practically every known illness.
- By unknown
The leaves, flowers and roots of many herbs may impart dye colors such as red, blue, green, yellow, brown and gray. The herbs can be either fresh or dried however the or dried however the fresher the herb... the brighter the color.
It appears that common diseases among men over 50 involve the prostate sex organ (and the colon and cardiovascular system). The modern lifestyle of stress; long hours of sitting, driving or TV watching; stuffing food and emotions; eating fast food, flesh and milk products; regular intake of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol; and...
- By unknown
Herb baths were popular around the 3rd century B.C. Bathhouses, both private and public, were used in ancient Greece. and Rome. Baths were enjoyed both for their healing and beautifying properties. There are different types of baths such as mineral, oil, steam, massage, or friction baths...
- By Ojibwa Tea
Ojibwa Tea has a history dating back over 100 years. Believed to have great healing powers, this herbal remedy was originally prepared by the Ojibway Indians of Cobal Ontario, Canada.
- By AdminStaff
A guide to minerals, with benefits, symptoms of deficiency, and natural food sources.
- By AdminStaff
A guide to vitamins, from A to K, with benefits, symptoms of deficiency, and natural food sources.